Pdf.js: Problem with french diacritics

Created on 26 Jun 2014  路  15Comments  路  Source: mozilla/pdf.js

I've got problems with the following file http://www.geobib.fr/tmp/IFLA_WikiCP_v0.pdf opened with pdf.js. The 茅 characters aren't displayed correctly, the diacritics which should be dislplayed above the character centered, is shifted to the right.

The PDF works fine with other PDF viewers.


All 15 comments

Works perfectly fine for me. Could you try downloading the file and opening it with https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/web/viewer.html (the latest PDF.js version, use the Open File toolbar button)?

@timvandermeij I had tried it and got the same problem, I did some screenshots there : http://www.geobib.fr/tmp/pdf_js_bug.png

I'm running FF30.0 on ubuntu 13.10, but got the same pb when trying with Chrome.

@timvandermeij same problem on ubuntu 13.04 (will try to get hands on a more recent version)

This issue is related to the seac analysis. When it's active (only happens on Windows, see fonts.js#L7028-L7033), the diacritics are displayed correctly.

@Snuffleupagus and do you know if there's any plan to correct it for linux users ?

The link is dead and the file cannot be found anymore on Google or the Internet Archive. Closing because this cannot be reproduced anymore. If the problem remains, please provide a new PDF file so we can reopen this.

@timvandermeij the PDF is not on my server anymore but you can find it there : https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01076038/document
I have just tested, ubuntu 16.04, FF 46.0 and the 茅 in the title are displaying as e' with the diacritic not on top of the letter.

This is working as expected for me on Arch Linux, but I'm reopening the issue to track the problem for Ubuntu. Thanks.

Same issue on Debian too.

I can't reproduce on Ubuntu 16.04 w/ Firefox 58. I'll close the issue, but if there are still problems let us know and we'll re-open.

Problem is still here with Firefox 57 and Debian testing (> stretch).
cf. pictures on page 2 with reference (okular)



As @SamyCookie points it, the 茅 are fine on the first page, but on page 2, with FF 56.0 with ubuntu 16.04.3 I have the same issue.

Here is the original PDF file with the same issue without the first page (added by the french HAL platform).

Closing since this is now fixed, most likely by #9340 since I cannot reproduce it anymore now but could a few days ago.

I cannot reproduce this bug either. Thanks for the fix !

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