Nvm-windows: nvm use down not work while user home directory have space

Created on 10 Apr 2016  Â·  8Comments  Â·  Source: coreybutler/nvm-windows

My Environment

  • [ ] Windows 7 or below (not truly supported due to EOL)
  • [ ] Windows 8
  • [ ] Windows 8.1
  • [x] Windows 10
  • [ ] Windows 10 IoT Core
  • [ ] Windows Server 2012
  • [ ] Windows Server 2012 R2
  • [ ] Windows Server 2016
  • [ ] My Windows installation is non-English.

    I have already...

  • [x] read the README to be aware of npm gotchas & antivirus issues.

  • [x] reviewed the wiki to make sure my issue hasn't already been resolved.
  • [x] verified I'm using an account with administrative privileges.
  • [x] searched the issues (open and closed) to make sure this isn't a duplicate.
  • [x] made sure this isn't a question about how to use NVM for Windows, since gitter is used for questions and comments.

    My issue is related to (check only those which apply):

  • [ ] settings.txt

  • [ ] proxy support
  • [ ] 32 or 64 bit support

None of above

Expected Behavior

My home directory is something like C:Usersxxx yyy which have a space between xxx and yyy

Step 1. Installing via installer.
Step 2. nvm install 4.4.2
Step 3. nvm use 4.4.2

Actual Behavior

in Step 3, I got error message like
exit status 1: 'C:Usersxxx' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

install and use nvm by a user which home directory have a space.


Most helpful comment

Here's the solution:

  1. Uninstall nvm via the Control Panel
  2. Install nvm via nvm-setup.exe
  3. When prompted, change the install path from _C:UsersAppDataRoamingnvm_ to _C:UsersPublicnvm_.

Running nvm root should now show _C:UsersPublicnvm_ and things _should_ just work.

All 8 comments

I have the same problem :cry:

Here's the solution:

  1. Uninstall nvm via the Control Panel
  2. Install nvm via nvm-setup.exe
  3. When prompted, change the install path from _C:UsersAppDataRoamingnvm_ to _C:UsersPublicnvm_.

Running nvm root should now show _C:UsersPublicnvm_ and things _should_ just work.

Hi there !
Same issue here but I could not fix it. I'm using the casual prompt, and installed cygwin mod.

  1. I uninstalled nvm and node.
  2. Install node (in 64bits with the .msi).
  3. Install nvm for windows replacing my spaced name with Public in the install path.
  4. After my test here what it prompt :

the same problem as Ugarz
and when i uninstall all the node before i install the nvm-windows .after that open cmd.ext . it tell me that "erroe open setting.txt : the system canot find the file specified “

Duplicate of #41.

  1. In cmd, go to your home directory and type dir/x to see the shortened name for this folder
  2. Then replace your user name with this shortened name in the setting.txt
  3. It works
  1. In cmd, go to your home directory and type dir/x to see the shortened name for this folder
  2. Then replace your user name with this shortened name in the setting.txt
  3. It works

This Works..Thanks

It works for me..! Thanks

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