Next.js: Nextjs should have more options for trailing slash.

Created on 14 Jul 2020  路  14Comments  路  Source: vercel/next.js

Feature request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Nuxtjs have several options to choose trailing slash. (undefined, true, false)

Describe the solution you'd like

Nextjs should have more options for trailing slash.
If use undefined Nextjs should not redirect route when use URL that ends with a slash

trailingSlashes: true

/abc/ -> /abc/ (keeps the same)
/abc -> /abc/ (changes)

trailingSlashes: false

/abc -> /abc (keeps the same)
/abc/ -> /abc (changes)

trailingSlashes: undefined (default)

/abc/ -> /abc/ (keeps the same)
/abc -> /abc (keeps the same)

Most helpful comment

I think not being forced to opt-in into automatic trailingSlash url normalisation would be very helpful. My team wanted to upgrade to latest version of Next.js recently but this change keeps us from doing so.

Our use-case is international website that does not use trailing slashes at the end of the url except for home pages for different countries:

  • /gb-en/ <- home page /
  • /gb-en/page-1 <- page-1 /page-1

We would benefit from trailingSlashes: undefined (default)

All 14 comments

@armspkt Can you expand a bit more on _why_ you need this behavior (other than "just because nuxt does it this way"). Is there a specific use-case you're trying to solve? What's the practical use of having different urls point to the same content? Is there a benefit to having that behavior?

@Janpot I need this feature because many users on my website access via both (with a slash and without a slash) and I think it good to have those options that we don't have to redirect for the better user experience and I saw many sites work that way too.

There is no specific use-case for Nextjs yet but There is a case about i18n localePath for Nuxtjs.

I think it better to have more options to choose from.

Is there a specific use-case you're trying to solve?

  • there's not yet.

What's the practical use of having different urls point to the same content?

  • I saw many websites did not redirect from slash to not have slash.
    eg. and
    Why nextjs-site have the same content but not redirect? and and and and

Can you explain why those websites did not redirect?

Is there a benefit to having that behavior?

  • In my opinion, it better for user experience and I saw some developers want it works this way too.

I don't want it because Nuxtjs have it but I want it because it is nice to have feature.
That's all.

Yeah, i think we need that, idk if this solutions is the best, but, need a solution.
How nextjs do this and

Yeah, i think we need that, idk if this solutions is the best, but, need a solution.

How nextjs do this and

Check their website's next.config.js file. I think that you will find your answer there.

Yeah, i think we need that, idk if this solutions is the best, but, need a solution.
How nextjs do this and

Check their website's next.config.js file. I think that you will find your answer there.

Now in "next": "^9.4.5-canary.32" have a solution by default :)

Something wrong going on when using basePath and trailingSlash: true:
Next/Link removes trailing slash when going to "/"
And in some old browsers got error (which was not in 9.4.5-canary.27)

Unhandled promise rejection,TypeError: t.entries is not a function

Using 9.4.5-canary.34

@Unsfer Do you know, by any chance, which browser throws this error?

It was some old version of FF, which doesn't sopport Object.entries. I think it's supposed to be polyfilled

A richer system would be very good to be able to decide in which paths redirects should be avoided at all costs. For example, in our case, as I commented here:

We want to avoid 308 before 404 pages.

We want this:


And the current feature forces to:


@aralroca feel free to reach out to [email protected] and we'll see what we can do for your specific case under enterprise support.

By default Next.js will redirect urls with trailing slashes to their counterpart without a trailing slash.

