Next.js: Should /page/ work just like /page ?

Created on 17 Feb 2017  Â·  47Comments  Â·  Source: vercel/next.js

I am using Google Search Console to inspect my website. When adding a website it automatically adds a "/" to the end of the url, therefore becomes

In the case of next page called 'page' this would not work. There are 2 workarounds

  1. create /page/index.js on the filesystem
  2. use a custom server to solve this "/" thing

Regarding 2 this is what i have done

req.url = req.url.replace(/\/$/, "")
if (req.url == "") { req.url = "/" }
handle(req, res)

I wonder wether it makese sense to fix this in next.js itself making it more generic.

Most helpful comment

@timneutkens Hi, should this issue be re-opened? It still does not work with current version

All 47 comments

For me this makes sense.

Personally, I think having this workflow would make sense.

  1. page.js exists -> /page & /page/ works and goes to same place
  2. page/index.js exist, page.js does not -> /page would 404, /page/ would resolve at index.js
  3. page.js exists, as does page/index.js -> /page would go to page.js, /page/ would go to page/index.js

In other words /page/ would first trying index in folder, then fall back to extension /page.js

kind of related #619

I mostly agree with your reasoning @krhome83 but your statement in point 2 (_/page would 404_) is not logically consistent

  1. In point 1) you suggest that a trailing slash in the URL (/page/), which typically indicates a _directory_, should resolve when the underlying representation is a file (./pages/page.js)
  2. In point 2) you suggest the opposite. That /page as the URL, which typically indicates a file_, should 404 when the underlying representation is a folder ./pages/page/)

Let me know if I'm off base, but otherwise, I think I'd like to add a "smart default" for this scenario (since we also have a custom server override for, provided that we can turn it off in config (smartSlashes: false ?)

Also, I wonder if this should warn or be an error, since it's kind of not obvious

  1. page.js exists, as does page/index.js -> /page would go to page.js, /page/ would go to page/index.js

IMHO in that case we should probably error _unless_ you turn off smartSlashes, and most people would probably use ./pages/index for what they otherwise wanted to handle in ./page

I think the best option is to do a 301 redirect to /page/ to /page

301 would mean _permanent_, so maybe not a good idea

Yep 301 I mean it.
Do we need /page/ to serve in some different way in the future?

I guess we don't.

Agree with the 301 redirect. Nice and simple.
You want to use 301 instead of 302 because of SEO. Makes sure that google does not see two links as equivalent.

Need to maintain that link juice!

Many people use trailing slash and many dont, however its better to only keep one version of it as per SEO otherwise it will create serious issues as per google.

We maintain a trailing slash and I am not sure how I can do it in next js.

Any ideas?

@harshmaur you can create a custom server to handle urls with a trailing slash or you can create pages/my-page/index.js, that way your URL (with the default router) will be /my-page/

@sergiodxa Thanks a lot, I was thinking of using server.js to create custom routes for all of my pages instead of using the default router. But I am not sure how that would work on the client side. I need to check.

@harshmaur check the custom server example specially how to use next/link

I believe I'm currently running into something like this right now.

Using a next/link instance, the rendered anchor element to /foo, and the static element points to /foo, but the prefetcher is taking me to /foo/, which my analytics team says is a no-go. My server is configured to serve up the /foo page perfectly. (I'm using the next export feature as well).

I believe this is the relevant line in _rewriteUrlForNextExport()

@rauchg would that be the target of your proposed smartSlashes flag?

SEO-wise 301 redirect is definitely preferred, but should trailing slash in the end be stripped or instead enforced is a question.

Note, that besides already mentioned differences above, those paths will work differently with relative urls:

/foo/ with href=`test` will be `/foo/test`
/foo with href=`test` will be `/test`

That's because for browsers, no matter what you think and how servers resolves resources, any url with trailing slash is a directory, while without one — a document. Thus, resolution for relative resources will be different. This means that by enforcing certain behavior (trailing slash or lack of one) you effectively removing a way to treat relative urls in different ways.

This shouldn't be a real issue, since, as far as I remember, in react-router relative paths are not even supported. But still worth mentioning.

