Moment: How to change locale in momentJS in React Native?

Created on 30 Jan 2018  路  21Comments  路  Source: moment/moment

This is what I have but it does not work.

import moment from 'moment' 
import 'moment/min/moment-with-locales' 
import 'moment-duration-format' // used by moment  
componentDidMount () {  

console log outputs: en, en, en
expected console log output: en, zh-cn, zh-cn

When I tried changing import moment from 'moment' to import moment from 'moment/min/moment-with-locales' but it throws an error on this line:

const total = moment.duration(, 'seconds').format('H:mm', { trim: false })

error: momentWithLocales2.default.duration(...).format is not a function

Troubleshooting Up-For-Grabs

Most helpful comment

import 'moment/min/moment-with-locales'

does the trick!

moment.locale('fr'); moment().format("ll");

results in "1 f茅vr. 2018" as expected.

All 21 comments

Confirming that, moment.locale('es') has no effect for me in React Native.

import 'moment/min/moment-with-locales'

does the trick!

moment.locale('fr'); moment().format("ll");

results in "1 f茅vr. 2018" as expected.

If you don't want to use moment-with-locales, which loads all locale data, rolling back to moment v2.18 fixed this for me. There is definitely a bug with moment v2.20 and setting the locale in react native.

@Leeds-eBooks Could you explain how you import moment? I rolled back to 2.18 and yet I need to import moment from moment-with-locales in to get local to work properly in react-native


@msevestre Yeah of course, although I think my solution may be out of date now, I made it work in my code and moved on, I think a later version of moment might have fixed it. Nevertheless, my fix is:

  • install from git, instead of moment directly from npm
  • then:
import moment from 'moment'

import 'moment/src/locale/en-gb'
import 'moment/src/locale/es'
import 'moment/src/locale/fr'
import 'moment/src/locale/pl'
import 'moment/src/locale/pt'
// ...etc

// bonus trick!
import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info'
const deviceLocale = DeviceInfo.getDeviceLocale()
moment.locale([deviceLocale, 'en'])

This is what I'm doing, and it's working for me, but as I say it may no longer be necessary.

@Leeds-eBooks Awesome. Thanks for your quick feedback. Really helped

This worked to me,

You must instance on App.js all words to language than you want, this will work in all your application.

@VanessaChu - do you still have a problem?

This solution works for me

Hey peoples, import 'moment/locale/fr'; works for me, but if I want to do a dynamical one, like not have to import all the exisiting languages, do you know any tricks to do something like import 'moment/locale/[variable]' where variable is the needed language ?
So that it works with every country... :/

I hope most discussion participants got their problems sorted out :) Thank you @Leeds-eBooks

For 3.x we might have more versions of moment with/without the dynamic import/es6 so this is less of an issue.

Hello @MayeuldP ,
i don't know if you arrive to fix using variable languages of moments in Reactjs / ReactNative , but i want to share the solution it may help somebody .
you don't have to import culture by culture instead just add :import 'moment/min/locales' only and later you can set your moment.local('') with your favorite culture.

I'm using v2.18 and this method works.

import moment from 'moment';
import momentFR from 'moment/src/locale/fr' 
moment.locale('fr',momentFR );

Hi, @KashifAhmed In v.2.22.2 you should use moment.updateLocale('fr',momentFR)

Deprecation warning: use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See for more info.

Check this:

import moment from "moment";
import 'moment/min/locales'

This include all languajes configurations from moment, it's js, so no problem with size.

I had problem before when some one install the app with an mobile with different languaje.

From this you can set any locale defined by moment without any problem,


Or using device locale without worries about it is out of your languajes specs as example from @benadamstyles

In my case, import the locale wasn't enough, so I used the imported dictionary and remove the first character that is an underscore _

import moment from 'moment';
import momentPTBR from 'moment/src/locale/pt-br';

function prepareLocale(locale) {
  for (const key in locale) {
    if (locale.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      // remove first character underscore fom key, i.e. '_calendar' => 'calendar'
      locale[key.substring(1)] = locale[key];
  return locale;

moment.defineLocale('pt-br', prepareLocale(momentPTBR));

import 'moment/src/locale/en-gb' didn't work for me, but import 'moment/locale/en-gb' did.

  "dependencies": {
    "expo": "32.0.0",
    "moment": "2.24.0",
    "react": "16.5.0",
    "react-native": ""

In the upper-most file in the tree, here's how my code looks:

import moment from 'moment'

import 'moment/locale/en-gb'

const momentLocale = moment.locale('en-gb')
if (momentLocale !== 'en-gb') {
  throw new Error(`Moment fell back to locale ${momentLocale}`)

export default () => null

I'm using v2.18 and this method works.

` import moment from 'moment'; import momentFR from 'moment/src/locale/fr' moment.locale('fr',momentFR );
could you please give some examples.
thanks a lot!

I changed my version from 2.24 to 2.18 and it works now. There is a bug somewhere after 2.20.

its work for me

import moment from 'moment'
import 'moment/locale/pt-br'

its work for me

import moment from 'moment'
import 'moment/locale/pt-br'

Make sure you're checking that what you get back from .locale() is what you set. It falls back silently.

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