Hey guys, I recently started using Mathjax and I having an issue with "MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub])" command and I have a simple editor that adds latex commands to my html document and whenever I add something and click ok it runs that command and generate output like this. It works fine for the first time.
But whenever I add another item and it runs typeset command and it generate the output again from <script type="math/tex" ></script>
on existing elements like so.
How can I avoid either generating that script tag or avoid parsing it when the typeset runs. Adding tex2jax_ignore
class on it doesn't work as well.
Thanks in advance 馃槉
There's not much to say without a live sample page, I'm afraid.
Most likely, you are modifying the DOM in a way that makes MathJax think the equation has not yet been typeset.
You might want to check out http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/advanced/typeset.html and the example at http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/test/sample-dynamic-2.html.
@pkra Oh yeah I figured it out, I was copying the whole html content instead of just copying the latex that why it was recompiling everything that was in that <script>
Thanks for the follow-up, @abhikhatri. Glad to hear you could resolve the issue.
Yeah finally resolved it 馃榿