I have tried the mousewheel focal point zooming demo (http://timmywil.github.io/jquery.panzoom/demo/) in FF on a mac and PC and it doesn't work in either. Looks like the mousewheel.focal event isnt being triggered/picked up
UPDATE: I did some googling and it turns out that FireFox needs to listen to the event DOMMouseScroll
and i found that instead of passing the original event it worked if i constructed an object based on firefox event, so in coffeescript I did this:
jquery(@selector).on 'mousewheel.focal', (e) =>
onMouseWheel.call(@, e)
#FF specific mouse wheel support
jquery(@selector).on 'DOMMouseScroll', (e) =>
onMouseWheel.call(@, e)
onMouseWheel = (e) ->
delta = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta
focalPoint = e
if delta is undefined
delta = e.originalEvent.detail
focalPoint =
clientX: e.originalEvent.clientX
clientY: e.originalEvent.clientY
logger.debug "delta=#{delta}", @
@$elem.panzoom 'zoom', delta < 0,
increment: settings.ZOOM_INCREMENT
focal: focalPoint
I have noticed some odd graphical glitches when zooming on FF where the SVG tiger gets split into 4 quadrants for a second during zooming - but that effects the other demos too so i guess that is a side effect of the funky way Mozilla have interpretted the SVG specifications (i.e differently to all other browsers)
Probably be worth updating the demo page to support FF.
Thanks, I'll update the demo page.
Sorry to touch such an old topic. The latest version doesn't seem to work in Firefox without this plugin. I did not know this until I found this issue. I only found this issue because of a commit on .bowerrc
was the only commit in the past 3 years which references the problem (and visible from the repo frontpage)
Would it be useful to add to the FAQ that https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mousewheel is required for this to work in Firefox? (Or am I being totally blind?)
Codepen example: http://codepen.io/viion/pen/eBaVzN
Most helpful comment
Sorry to touch such an old topic. The latest version doesn't seem to work in Firefox without this plugin. I did not know this until I found this issue. I only found this issue because of a commit on
was the only commit in the past 3 years which references the problem (and visible from the repo frontpage)Would it be useful to add to the FAQ that https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mousewheel is required for this to work in Firefox? (Or am I being totally blind?)
Codepen example: http://codepen.io/viion/pen/eBaVzN