Mongoose: Best way to validate an ObjectId

Created on 12 Mar 2014  Â·  29Comments  Â·  Source: Automattic/mongoose

I'm inserting some objectIds as references and I want to make sure that they are valid objectids (right now I'm getting a crash when they aren't valid ids).

I'm checking to see if they refer to valid objects by just doing a find() call.

How should I check if the strings are in the correct format? I've seen some regexs that check if the string is a 24 character string and stuff like that - seems like a hack. Is there an internal validator on the ObjectId? I couldn't figure out how to use it. Thanks so much!

Most helpful comment

This works for me:

var mongoose = require('./node_modules/mongoose');
// [Function: isValid]
// true
// false

All 29 comments

I'm having the same problem. I tried mongoose.Schema.ObjectId.isValid() as well as mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid() but neither of those properties have an isValid method. How did you end up solving this problem? I also see mongodb has one and there is also regex as another option. I would prefer to not use regex nor have to require('mongodb')

This works for me:

var mongoose = require('./node_modules/mongoose');
// [Function: isValid]
// true
// false

Incidentally the method in mongodb is the bson lib method, which just checks for not null, 12 or 24 char hex string - it's a regex like this:

var checkForHexRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$");

so it can't be too hacky if it's used in there

sValid() always returns True if string contains 12 letters

console.log(mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid("zzzzzzzzzzzz")); // true

Because "zzzzzzzzzzzz" is technically a valid ObjectId - an object id's only defining feature is that its 12 bytes long. See mongodb/js-bson#112. A JS string of length 12 has 12 bytes, modulo unicode weirdnesses. If you want to check for a length 24 hex string, just check the string matches /^[a-fA-F0-9]{24}$/

"zzzzzzzzzzzz" is not valid ObjectId. For example Mongo shell listiong (mongodb version - 3.0.2):

> ObjectId('zzzzzzzzzzzz')
2015-04-29T18:05:20.705+0300 E QUERY    Error: invalid object id: length
    at (shell):1:1
> ObjectId('zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz')
2015-04-29T18:06:09.773+0300 E QUERY    Error: invalid object id: not hex
    at (shell):1:1
> ObjectId('ffffffffffff')
2015-04-29T18:09:17.303+0300 E QUERY    Error: invalid object id: length
    at (shell):1:1
> ObjectId('ffffffffffffffffffffffff')

Because the mongodb shell's ObjectId constructor is written such that it only accepts hex strings. It's a restriction in the mongo shell for convenience, not with the BSON type ObjectId. Admittedly this is a somewhat counterintuitive case given that hex strings are how ObjectIds are usually represented, but if you don't like it then just use the regex /^[a-fA-F0-9]{24}$/ :)

Why do we get false when we try to do isValid on an ObjectId itself and not a String? Shouldn't this return true since and ObjectId is a valid ObjectId? That doesn't make sense -- maybe call .toString() if it's an object being passed to isValid?

@niftylettuce comments welcome at #3365. Right now we just defer down to the bson package's ObjectId.isValid() function, which doesn't line up exactly with how people think of ObjectIds in mongoose. I'll open up a PR for returning true if you're given an ObjectId though, that seems perfectly reasonable.

Coming back to a bit of an old issue here... @atcwells solution mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid('53cb6b9b4f4ddef1ad47f943') works well enough for me, but it still seems a bit hacky to have to have my controller check whether an object ID is valid – when surely it's a pretty common use case to want to be able to send a mal-formed ID to the server and not have it crash.

Ideally, it would simply return something in the err in the callback so that we could handle it correctly and send the correct HTTP status using our controller.

Is there a use-case where this wouldn't be useful functionality in core? If not, perhaps we can make a plugin. I've had a quick search and there doesn't seem to be anything the does the job – is for validating that the ID actually exists, which isn't what we want to do here – we simply want to make sure that we don't generate an uncaught error.

Right now, in my Express controller, every time I go a request that has an ObjectId in it, e.g. GET to https://myproject/organisations/{id}, I have to do something like:

if( !mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id) ){
    return res.sendStatus(400); // They didn't send an object ID

... before then going on to do Organisation.findOne();

Seems pretty boilerplate. I'm happy to write a plugin or something if someone can point me in the right direction of where to start. Doesn't seem like a plugin as it's not really a schema thing...