Besides, unfortunately, SEO-wise 301 redirect is quite recommended thing for ending slashes. Or, otherwise, at least, canonical urls have to be specified.

I have been looking at this issue too. One thing worth to mention is that when exporting a page as an html endpoint such as the following causes an extra backslash:

  exportPathMap: () => ({
          "/about.html": { page: "/about" }

This makes simple things like an anchor not to work properly since


is not the same as


@arunoda @sergiodxa would you guys consider a PR for avoiding the extra backslash in _rewriteUrlForNextExport if the path ends with .html?

I have the same issue. I'm applying "with-apollo-and-redux" official example.

I created a pages/test. If i browse localhost:3000/test all it's okey. But if i browse localhost:3000/test/

GET http://localhost:3000/test/ 404 (Not Found)
client.js?ecc360b:67 [HMR] connected
warning.js?1713c82:35 Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `serverState` is marked as required in `WithData(Test)`, but its value is `undefined`.
    in WithData(Test) (created by Container)
    in Container (created by App)
    in div (created by App)
    in App

But the page loads (With all the messages in the console)

Maybe a temp fix.


const { createServer } = require('http')
const { parse } = require('url')
const next = require('next')

const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const app = next({ dev })
const handle = app.getRequestHandler()

.then(() => {
  createServer((req, res) => {
    const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true)
    const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl

    if (pathname.length > 1 && pathname.slice(-1) === '/') {
      app.render(req, res, pathname.slice(0, -1), query)
    else {
      handle(req, res, parsedUrl)

  .listen(port, (err) => {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`)


"scripts": {
    "dev": "node server.js",

Now this works good except for an error in the first render.

process-update.js?0be4961:122 [HMR] Update check failed: Error: Manifest request to /_next/webpack/ timed out.
    at XMLHttpRequest.request.onreadystatechange (http://localhost:3000/_next/1504017609143/manifest.js:68:22)

@hmontes But this won't be a fix for static exports.

I would love an internal fix for this that works with next-routes.

Fixed in next 5 / canary

url with a trailing slash results in a 404 error using [email protected], was it supposed to be fixed in this version?

@timneutkens Should this be reopened?

One other similar issue is support for multiple forward slashes, as it's easy for users to miss two of them. Example being:

Please see, where I've shared a minimal example where trailing slashes don't seem to be working.

Isn't that just for static / next export though?

I filed a new issue with minimal reproducible repository in #5214

What is the status on this issue? It's been open for quite some time. I've just noticed that /page/ will still result in a 404. I'm using v7.0.1.

Using v7.02, I have a page.js so /page works but /page/ results in a 404.

What's the workaround?

For what it's worth, I've implemented a force-trailing-slash util at next-i18next to circumvent this issue. In the meantime I would suggest people implement their own middlewares.

@timneutkens Hi, should this issue be re-opened? It still does not work with current version

This is a disaster! Its hurting big time for SEO. page shows up in google search as '/contact/' and returns 404. Whats the fix??

ping @timneutkens it seems many people are upvoting to reopen. Any plan to re-open it?

@rap2hpoutre What is the status of this issue?

@dryleaf Still no answer. Maybe we should open a new issue.

@rap2hpoutre it is already opened #5214

Seams fixed.

The page is accessible with or without trailing slash. Both returning HTTP 200.

I am using Next.js v9.3.0

Seams fixed.

The page is accessible with or without trailing slash. Both returning HTTP 200.

I am using Next.js v9.3.0

I am using Next.js v9.3.0 and not works

@javiercno see #5214

Can we reopen this?
I still can not match route with trailing slash.
Using 9.3.1 with custom server.

@timneutkens is there a hope this could be fixed any time soon?

@untitledlt see #5214

Seams fixed.

The page is accessible with or without trailing slash. Both returning HTTP 200.

I am using Next.js v9.3.0

I am using Next.js v9.3.0 and not works.can we reopen this bug?

@iamstarkov i saw your issue. There's even my comment 3 days ago.

As said this is already open in #5214

Going to lock this issue as there's no actionable comments here.

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