Mongoose: Aggregate $match with ISODate

Created on 29 Jul 2013  路  17Comments  路  Source: Automattic/mongoose

Hey guys -

Have been scratching my head today on this one.


When using a .aggregate([{ $match: }]) , I'm unable to get results back when matching dates. I am able to get results back from the command line via aggregation matching, as well as Robomongo, and from Model.find() when using a date.

Tests - Newbie Disclaimer

I went ahead and forked so that I could add in some tests, although it appears that aggregate.test.js does not run any of its tests. At least I'm getting a 0 tests complete when doing T="-g 'aggregate.test.js' -R spec" make test - console.logs() work inside the describe() levels, but not instead the it() levels. I'm new to tests a bit so I'll keep working on that.

Some details

Looking to $match a set of data to a date range, so that I can pipeline it to a $group.

This works and returns data from Robomongo (as well as the mongo shell):

  '$match' : { 'createdAt' : { '$gte' : ISODate('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z') } }
  '$group' : { '_id' : '$rfid' }

This works and returns data from Model.find()

    createdAt: {
        $gt: '2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z',
}, callback);

Additionally, this aggregate pipeline worked before, where vendorId was a string for the $match values

    { $match : { vendorId : vendorId } },
    { $group : { _id : '$rfid', amount: { $max : '$amount' } } },
    { $project: { _id: 0, amount: 1, rfid: '$_id' } },
    { $sort : { points: -1 } },
    { $limit : 25 }
], callback);

The 'bug'

I am not able to retrieve any results from Points.aggregate([]) when using a $match that contains any variation of this:

$match : { createdAt : { $gt: utcBounds.start, $lt: utcBounds.end } }  // moment utc dates that work in .find() as well
$match : { createdAt : Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z') }
$match : { createdAt : Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z').toISOString() }
$match : { createdAt : Schema.Types.Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z') }
$match : { createdAt : '2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z' }
$match : { createdAt : { $gt: '2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z' } }

Sample Data

If it helps, pulling up a record from MongoLabs looks like this:

    "rfid": "0004980F0A9E2A80",
    "type": "debit",
    "vendorId": "51e837ce2d494abc32000001",
    "fullName": "Stephen Rivas Jr.",
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "51f2bea9560b54b437000001"
    "createdAt": {
        "$date": "2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z"
    "amount": 15,
    "__v": 0

If I'm missing something, I apologize. After several different attempts, and upon realizing I am able to query the collection through other methods with the same type of query - I figured this was a bug and not necessarily a user error. Mayhaps have missed something in the documentation too.

Like I said above, I went ahead and forked the repo so I can start trying to build some tests for it - if someone wants to point me in the right direction there for running those I'm happy to try and find the root of the issue as well.

Most helpful comment

Bug found. User error (shocker).

Date('2013-07-29T20:15:09.000Z') !== new Date('2013-07-29T20:15:09.000Z'). I was unaware there was a a difference between the two.

Sorry to pester then, thanks much.

All 17 comments

Whoops - version information:

mongoose: 3.6.15
mongo: v2.4.5 (mongod @ MongoLabs)
node: v0.10.9

As documented, Model.aggregate does not cast it's arguments. You'll need to create instances of Date.

The issue is that none of these work in Mongo, or Mongoose:

$match : { createdAt : { $gt: utcBounds.start, $lt: utcBounds.end } }  // moment utc dates that work in .find() as well
$match : { createdAt : Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z') }
$match : { createdAt : Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z').toISOString() }
$match : { createdAt : Schema.Types.Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z') }
$match : { createdAt : '2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z' }
$match : { createdAt : { $gt: '2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z' } }

Mongoose will only return with $match if the date is wrapped in ISODate(). It would appear then that you are unable to query $match aggregation by dates; and would just have to do a map reduce.

I just created a simple test script and everything seems to be working fine. You _must_ pass the date value as a javascript Date object.

If this still isn't your issue, can you explain again what the problem is?

For reference, the testing code I used is here:

var mongoose = require('./lib');                                                
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;                                                   

var ts = new Schema({                                                           
  title : String,                                                               
  d : Date                                                                      

var Test = mongoose.model('Test', ts);                                          

mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/tmongoose', function (err) {              
  if (err) throw err;                                                           

  var count = 5;                                                                

  for (var i=0; i < 5; i++) {                                                   
    var d = new Date();                                                         
    Test.create({ title : i.toString(), d : d }, function (err) {               
      if (err) throw err;                                                       
      --count || next();                                                        

  function next() {                                                             
    var d = new Date;                                                           
    Test.aggregate({ $match : { d : { $gt : d } } }).group({ _id : "$_id", title : { $max : "$title" } }).exec(function (err, res) {
      if (err) throw err;                                                       
      Test.remove(function (err) {                                              
        if (err) throw err;                                                     


Bug found. User error (shocker).

