"variables": {
"aws_region": "ap-southeast-1",
"post": "amazon-ebs"
"description": "Amazon AMI's",
"builders": [{
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"region": "{{user `aws_region`}}" ,
"vpc_id": "vpc-xxxxx",
"subnet_id": "subnet-4xxxxxxx",
"security_group_id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"source_ami": "ami-2cxxxxx",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"ssh_username": "ec2-user",
"ami_name": "packer-example-{{timestamp}}",
"tags": {
"Amazon_AMI_Management_Identifier": "packer-example"
"type": "virtualbox-iso",
"guest_os_type": "Ubuntu_64",
"iso_url": "http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso",
"iso_checksum": "769474248a3897f4865817446f9a4a53",
"iso_checksum_type": "md5",
"ssh_username": "packer",
"ssh_password": "packer",
"shutdown_command": "echo 'packer' | sudo -S shutdown -P now"
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"echo hostname",
"sudo yum install git -y",
"sudo yum install httpd -y"
"type": "amazon-ami-management",
"only": ["{{user `post`}}"],
"region": "ap-southeast-1",
"identifier": "packer-example",
"keep_releases": "1"
packer validate template.json
Error initializing core: 1 error(s) occurred:
- post-processor 1.1: 'only' specified builder '{{user
}}' not found
@mitchellh Help required
You can't use user variables in only. You have to hardcode amazon-ebs
may be able to extend/fix #4508 to solve this.
I'm thinking we can use the same idea to also fix #2679
"builders": [
"type": "googlecompute",
"name": "{{user distribution
}}", (in this case i provide "trusty")
"provisioners": [
"type": "ansible",
"except": ["trusty"],
Debug mode enabled. Builds will not be parallelized.
trusty output will be in this color.
So i know the build name is taking effect.
Error initializing core: 1 error(s) occurred:
Now if i change "name": "{{user distribution
}}" to "name": "trusty" in my builder, it works.
But what is the point of requiring this to be a hardcoded string?
I am assuming this is the same issue?
You're right; this is the same issue. It's an artifact of how and when we interpolate variables. Fixing it would require a serious architectural rewrite, so it probably won't happen before Packer 2.0.
Ok thanks, yeah having the "only" and "except" only work for hardcoded strings is kind of limiting. Basically it would nice to have a way to only run certain provisioners based on some kind of user input. Thanks.
Understood; normally people who need this kind of flexibility wrap their packer run in a json-parser that can format the template how they need.
If variables can not be supported, would it be possible to support regex? Our builders are named like the following:
{{user `target`}}
{{user `target`}}.vagrant
{{user `target`}}.vagrant-cloud
Where target
is something like ubuntu-16.04
. That way we can build/test without Vagrant overhead... and if/when complete if we build with .vagrant-cloud
it gets pushed. Sans variables, the following using regex would be sufficient for us:
"post-processors": [
"keep_input_artifact": true,
"only": [
"type": "vagrant"
No, sorry -- based on the architecture of Packer, regex would be just as hard to support as user variables.
I'm going to mark this with the "config 2.0" flag -- we're in the beginning stages of a push to switch to using HCL2 templates and this may be something we can achieve during that refactor.
Here is what kind of worked for me when using the shell provisioner:
I am setting the builder name with an user variable:
"packer_builder_name": "production",
"builders": [
"name": "{{user
"type": "amazon-ebs",
And after that I use the shell provisioner like this:
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"sudo echo Starting builder: $PACKER_BUILD_NAME",
"if [ $PACKER_BUILD_NAME = production ] ; then echo running production builder; else echo this is not production, skipping&& exit 0; fi",
"echo 11111",
"echo 222"
Case 1: the shell script is being executed for production.
Case 2: the shell exits with status 0, so it goes to to next executor.
Hello there, closing this issue as it should now work to set only/except from a variable using HCL2, the whole array could be a variable:
variable "my_only" {
default = ["this_builder", "that_builder"]
build {
post-processor {
only = var.my_only
Ah wait, this is not possible yet:
In order to make this work we will have to pass the HCL2 eval context into this function first;
Most helpful comment
Ok thanks, yeah having the "only" and "except" only work for hardcoded strings is kind of limiting. Basically it would nice to have a way to only run certain provisioners based on some kind of user input. Thanks.