Nvm-windows: nvm use with nvmrc as node node v.0.0 (64-bit) is not installed.

Created on 2 Sep 2018  路  3Comments  路  Source: coreybutler/nvm-windows

My Environment

  • [x] Windows 10

I'm using NVM4W version:

  • [x] 1.1.7

I have already...

  • [x] read the README to be aware of npm gotchas & antivirus issues.
  • [x] reviewed the wiki to make sure my issue hasn't already been resolved.
  • [x] verified I'm using an account with administrative privileges.
  • [x] searched the issues (open and closed) to make sure this isn't a duplicate.
  • [x] made sure this isn't a question about how to use NVM for Windows, since gitter is used for questions and comments.

My issue is related to (check only those which apply):

  • [ ] settings.txt
  • [ ] proxy support (Have you tried version 1.1.0+?)
  • [ ] 32 or 64 bit support (Have you tried version 1.1.3+?)
  • [ ] Character escaping (Have you tried version 1.1.6+?)
  • [ ] A standard shell environment (terminal/powershell)
  • [ ] A non-standard shell environment (Cmder, Hyper, Cygwin, git)

Expected Behavior

Running nvm use with an .nvmrc with node in it should use the latest version of node

Actual Behavior

I see this instead

> nvm use
node v.0.0 (64-bit) is not installed

Steps to reproduce the problem:

.nvmrc contents

run nvm use

Most helpful comment

FYI, I created a workaround for this functionality by using the following commands in powershell:
type .\.nvmrc | %{$_ -replace "v",""} | %{nvm install $_}
type .\.nvmrc | %{$_ -replace "v",""} | %{nvm use $_}

All 3 comments

I tried to throw in a standard version into the .nvmrc like 10.9.0 and it still has the same error, so now I'm wondering if this is due to my project directory containing a space in it... hmm.

.nvmrc is not supported. That's an nvm (for Linux) convention. NVM4W is not a mirror of nvm and has no intention of doing so. You can see the different use cases handled by each VM at https://github.com/nodejs/version-management/issues/4.

FYI, I created a workaround for this functionality by using the following commands in powershell:
type .\.nvmrc | %{$_ -replace "v",""} | %{nvm install $_}
type .\.nvmrc | %{$_ -replace "v",""} | %{nvm use $_}

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