V 3.0.3346
Docker on Ubuntu 16.0.4
directory or the Admin page):
Email Source Code:
Several entries in the newsletter are overflowing the grid.
Emails client?
Gmail in Chrome
@anojht Can you take a look at this?
@galacticat sorry I thought I fixed this. Could you please post the HTML content of the offending email like last time? Thanks.
I am seeing something similar when viewing the newsletter via the Android Gmail app. I DO NOT however see this behavior on the emails when viewed in Chrome on either the phone or computer. Not sure if this issue is related to galacticat's issue but I figured this would be the best place to report it. Also since this only happens when using the GMAIL app, not sure if this is even related to Ombi config or code.
Ombi build Version:
V 3.0.3383
Update Branch:
Media Sever:
Media Server Version:
Operating System:
Windows 10.0.17134
Problem Description:
Entries in the email seem to overlap with descriptions and other text. Only appears when viewing in the Gmail phone app. Android.
Saw it again this week in Gmail/Inbox on Chrome
This weeks newsletter source:
I use the Inbox app on my Android phone, and if I go to my Sent box there and look at the emails it is all in one column with nothing overlapping. However; if I click the link at the end to "View Full Email" it shows up as it does in my browser.
More data points for troubleshooting hopefully.
Thanks guys this maybe isolated to inbox/gmail something might have changed CSS compatibility wise, I am still working on fallback styling and ensuring best support across all these mail clients.
That's for the help with this @anojht !!
I believe I have found the issue causing the overflow, the fix is in develop V3.0.3450. Can someone update and let me know if this has been resolved? Thanks for your patience guys 馃槃
The latest docker instance I am using is pointing at the master branch. Any idea where I can configure it to point to dev?
AFAIK you can't switch branches like that with that docker container. However there is a container for dev branch: ombi-preview
Switched over to that image. I'll let you know next Friday lol
You could manually trigger it?
For some reaaon, I have never been able to reproduce this issue using the manual trigger. Possibly not enough content to cause it
Still messing up this morning. I am running 3.0.3450 development branch
Thanks for the data guys it has been really helpful. I spent last night debugging this extensively, I found exactly what's the cause of this. Rewriting a small part of it now, thanks for your patience! 馃槃
Fix is in dev branch and being built, if someone wants to update and test the fix, there is a trigger now button in the newsletter settings page. It will grab the content added since last newsletter and send one.
I will be able to update and text in a few hours. Will let you know if it fixes formatting.
Thanks for all the hard work!
I just updated to the latest Dev build 3.0.3473 and I am still seeing the same formatting issues when viewing in the GMAIL Android App. This isn't a HUGE issue for me as most of my users just delete the email anyway... and so far nobody has really complained about it..
HOWEVER, I do think this is related more towards how the content is displayed within the gmail app as each entry seems to be overlapping when viewing in a portrait orientation but I do not get overlap when viewing landscape. Like I said before, I have not had any issues with how the content is displayed while using gmail via Chrome on a computer so I do not believe my issues is related to Galacticat's.
Screenshots for reference
Thanks @TheRealDirtyMike! yeah the app overlay is a known issue that I need to add some fallback CSS for. Just wanted to make sure the overflowed content was fixed first because that was definitely a backend bug.
I noticed in the chrome snippets everything seems ok, is TV fine too?
@anojht Gotcha! Good to know. Yes everything on chrome looks fine including TV. Below screenshot from the same newsletter test for the TV shows, however there were only 2 entries since my last newsletter run on Friday.
Looks like it's fixed to me. I triggered it with the new button and everything looks good.
I will continue to add fallback styling to support more clients. Closing this issue now!