Pdf.js: error to load pdf on foreign url with pdf.js

Created on 5 Apr 2016  路  22Comments  路  Source: mozilla/pdf.js

I have this error when i want to load pdf from foreign url

Error: file origin does not match viewer's
throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s');

please help!

Most helpful comment

I resolve to comment this lines in viewer.js

if (fileOrigin !== viewerOrigin) {
throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s');

All 22 comments

It's done on purpose, see #6916. Modify viewer.js to include your hosts origins in the HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS list. Closing as answered.

Thanks @yurydelendik
But I don't know how this answer help me

But I don't know how this answer help me

Modify viewer.js to include your hosts origins in the HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS list.

I did it but I do not know how to call my remote pdf file

I did it but I do not know how to call my remote pdf file

Please explain. Also can you provide the following information:

  • what is URL for the viewer including the file parameter?
  • what was changed in the viewer.js code?
  • how was configured CORS headers on the server that host PDF?

My pdf file is on cloudinary .
And when I put the access in DEFAULT_URL variable , I got error
Error : file viewer 's origin Does not match
throw new Error ( 'file viewer origin Does not match \' s ');

I resolve to comment this lines in viewer.js

if (fileOrigin !== viewerOrigin) {
throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s');

Don't comment out logic. Use console.log() to see if your fileOrigin and viewerOrigin match. Make sure at least one entry in your HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS object matches the viewerOrigin and the "_File origin does not match viewer_" error will disapper.

Add this:

console.log('fileOrigin', fileOrigin);
console.log('viewerOrigin', viewerOrigin);

... right above:

if (fileOrigin !== viewerOrigin) {
throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s');

I'd bet a nickel you're missing (or have) an added slash at the end of your URL like I did (discovered when console logging those two vars).

Hope this helps someone.

It would be nice to be able to configure HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS array with regex/wildchars.

In order to allow for non-hard-coded Mozilla domains, I have to modify the source code of a 10k line built file called viewer.js?

@gildassamuel you save my day!!

The proper fix is open viewer.js and append your file's host to HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS
var HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS = ['null', '.....'];

Don't remove checking code :|

I have the same issue (file origin does not match viewer's) on UWP with local pdf file. What entry exactly must be added to HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS for a local path ?

For anyone else using this within an app I had to add 'file://' to allow local paths to work.

'file://' //local viewer in app

In my case I was locally coding and I had the same problem and I resolved by adding my local address:


But don`t remove the checking code:

if (fileOrigin !== viewerOrigin) {
       throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s');

I think adding these 2 lines will be a good solution. Your local ip will be detected automatically (wherever you start your application)

  var LOCAL_AUTO_DETECT_ORIGIN = window.location.origin;

  var HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS = ['null', 'http://mozilla.github.io', 'https://mozilla.github.io'];


It's done on purpose, see #6916. Modify viewer.js to include your hosts origins in the HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS list. Closing as answered.

helped me

it a very bad problem, any how hant solved yet.

Access to fetch at 'https://dmain/file.pdf' from origin 'http://localhost' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.


is there a reason for this ?

it's the browser responsability to care about cors policy, not pdfjs
i think this check should be removed.

i've added return;at the top of the validateFileURL function and it works fine now, i can load pdf from amazon s3.

as @IK77 mentioned, can you please provide a reason for this ?

well, I found this : https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/pull/6916

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