@shankiesan you don't need to do that, mongoose will reject the query promise if the id is invalid.

var assert = require('assert');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

mongoose.set('debug', true);

var MyModel = mongoose.model('test', new Schema({ name: String }));

MyModel.findOne({ _id: 'invalid' }).exec().catch(error => console.error('error', error));


$ node gh-1959.js 
error { CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "invalid" at path "_id"
    at MongooseError.CastError (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/error/cast.js:19:11)
    at ObjectId.cast (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schema/objectid.js:147:13)
    at ObjectId.castForQuery (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schema/objectid.js:187:15)
    at cast (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/cast.js:174:32)
    at Query.cast (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:2563:10)
    at Query.findOne (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:1239:10)
    at /home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:2163:21
    at new Promise.ES6 (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/promise.js:45:3)
    at Query.exec (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:2156:10)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/val/Workspace/10gen/troubleshoot-mongoose/gh-1959.js:10:37)
    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
    at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)
  message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "invalid" at path "_id"',
  name: 'CastError',
  kind: 'ObjectId',
  value: 'invalid',
  path: '_id',
  reason: undefined }

Ah what a muppet I've been! Of course, handle the promise being rejected... arg, my brain. Thanks @vkarpov15

Callbacks work too if promises are too much of a headache MyModel.findOne({ _id: 'invalid' }).exec(error => console.error('error', error)); :)

DO NOT USE ObjectId.isValid() if it isn't already clear from the above 12 bytes thing Valeri said. Just got burned pretty good by this one:
ObjectId.isValid('The Flagship') === true

@atcwells if you could update your highly upvoted comment to include that bit I think other people might appreciate it since I was initially doing it based on what you said: ObjectId.isValid('The Flagship') === true

The funny part is:
the following statement is returning true
mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid("South Africa")

What I'm rolling with (for now) is checking the error type in the promise catch. If it's 'ObjectId' I am returned a 404. I am returning a 404 because to the consumer of the API/Web service the resource was not found or doesn't exist.

See example:

    .then((result) => {
      if (!result) {
        let error = new Error('Resource not found');
        error.status = 404;
      } else {
        res.redirect(303, '/');
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error.kind === 'ObjectId') {
        let error = new Error('Resource not found');
        error.status = 404;

      } else {

Instead of adding this to each route handler in the controller. I'm adding to the global catch all handler.

See example:

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  // set locals, only providing error in development
  res.locals.message = err.message;
  res.locals.error ='env') === 'development' ? err : {};

  if (err.kind === 'ObjectId') {
    err.status = 404;

  // render the error page
  res.status(err.status || 500);

Is it possible validate in the schema? Is not a best practice repeat that if, but i want to log cast error event.

Why can't mongoose implement the regex /^[a-fA-F0-9]{24}$/ for isValid when it is only dealing with MongoDB. This is so confusing. We just spend an hour debugging the issue and it came out to be such a silly thing that you will never notice

I would recommend to use this npm package
It works perfectly

I've created a workaround for this:

function isObjectId(value) {
  try {
      const { ObjectId } = mongoose.Types;
      const asString = value.toString(); // value is either ObjectId or string or anything
      const asObjectId = new ObjectId(asString);
      const asStringifiedObjectId = asObjectId.toString();
      return asString === asStringifiedObjectId;
    } catch (error) {
      return false;

@mstmustisnt I think that needs to be try/catched, if value is "123" this will throw an error.

In case it helps anyone, I've been doing an adaptation of the ObjectId.isValid() approach above. Because in my use case, I want to be able to get a resource either by its ID or its url-slug, e.g.:

GET /users/59f5e7257a92d900168ce49a ... or ...
GET /users/andrew-shankie

...I've found that this works well in my controller:

  const { id } = req.params;

  const query = {
    $or: [{ slug: id }],

  if (mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id)) query.$or.push({ _id: id });

    .exec((err, user) => { ... }

In this case, a 12-byte string is still a valid Object ID, searching for it simply returns a zero-length array, rather than throwing an error. And because I'm using an $or query, it then searches by the URL slug (my other possible option).

Might not be the most elegant solution, but it works for me.

@victorbadila yes, exactly. I just gave a hint. Edited my comment, actually just places the code I actually use.

validator.js has a built-in isMongoId method

Whenever I use mongoose, I always extend it with a few static helper methods:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const {Types: {ObjectId}} = mongoose;

//Helper to check if an ID is an object ID
mongoose.isObjectId = function(id) {
  return (id instanceof ObjectId);

//Helper to validate a string as object ID
mongoose.isValidObjectId = function(str) {
  if (typeof str !== 'string') {
    return false;
  return str.match(/^[a-f\d]{24}$/i);

You can run this as a part of your database initialisation scripts, so the methods are always available in your app.

If ObjectId.isValid(id) is true, we can judge (new ObjectId(id).toString()) 's value and id.

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const {Types: {ObjectId}} = mongoose;
const validateObjectId = (id) => ObjectId.isValid(id) && (new ObjectId(id)).toString() === id;
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