Hello, will it be possible to add an enhancement to allow SSH to be proxied? Similar to how you can achieve it with OpenSSH and the ProxyCommand setting? Being stuck behind a firewall and unable to ssh 1) to verify the system is up and 2) use the shell provisioner sucks. :(
Thank you for consideration.
It is technically possible. What kind of proxy command would you need?
We currently use corkscrew with OpenSSH to proxy over http/https. I hope that helps.
Thank you!
We would love it if packer could honour the settings in ~/.ssh/config where proxies are concerned. At the minimum we need some way to route traffic to a specified proxy host and port combination. Really, a massive +1 for this feature.
@defunct73 Your link to corkscrew (http://www.mtu.net/~engstrom/ssh-proxy.php ) is 403 (at least for me). You must be referring to http://www.agroman.net/corkscrew/ .
@rasa Thanks for the updated link! Not sure why the first one went 403. That is what I am referring to. Thanks again!
Any alternative to ProxyCommand functionality would be awesome :-)
for people behind a corporate proxy server, this could be essential, our environment has a select set of hosts that are permitted to connect to the outside world via ssh, from our desktops we are able to proxy through these hosts without to much client side configuration. I second honoring the ProxyCommand from ~/.ssh/config if it exists.
Hi Any update on this?
This can be really useful in some condition.
Hi, any consideration for this request? Thanks.
This is a real issue for me. I can't use this amazing tool behind my f### corporate proxy... I also use corkscrew (the ProxyCommand entry from my ~/.ssh/config file).
Could you help us?
Just to clarify how this work. Packer uses "native" go ssh lib, go.crypto/ssh, to ssh.
To be able to define a single proxy command or host might be feasible, but to honor ~/.ssh/config (OpenSSH) would probably be a lot of work.
I understand :) But is there a way to provide a proxy to the packer's ssh connection step? I use packer to build my AWS AMIs all the time and I really like it :)
I suggest it might be easiest to emulate override.ssh.proxy_command behaves in Vagrant.
I often use this feature to proxy ssh through a bastion host into instances I've launched in a VPC.
override.ssh.proxy_command = "ssh -q nc -q0 %h 22"
+1 on desirability of this capability
Most helpful comment
We would love it if packer could honour the settings in ~/.ssh/config where proxies are concerned. At the minimum we need some way to route traffic to a specified proxy host and port combination. Really, a massive +1 for this feature.