I have followed the redux example, and rendering an iframe inside a shared component. but it seems that the Provider component always rerender the app every time the route changes and triggers the iframe to reload. I want it to persist. Is it possible?
Currently it's kind a hard to have this.
We only persist module state only.
When we are switching pages, it'll render new React components (pages).
So, that's why we see that.
Currently, I hope we could do something with a custom document.
Maybe save the current state in localstorage and if it exists load it from there on the next page?
@mike3run That's not what @viankakrisna is asking.
We have JS module level persistence. So no need to use local storage.
But @viankakrisna is asking about the React state. Because of that, his iframe inside the common component getting re-rendered again.
@arunoda I'm testing your suggestion with custom document:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/static/style.css' />
<Provider store={this.store}>
<Navbar />
<YouTubePlayer />
<Main />
<NextScript />
But getting this error:
Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(Component)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>, or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(Component)".
It seems that the pages cannot see the Provider.
Are you sure he's asking about React state vs a re-usable global store ?
@rauchg I figured it based on this comment:
rerender the app every time the route changes and triggers the iframe to reload.
Anyway, @viankakrisna could you send us a sample repo. May be we could think something to do.
@rauchbg yes, i'm talking about react state. Sorry if it's not clear enough. @arunoda, will do when i get home. Like you said, I think the issue is it always renders new React component on route changes. Can we treat the pages as the children of the Document? So the main shell shouldn't be recreated every route changes.
ps: sorry for my english, not a native :(
@viankakrisna let's see what we can do with the example.
Closing because of inactivity.
Next.js is great for SSR and code-splitting. It's on path to be an amazing framework.
But I had the same issue as @viankakrisna while making an audio player webapp.
I want my AudioComponent which plays music, to maintain its state, while the user browses through the genres and artists to add them to his playlist.
It would be great if you guys could do something about it.
For reference, here is the github repo the player app :
@adarshsingh1407 for now you can do this by wrapping all these functionalities into a single page and use our custom routing API to do custom URLs.
@arunoda So I would have one page that conditionally renders a view from render
? Something like,
render () {
if (condition) {
return this.renderThis()
} else {
return this.renderThat()
Can you please elaborate on what you mean by custom API routing and how we can accomplish that with Next?
do you have a solution for this problem using a custom express server?
i use the routing like this:
const webRoutes = require('./app/routes/web')(server, app);
server.get('*', (req, res) => handle(req, res));
// import controller middlewares
const authController = require('../controllers/authController');
// define the actual page files for each route
const render = {
index: app => (req, res) => app.render(req, res, '/index'),
create: app => (req, res) => app.render(req, res, '/assignment/create'),
preview: app => (req, res) => app.render(req, res, '/assignment/preview'),
// link url to pages, apply middlewares where needed
module.exports = (server, app) => {
server.get('/dashboard', authController.login, render.index(app));
server.get('/create', render.create(app));
server.get('/create/assignment', render.create(app));
server.get('/preview/assignment', render.preview(app));
routing this way i can apply express middlewares to my routes. but everytime i load a new page my redux state is gone
@timneutkens this might be interesting to add to your checklist for v6 ;)
I believe that this should work now using custom App.js
example exists?
So have I got it right if I'd say that this isn't possible as of yet?
Next.js is great for SSR and code-splitting. It's on path to be an amazing framework.
But I had the same issue as @viankakrisna while making an audio player webapp.
I want my AudioComponent which plays music, to maintain its state, while the user browses through the genres and artists to add them to his playlist.It would be great if you guys could do something about it.
For reference, here is the github repo the player app :
@adarshsingh1407 Did you reach a consolation to continue playing music while navigating between pages?
I came up with a solution. It has some issues but does work. Here's a gist - https://gist.github.com/GusRuss89/df05ea25310043fc38a5e2ba3cb0c016
Most helpful comment
Next.js is great for SSR and code-splitting. It's on path to be an amazing framework.
But I had the same issue as @viankakrisna while making an audio player webapp.
I want my AudioComponent which plays music, to maintain its state, while the user browses through the genres and artists to add them to his playlist.
It would be great if you guys could do something about it.
For reference, here is the github repo the player app :