Material-ui: [Autocomplete] Warn when value and option doesn't match

Created on 23 Nov 2019  ·  46Comments  ·  Source: mui-org/material-ui

I am trying to change list options and default value from state. List option is ok but default value is never update.

I have add an exemple on this code box :

Thank you for yours ideas...

Autocomplete docs good first issue

Most helpful comment

Hi, how do I stop this warning happening when the initial value is nothing selected and on clear?

All 46 comments

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Control the component, we don't aim to support defaultValue prop updates (even if a native input do).

Thank you for your reply. I am newbie andI think dificulty come from here... but when I add state variable on autocomplete value, items are show on textarea but not selected on dropdown list (and I can selected them second time).
Do you have a sample of controlled used of autocomplete ?

I have see this but when I try to manage values directely, dropdownlist is not updated with selected values passed by state as you can see on my exemple :

Push button change list and add item preselected but in dropdown list this item is not selected and we can add it another time.

@guimex22 The value needs to be referentially equal to the option to consider it selected. We have #18443 to customize this.

However, I think that we have an opportunity to warn about this case. What do you think of this diff?

diff --git a/packages/material-ui-lab/src/useAutocomplete/useAutocomplete.js b/packages/material-ui-lab/src/useAutocomplete/useAutocomplete.js
index f833a0c0c..5cd34fa78 100644
--- a/packages/material-ui-lab/src/useAutocomplete/useAutocomplete.js
+++ b/packages/material-ui-lab/src/useAutocomplete/useAutocomplete.js
@@ -247,6 +247,35 @@ export default function useAutocomplete(props) {

   popupOpen = freeSolo && filteredOptions.length === 0 ? false : popupOpen;

+  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
+    if (value !== null && !freeSolo && options.length > 0) {
+      const missingValue = (multiple ? value : [value]).filter(
+        value2 => !options.some(option => getOptionSelected(option, value2)),
+      );
+      if (missingValue.length > 0) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
+        console.warn(
+          [
+            `Material-UI: you have provided an out-of-range value${
+              missingValue.length > 1 ? 's' : ''
+            } \`${
+              missingValue.length > 1
+                ? JSON.stringify(missingValue)
+                : JSON.stringify(missingValue[0])
+            }\` for the autocomplete ${id ? `(id="${id}") ` : ''}component.`,
+            '',
+            'Consider providing a value that matches one of the available options.',
+            'You can use the `getOptionSelected` prop to customize the equality test.',
+          ].join('\n'),
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
   const focusTag = useEventCallback(tagToFocus => {
     if (tagToFocus === -1) {

Do you want to work on a pull request? :)

@oliviertassinari , I'd like to work on this if the op doesn't have the time. Can I go ahead?

@blueyedgeek Awesome, feel free to go ahead 👌

@oliviertassinari I'd like to jump on this if no one is currently active.

@hefedev Great :) we will also need a test case.

@hefedev, @oliviertassinari I had meant to work on this but some personal issues came up and I couldn't find the time to do it. Glad someone else was able to put in the required effort 👏🏾

I won't be able to work on this anymore. but for the new first timers please check below and make sure you need a test case for it.

@oliviertassinari Can I take this issue?

@igorbrasileiro Sure :)

I think I'm having a problem now because of this.

I'm using an object as value and options like this:

value: {
    value: agendamento?.origem?.cd_cidade,
    description: agendamento?.origem?.nm_cidade,
options: [{
    value: agendamento?.origem?.cd_cidade,
    description: agendamento?.origem?.nm_cidade,

it is still working like before but now I'm having a spam of warnings.

Any suggestion?

@CHPrado Check the getOptionSelected prop.

Thanks, this worked:

getOptionSelected: (
 ) => value.value === option.value,

This is actually causing us problems as implemented.

We are using useAutocomplete with multi-select and are fetching our possible options from a back-end service. However, some filtering has already been applied to this list, meaning that it's entirely possible that a selected value will not match the currently available options, even when completely valid (just not visible in the current set).

Adding the freeSolo prop does not solve this, as we do want to restrict the user to only selecting values from the options list.

Type in "exa" and you see a list of options, one of which is "Example". You select it. "Example" is now selected and shows as a little pill in the input. Options are cleared.

Now type in "fo" and you see a different list of options. "Example" is no longer in the options list (having been filtered out by the back end), and now you get an error saying that nothing in the options match what you've selected.

Some of our code:

// Searching the back-end (triggered on debounce in our custom input element)
  const searchCodes= async (match) => {
    try {
      const response = await // call API endpoint w/ match and get codes
    } catch (error) {

// UseAutocomplete
  const {
  } = useAutocomplete({
    id: baseId,
    multiple: true,
    options: codes,
    getOptionLabel: (option) => option,
    getOptionSelected: (optionToEval, valueToEval) =>
      optionToEval === valueToEval,
    value: field.value,

Is there a way to disable the warning while still restricting the user to select only from possible options?