Can I disable it? Or can it be used only as a designated route?
I think this is a good feature, but my boss requires the URL to remain the same. 馃槬
If I use patch-package to remove the default redirection and removePathTrailingSlash, will there be any side effects?

diff --git a/node_modules/next/dist/client/normalize-trailing-slash.js b/node_modules/next/dist/client/normalize-trailing-slash.js
index 9ceda38..71b277b 100644
--- a/node_modules/next/dist/client/normalize-trailing-slash.js
+++ b/node_modules/next/dist/client/normalize-trailing-slash.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 "use strict";exports.__esModule=true;exports.removePathTrailingSlash=removePathTrailingSlash;exports.normalizePathTrailingSlash=void 0;/**
  * Removes the trailing slash of a path if there is one. Preserves the root path `/`.
- */function removePathTrailingSlash(path){return path.endsWith('/')&&path!=='/'?path.slice(0,-1):path;}/**
+ */function removePathTrailingSlash(path){return path;}/**
  * Normalizes the trailing slash of a path according to the `trailingSlash` option
  * in `next.config.js`.
  */const normalizePathTrailingSlash=process.env.__NEXT_TRAILING_SLASH?path=>{if(/\.[^/]+\/?$/.test(path)){return removePathTrailingSlash(path);}else if(path.endsWith('/')){return path;}else{return path+'/';}}:removePathTrailingSlash;exports.normalizePathTrailingSlash=normalizePathTrailingSlash;
diff --git a/node_modules/next/dist/lib/load-custom-routes.js b/node_modules/next/dist/lib/load-custom-routes.js
index c56f7e4..f67024f 100644
--- a/node_modules/next/dist/lib/load-custom-routes.js
+++ b/node_modules/next/dist/lib/load-custom-routes.js
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ const errMatches=err.message.match(/at (\d{0,})/);if(errMatches){const position=
 // for not being a string
 const{tokens,error}=tryParsePath(route.source);if(error){invalidParts.push('`source` parse failed');}sourceTokens=tokens;}// make sure no unnamed patterns are attempted to be used in the
 // destination as this can cause confusion and is not allowed
-if(typeof route.destination==='string'){if(route.destination.startsWith('/')&&Array.isArray(sourceTokens)){const unnamedInDest=new Set();for(const token of sourceTokens){if(typeof token==='object'&&typeof'number'){const unnamedIndex=new RegExp(`:${}(?!\\d)`);if(route.destination.match(unnamedIndex)){unnamedInDest.add(`:${}`);}}}if(unnamedInDest.size>0){invalidParts.push(`\`destination\` has unnamed params ${[...unnamedInDest].join(', ')}`);}else{const{tokens:destTokens,error:destinationParseFailed}=tryParsePath(route.destination,true);if(destinationParseFailed){invalidParts.push('`destination` parse failed');}else{const sourceSegments=new Set(>typeof item==='object'&&;const invalidDestSegments=new Set();for(const token of destTokens){if(typeof token==='object'&&!sourceSegments.has({invalidDestSegments.add(;}}if(invalidDestSegments.size){invalidParts.push(`\`destination\` has segments not in \`source\` (${[...invalidDestSegments].join(', ')})`);}}}}}const hasInvalidKeys=invalidKeys.length>0;const hasInvalidParts=invalidParts.length>0;if(hasInvalidKeys||hasInvalidParts){console.error(`${invalidParts.join(', ')}${invalidKeys.length?(hasInvalidParts?',':'')+` invalid field${invalidKeys.length===1?'':'s'}: `+invalidKeys.join(','):''} for route ${JSON.stringify(route)}`);numInvalidRoutes++;}}if(numInvalidRoutes>0){if(hadInvalidStatus){console.error(`\nValid redirect statusCode values are ${[...allowedStatusCodes].join(', ')}`);}console.error();throw new Error(`Invalid ${type}${numInvalidRoutes===1?'':'s'} found`);}}async function loadRedirects(config){if(typeof config.redirects!=='function'){return[];}const _redirects=await config.redirects();checkCustomRoutes(_redirects,'redirect');return _redirects;}async function loadRewrites(config){if(typeof config.rewrites!=='function'){return[];}const _rewrites=await config.rewrites();checkCustomRoutes(_rewrites,'rewrite');return _rewrites;}async function loadHeaders(config){if(typeof config.headers!