I use packer to build encrypted Ubuntu AMI in us-east-1 and copy to other regions.
Would it be possible to share the same encrypted AMI with other AWS accounts and then copy to
their regions?
If I understand this correctly this is a duplicate of #4249 ?
The first part is not a duplicate but the second has already been resolved but not in the context of #1.
Strictly speaking you can't copy an encrypted AMI from another account. You can only copy the underlying snapshot _if_ that has been shared with the other account _and_ you have access to the KMS key.
The second thing is that you can only copy AMI _from_ another account not _to_ an account. Thus if Packer is building in one account and then want to copy an AMI into another account it needs to switch to that account and that would require separate credentials. That complexity is IMHO out of scope.
I sugest that if you want to build in one account and then copy into another account that you do that in a pipeline where the first is Packer building and sharing with the second account. In the second step a script copies the AMI from the first account and into appropriate regions.
I would recommend against sharing an encrypted AMI with another account. Technically it is possible, but it's very bad practice - because then one encryption key is being used in multiple accounts. The entire point of multiple accounts is for separation - if one account were to be compromised, if you're sharing encrypted AMIs, then the other account's data can also be compromised.
What I would recommend to you is what I do - I run multiple packer builds in parallel on several accounts - all producing an encrypted AMI, using the same packer json file, same scripts, etc. For all intensive purposes, the resultant AMIs are identical - however encrypted using each account's keys - and not shared among accounts.
Resolved in #4023 and #4948
I want to copy my golden ami with has 2 encrypted volumes attached to a different AWS account. Is it possible?
You can't share an AMI with encrypted snapshots, but you can share the snapshots, this requires that they are encrypted with a CMK and that that is also shared with the other account.
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