@cdpautsch It looks like this warning has surfaced a bug you had in your current version: the existing selected options were not accounted for. Check the getOptionSelected option to both solve the warning and this bug.

@oliviertassinari I'm not sure what you mean or how to modify getOptionSelected to resolve this error.

getOptionSelected is used to indicate if a given option is selected. This is working exactly as intended. I only want it returning true if an option matches something in value.

Could you please give more insight? I still feel this is a valid concern.

"Example" is no longer in the options list (having been filtered out by the back end)

@cdpautsch Interesting, I didn't consider this point in my previous comment. So Material-UI has to make a tradeoff between 1. enforcing to keep the previous values int the options + filterSelectedOptions vs 2. ignoring the multi-select case, which won't give any safeguard. I'm leaning for 1.

No worries. I miss things all the time!

To check my understanding on 1, are you saying it's important for Material-UI to enforce that currently selected values are always in the available options?

I would be curious about how useAutocomplete is _intended_ to be used with a back-end service providing the options. If it was never meant to be, I think that's something that should be considered in the future, because it was a clear choice for us. The autocomplete we're using is searching potentially tens of thousands of records, and holding everything in front-end state wasn't practical for us. I feel like this issue would come up again in any similar implementation where the back-end is doing the filtering for you.

For now, my workaround is to manually add in all existing codes to the available options. That way, the options for the autocompletes will always have the selected values, regardless of whether or not your text would actually match them.

is intended to be used with a back-end service providing the options

@cdpautsch Definitely, I would expect backend filtering as common as frontend filtering.

manually add in all existing codes to the available options

The solution you are mentioning is exactly what I had in mind, plus the filter selected option. This sounds great.

, are you saying it's important for Material-UI to enforce that currently selected values are always in the available options?

Yes, we can't implement this warning without this constraint. My main fear is that people won't easily understand what's going wrong without it. For instance, in the issue's description.

The issue in your case comes from the combination of: 1. filterSelectedOptions, 2. multi-select, 3. API options loading.
I think that it's less common and less painful that 1. didn't implement getOptionSelected correctly. Hence why I'm leaning toward maintaining the current logic of the warning.


As mentioned by @cdpautsch I have pushed the already selected option into the options array. Also i have sorted the options using GroupBy method. Now i am getting the below error message:

Material-UI: the options provided combined with the groupBy method of Autocomplete returns duplicated headers. You can solve the issue by sorting the options with the output of groupBy

Inorder to solve the getOptionSelected error, I am pushing the selected values because every time i am getting the differnet option from backend as mentioned above in the post. After pushing the value, getOptionSelected error is not thrown but now i am getting 'GroupBy' error since i am pusing the selected value at the end of the array.

@NivethikaM This is a different warning, please head to: #20376.

Hi is it possible to simply mute this warning in production?

@Amritpd No warnings are or shoul be printed in production. Check that you build for production (NODE_ENV === 'production)

@oliviertassinari I'm in the same situation as @cdpautsch where we are fetching our possible options from a back-end service. When we filter and remove the previous list of options the previous selected option persists behind the scenes, I say behind scenes because you won't see it as an option from the new list in the dropdown. So here you are looking at the new options and don't select any of them but rather click outside(away from dropdown) that's when the previous selected option just pops up again in the TextField and in the console the warning that suggests getOptionsSelected; which we already have in place.

So just to re-iterate on your guys' convo there's no way around this correct ↓

, are you saying it's important for Material-UI to enforce that currently selected values are always in the available options?

Yes, we can't implement this warning without this constraint. My main fear is that people won't easily understand what's going wrong without it. For instance, in the issue's description.

I understand that this was closed after @igorbrasileiro worked on it, if there's a new way to work with this I totally missed it, was this fixed?

@oliviertassinari highly appreciate your time, thanks!

@rmar72 Apply the same strategy as @cdpautsch to solve the issue, let the component hides the already selected options for you.

@oliviertassinari appreciate the reply. How is this not an issue with the google maps api example? You are loading new options, getting rid of the previous selected option and these are updating the options given prop and selected value.

@rmar72 Thanks for raising about the warning that has. Could you open a new issue?

@oliviertassinari , I have a problem when I want to init the value in the AutoComplete
I have created the form from json config all it is ok only I have that problem


in that case I am init the value with a json, but the component working good
the value and label it is ok when I want to submit only that msg in the console
I have put {...(configInput.initialValue && { value })} because when I use the value={value} in my anothes autocomplete I have other warning when I remove the selected


and in my component changed for this way
the icon for remove the label keep there

Is there any way to suppress this warning?

