Pdf.js: Image completely not showing up in IE

Created on 8 Jul 2014  Â·  7Comments  Â·  Source: mozilla/pdf.js

Missing Images

PDFs have images that completely do not show up in IE11.

Please see the two attached images for an example of missing assets.

  • On MissingImage.png we use the latest viewer.html with IE11.
  • On ContainingImage.png we use the latest version of Acrobat.

Thus far, with all Intel HD 4400 graphics cards, we have been able to reproduce this problem on IE11. On Firefox, we do not see this issue.

Attachment: Outside in pdf (http://cl.ly/0V1Y1K182F10)





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I had a Twitter "conversation" with Ade Bateman, Internet Explorer PM and he suggested to try by turning off hardware acceleration. Doing so fixes the issue! So I'm not sure what the next steps are… can we programmatically turn off hardware acceleration in IE programmatically? Other approaches?

FYI… on those same machines, Firefox and Chrome work just fine.

All 7 comments

We're having this exact same issue. I'm panning to go a MSFT store or Fry's this afternoon and test machines that have the Intel HD Graphics 4400 chip.

We've also seen this issue occur on IE9… but that was on a HD 4000 chip. We have a bunch of machines equipped with HD 4000 and so far only one has exhibited that behaviour.

I have looked a bit deeper on Acrobat. It appears the only images that can be rendered are those encoded with "Zip/Flate Compression (FlateDecode)". Many "JPEG Compression (DCT Decode)" simply do not appear on IE11.

How would you guys feel if I bring you a machine that has this issue?

I had a Twitter "conversation" with Ade Bateman, Internet Explorer PM and he suggested to try by turning off hardware acceleration. Doing so fixes the issue! So I'm not sure what the next steps are… can we programmatically turn off hardware acceleration in IE programmatically? Other approaches?

FYI… on those same machines, Firefox and Chrome work just fine.

Interesting. We cannot turn off hardware acceleration as far as I know; it's a browser setting. In the Twitter conversation, Ade seems to confirm that this most likely indicates a driver problem. Did you try updating the video drivers to the latest versions? I don't think there is much we can do about this on the PDF.js side.

Update on this issue: Dell has issued new drivers and this seems to have fixed the problem.

Closing as fixed for now. It can be reopened if issues remain.

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