Nixpkgs: oraclejdk is broken

Created on 16 May 2016  路  3Comments  路  Source: NixOS/nixpkgs

Issue description

I'm getting a No such file or directory when trying to build OracleJDK8

mv: cannot stat '/nix/store/9gawkw84h4j0jk0bp37l4fm13mnvnbn7-oraclejre-8u91/bin/jmc': No such file or directory

I checked in $JDK_ARCHIVE/jre/bin and jmc is not present, so I'm not sure why it should be trying to copy it

Steps to reproduce

Add oraclejdk8 to environment.systemPackages and build

Technical details

  • System: (NixOS: nixos-version, Ubuntu/Fedora: lsb_release -a, ...)
  • Nix version: (run nix-env --version)
  • Nixpkgs version: (run nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.nixpkgsVersion)

All 3 comments

Oracle, which acquired Java when it purchased Sun Microsystems in 2010, says Google infringed its copyrights by using 37 Java APIs in Android. In 2012, a judge ruled that APIs can't be copyrighted at all, but an appeals court disagreed. Now Oracle may seek up to $9 billion in damages, while Google is arguing that its use of the 37 APIs constitutes "fair use."

Are you on NixOS 16.03 or 16.09 (master)? This should be fixed on master as of d51056383731b41a027778249e356bacc46a9385 but isn't probably yet released in the unstable channel.

Just checked, the failing code isn't in 16.03, so this is fixed by the mentioned commit above and will be available in the unstable channel soon.

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