Date('2013-07-29T20:15:09.000Z') !== new Date('2013-07-29T20:15:09.000Z'). I was unaware there was a a difference between the two.

Sorry to pester then, thanks much.

@sprjr : Thank you. This saved me a lot of heartache!

@sprjr : you're rock bro

this work fine to me

Points.find({ createdAt: { $gt: new Date('2013-07-29T20:15:09.000Z'), } }, callback);

Thanks a lot

Brooooo you are awesome.....!
you made my day this works fine for me
Modelname.aggregate([$match:{date: new Date('2016-12-26T00:00:00.000z')}])

I wish I could define the match statement for a Mongo aggregator pipeline like this:

"$match" : {
   "context.observationTime" :  {
        "$gte" :{"$date" : "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"} ,
    "$lt" : {"$date" : "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"}

I feel like this should be a feature of Mongo.

@adaviding I'd check out this npm module: it'll automatically convert { '$date': "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"} to a date object for you

your should try some thing like this

$match : { createdAt : new Date('2013-07-26T18:23:37.000Z') }

// Pipeline
    // Stage 1
        $project: {
            day: {$dayOfMonth: "$connected_at"},
            week: {$week: "$connected_at"},
            month: {$month: "$connected_at"},
            _device: "$_device",
            period: "$period",
            current_week: {$week: new Date()}

    // Stage 2
        $match: {
            week: "$current_week" // or
                   week: {$week : new Date()}

I hope to get documents for the current week only.

Any help ?

You can use moment to get current week number, then cast it to int and pass to $match

I am not getting the result from below code but there are records in my Event Collection with given date range.

Here is my code

$startDate = new \DateTime(request()->input('start_from_date'));
$endDate = new \DateTime(request()->input('end_from_date'));

Event::raw(function($collection) use($startDate, $endDate) {
            return $collection->aggregate([
                        '$match' => [
                            'start_timestamp' => [
                                '$gte' => $startDate,
                                '$lte' => $endDate
                        '$group' => [
                            '_id' => array(
                                '$dateToString' => array(
                                    "format" => "%Y-%m-%d",
                                    "date" => '$start_timestamp'
                            'count' => ['$sum' => 1],
                    ['$sort' => array("_id" => 1)]

MongoDB query

events.aggregate([{"$match":{"start_timestamp":{"$gte":{"date":"2017-06-23 00:00:00.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Asia\/Kolkata"},"$lte":{"date":"2018-06-25 00:00:00.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Asia\/Kolkata"}}}},{"$group":{"_id":{"$dateToString":{"format":"%Y-%m-%d","date":"$start_timestamp"}},"count":{"$sum":1}}},{"$sort":{"_id":1}}])

My Collection

    "_id" : ObjectId("5b2df7a2309a2013d5572dd3"), 
    "title" : "Create your event", 
    "slug" : "create-your-event-5b2e19a70c4c6", 
    "description" : "Create your event Create your event", 
    "location" : "4th Floor, UNI Building,, Thimmaiah Road, Millers Tank Bund Rd, Govinda Chetty Colony, Kaverappa Layout, Vasanth Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560052, India",
    "start_timestamp" : ISODate("2018-08-01T07:32:00.000+0000"), 
    "end_timestamp" : ISODate("2018-08-24T09:32:00.000+0000")

@prafful-panwar are you sure you're posting in the right repo? Your code doesn't look like valid JavaScript unless I'm missing something here.

please anyone help me to find users who visit my page more than 3 days out of 7 days?
need mongo query to solve this

@karunakapil impossible to tell without knowing what your schema looks like. But here's an example of how you can do this with a simple event schema:

const assert = require('assert');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.set('debug', true);

const GITHUB_ISSUE = `gh1599`;
const connectionString = `mongodb://localhost:27017/${ GITHUB_ISSUE }`;
const { Schema } = mongoose;

run().then(() => console.log('done')).catch(error => console.error(error.stack));

async function run() {
  await mongoose.connect(connectionString);
  await mongoose.connection.dropDatabase();

  const eventSchema = new Schema({
    timestamp: Date,
    userId: Number
  const Event = mongoose.model('Event', eventSchema);

  await Event.create([
    { timestamp: new Date('2019-06-01'), userId: 1 },
    { timestamp: new Date('2019-06-07'), userId: 1 },
    { timestamp: new Date('2019-06-08'), userId: 1 },
    { timestamp: new Date('2019-06-07'), userId: 2 },
    { timestamp: new Date('2019-06-08'), userId: 2 },
    { timestamp: new Date('2019-06-09'), userId: 2 },

  const res = await Event.aggregate([
    { $match: { timestamp: { $gte: new Date('2019-06-02') } } },
    { $project: { userId: '$userId', dayOfWeek: { $isoDayOfWeek: '$timestamp' } } },
    { $group: { _id: '$userId', days: { $addToSet: '$dayOfWeek' } } },
    { $match: { 'days.2': { $exists: true } } },
    { $project: { _id: 1 } }

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