@piotros By providing the missing option? :)

@oliviertassinari this is not always possible ;) In my use case options changes on user actions but I want to have all selected values preserved.

Take look at simple simulation of my case:

Autocomplete components acts as a multistep select. This works as I expect but this worning... :)

@piotros Nice "hack" for building a "tree select" component with the Autocomplete 😁. Try this diff:

  return (
      renderInput={params => <TextField {...params} />}
      getOptionLabel={({ label }) => label}
-     options={options}
+     options={[...value, ...options]}
+     filterSelectedOptions
      onChange={(e, val) => setValue(val)}

Thank you @oliviertassinari. Works perfect now! :)

Hi, how do I stop this warning happening when the initial value is nothing selected and on clear?

Hey everyone! Can anybody help me? How can I change focus from the selected option back to the input field without using a mouse? To be clear - I'm trying to use autocompletion without the mouse and once I turn to option selection with pressing arrow down I can`t go back to the input TextField. Thx

If anybody is struggling with this around, try combining this:

Thanks, this worked:

getOptionSelected: (
 ) => value.value === option.value,

And this:

@piotros Nice "hack" for building a "tree select" component with the Autocomplete 😁. Try this diff:

  return (
      renderInput={params => <TextField {...params} />}
      getOptionLabel={({ label }) => label}
-     options={options}
+     options={[...value, ...options]}
+     filterSelectedOptions
      onChange={(e, val) => setValue(val)}

i have the same warning but i already added getOptionSelected, i make infinity console warning

Material-UI: The value provided to useAutocomplete is invalid.
None of the options match with `{"id":"geonames:6429478","name":"Périgueux"}`.
You can use the `getOptionSelected` prop to customize the equality test.

the code:

  let {
  } = useAutocomplete({
    value: selectedOption || {},
    options: options,
    getOptionLabel: (option) => {
      return || "";
    getOptionSelected: (option, value) =>{
       // I added id comparaison because in accent char are replaced ( éàè....) 
        return  option?.name.toLowerCase() === value?.name.toLowerCase() || option?.id === value?.id
    selectOnFocus: true

the log from getOptionSelected :

option: {​​
  id: "geonames:6616167",name: "Mareuil en Perigord"
value: { 
  id: "geonames:6616167", 
  name: "Mareuil en Périgord"

Any idea please ?

Hi, how do I stop this warning happening when the initial value is nothing selected and on clear?

I personally added the freeSolo flag and then validated the value on onChange(a simple null check)

I want to init first selection as empty string, but I got warning, any solution please?

const [value, setValue] = React.useState(""); //got warned
const [yearValue, setYearValue] = React.useState(top100Films[0]); not warned
Material-UI: The value provided to Autocomplete is invalid.
None of the options match with `""`.
You can use the `getOptionSelected` prop to customize the equality test. 
    in Autocomplete (created by WithStyles(ForwardRef(Autocomplete)))
    in WithStyles(ForwardRef(Autocomplete)) (at demo.js:12)
    in ComboBox (at index.js:6)

here is my code:

@jcable @nicholasbca
For single select, I think the empty initial problem can be solved by:

  value === null // depends on what your empty value is
    ? options
    : [value, ...options]

Multiselect has already been solved by @oliviertassinari

I had the same problem with warnings for None of the options match with "" when using an Autocomplete with a controlled value.

I ended up using this because I didn't want to enable filterSelectedOptions for UX reasons:

options={[value, ...options]}
filterOptions={(options) =>
  options.filter((option) => option !== "")

I have the same issue as @cdpautsch:

We are using useAutocomplete with multi-select and are fetching our possible options from a back-end service. However, some filtering has already been applied to this list, meaning that it's entirely possible that a selected value will not match the currently available options, even when completely valid (just not visible in the current set).

However I was able to get around the strictness of the Autocomplete API with the following code:

export default function MaterialSelect(
  props: CommonSelectProps & (MultiSelectProps | SingleSelectProps),
) {

  . . .

  // be sure to keep the props `filterSelectedOptions` set to hide selected value from dropdown
  // and `getOptionSelected` to ensure what shows as selected for all incoming values
  let options: SelectOption[] = _options
  if (value) {
    // merge options with value
    options = options.concat(Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value])

  return (
      . . .
      getOptionSelected={(opt, val) => opt.value === val.value}

I originally was using Sets to merge my value and options arrays, and while this worked for selected results that were not in our initial query (we default to showing 5 options when the user focuses the field), if any of the options from the initial dataset are selected the warning still appears. Once I removed using a set allowing duplicates in options, and utilized both filterSelectOptions and getSelectedOption, the issue was resolved.

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