I'd like to use smooth scrolling, when using a Link like <Link href='/mypage#section3'>mylink</Link>
Adding an option like <Link href='/mypage#section3' scrollSmooth>mylink</Link>
or any other method to make this behaviour work.
Not using '#', but only javascripts elem.scrollIntoView(...)
You can use an external library.
Why they should have to implement a feature which not necessary to all users?
You can scroll to hash of the URI in the componentDidMount of the App
@giovannigiordano Problem is that nextjs will automatically scroll to the hash instantly (see here). Smooth scrolling takes much longer and so if I try to smooth scroll in componentDidMount
than the router has already scrolled to that element "unsmooth".
@olastor you can use any other attribute besides the ID to target the anchor on componentDidMount
, so you prevent the browser default behavior. Another solution is to add a prefix in your anchor ID, so the anchor's ID would be {prefix}-{hash}
@giovannigiordano Thanks for the ideas. Will try that.
@giovannigiordano @olastor so how can i know the hash changed? I tried to listen to the hashchange
, but it don't work when i click the Link
any solution?
In global styles add
scroll-behavior: smooth;
for html tag
like this :
<style global jsx>
html {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
Any solution yet?
In global styles add
scroll-behavior: smooth;
for html taglike this :
<style global jsx> {` html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } `}
While this may work, the support is for it is very limited. I would not suggest this to use in a production application/website. https://caniuse.com/?search=scroll-behavior
Same prolem... but the scroll-behavior: smooth on the global styles works! Someone knows how to control the animation time or ease options?
In global styles add
scroll-behavior: smooth;
for html taglike this :
<style global jsx> {` html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } `}
Thanks man!!! Works!
Most helpful comment
In global styles add
scroll-behavior: smooth;
for html taglike this :