=='function'){return[];}const _headers=await config.headers();checkCustomRoutes(_headers,'header');return _headers;}async function loadCustomRoutes(config){const[headers,rewrites,redirects]=await Promise.all([loadHeaders(config),loadRewrites(config),loadRedirects(config)]);if(config.trailingSlash){redirects.unshift({source:'/:file((?:[^/]+/)*[^/]+\\.\\w+)/',destination:'/:file',permanent:true},{source:'/:notfile((?:[^/]+/)*[^/\\.]+)',destination:'/:notfile/',permanent:true});if(config.basePath){redirects.unshift({source:config.basePath,destination:config.basePath+'/',permanent:true,basePath:false});}}else{redirects.unshift({source:'/:path+/',destination:'/:path+',permanent:true});if(config.basePath){redirects.unshift({source:config.basePath+'/',destination:config.basePath,permanent:true,basePath:false});}}return{headers,rewrites,redirects};}
+if(typeof route.destination==='string'){if(route.destination.startsWith('/')&&Array.isArray(sourceTokens)){const unnamedInDest=new Set();for(const token of sourceTokens){if(typeof token==='object'&&typeof'number'){const unnamedIndex=new RegExp(`:${}(?!\\d)`);if(route.destination.match(unnamedIndex)){unnamedInDest.add(`:${}`);}}}if(unnamedInDest.size>0){invalidParts.push(`\`destination\` has unnamed params ${[...unnamedInDest].join(', ')}`);}else{const{tokens:destTokens,error:destinationParseFailed}=tryParsePath(route.destination,true);if(destinationParseFailed){invalidParts.push('`destination` parse failed');}else{const sourceSegments=new Set(>typeof item==='object'&&;const invalidDestSegments=new Set();for(const token of destTokens){if(typeof token==='object'&&!sourceSegments.has({invalidDestSegments.add(;}}if(invalidDestSegments.size){invalidParts.push(`\`destination\` has segments not in \`source\` (${[...invalidDestSegments].join(', ')})`);}}}}}const hasInvalidKeys=invalidKeys.length>0;const hasInvalidParts=invalidParts.length>0;if(hasInvalidKeys||hasInvalidParts){console.error(`${invalidParts.join(', ')}${invalidKeys.length?(hasInvalidParts?',':'')+` invalid field${invalidKeys.length===1?'':'s'}: `+invalidKeys.join(','):''} for route ${JSON.stringify(route)}`);numInvalidRoutes++;}}if(numInvalidRoutes>0){if(hadInvalidStatus){console.error(`\nValid redirect statusCode values are ${[...allowedStatusCodes].join(', ')}`);}console.error();throw new Error(`Invalid ${type}${numInvalidRoutes===1?'':'s'} found`);}}async function loadRedirects(config){if(typeof config.redirects!=='function'){return[];}const _redirects=await config.redirects();checkCustomRoutes(_redirects,'redirect');return _redirects;}async function loadRewrites(config){if(typeof config.rewrites!=='function'){return[];}const _rewrites=await config.rewrites();checkCustomRoutes(_rewrites,'rewrite');return _rewrites;}async function loadHeaders(config){if(typeof config.headers!=='function'){return[];}const _headers=await config.headers();checkCustomRoutes(_headers,'header');return _headers;}async function loadCustomRoutes(config){const[headers,rewrites,redirects]=await Promise.all([loadHeaders(config),loadRewrites(config),loadRedirects(config)]);if(config.trailingSlash){redirects.unshift({source:'/:file((?:[^/]+/)*[^/]+\\.\\w+)/',destination:'/:file',permanent:true},{source:'/:notfile((?:[^/]+/)*[^/\\.]+)',destination:'/:notfile/',permanent:true});if(config.basePath){redirects.unshift({source:config.basePath,destination:config.basePath+'/',permanent:true,basePath:false});}}return{headers,rewrites,redirects};}

I think not being forced to opt-in into automatic trailingSlash url normalisation would be very helpful. My team wanted to upgrade to latest version of Next.js recently but this change keeps us from doing so.

Our use-case is international website that does not use trailing slashes at the end of the url except for home pages for different countries:

  • /gb-en/ <- home page /
  • /gb-en/page-1 <- page-1 /page-1

We would benefit from trailingSlashes: undefined (default)

related issue: #18164

And I agree, this should be optional

Definitely, the option of not doing any redirect should be implemented.

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