Outlined textfield not focused
Outlined textfield focused
label="Full Name"
| Tech | Version |
| Material-UI | "@material-ui/core": "^3.2.2" |
| React | "react": "^16.5.2" |
| Browser | Chrome |
| TypeScript | |
| etc. | |
Duplicate of #13264
This is not a duplicate of #13264 other because the label looks fine when the outlined textfield is not focused.
Maybe not. I suspect it is the same underlying issue. I'll reopen it but this issue is still missing a reproduction (your snippet is not even using outline
@johnpittman I have already seen this issue from time-to-time. It's a Chrome rendering artifact: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/12994#issuecomment-425676990.
Here is the orignal svg implementation cc @enagy27:
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { withStyles } from '../styles';
export const styles = theme => {
const light = theme.palette.type === 'light';
return {
/* Styles applied to the root element. */
root: {
// Raise the outline above yellow background on webkit autofill
zIndex: 1,
pointerEvents: 'none',
position: 'absolute',
top: '0px',
left: '0px',
/* Styles applied to the svg path element. */
path: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
stroke: light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)',
fill: 'none',
// Match the Input Label
transition: theme.transitions.create(['stroke', 'stroke-width', 'stroke-dashoffset'], {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut,
/* Styles applied to the svg path element if the form control is focused. */
focused: {
stroke: theme.palette.primary.main,
/* Styles applied to the svg path element if `error={true}` for the form control. */
error: {
stroke: theme.palette.error.main,
/* Styles applied to the svg path element if `disabled={true}` for the form control. */
disabled: {
stroke: theme.palette.action.disabled,
/* Styles applied to the svg path element if the mouse is over the form control. */
hover: {
'&:not($focused):not($disabled):not($error)': {
stroke: theme.palette.text.primary,
/* Styles applied to the svg path element if the `input` of the form control is a `select`. */
select: {
'&$focused': {
fill: light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
const getLeadingStroke = radius => Math.max(10 - radius, 0);
const getTrailingStroke = (width, radius, notchWidth, leadingStroke) =>
width - 2 * radius - notchWidth - leadingStroke;
const getLeadingPath = (width, radius, notchWidth, inset, isRtl) => {
const leadingStroke = getLeadingStroke(radius);
const halfNotchWidth = notchWidth / 2;
return !isRtl
? `M${radius + inset} ${inset} h${leadingStroke + halfNotchWidth}`
: `M${width - radius + inset} ${inset} h${-leadingStroke - halfNotchWidth}`;
const getTrailingPath = (width, radius, notchWidth, inset, isRtl) => {
const leadingStroke = getLeadingStroke(radius);
const trailingStroke = getTrailingStroke(width, radius, notchWidth, leadingStroke);
const halfNotchWidth = notchWidth / 2;
return !isRtl
? `M${width - radius + inset} ${inset} h${-trailingStroke - halfNotchWidth}`
: `M${radius + inset} ${inset} h${trailingStroke + halfNotchWidth}`;
const getPathBottom = (width, height, radius, inset) => {
const bottomEdgeStroke = width - 2 * radius;
const leftRightEdgeStroke = height - 2 * radius;
return `M${width - radius + inset} ${inset}\
a${radius} ${radius} 0 0 1 ${radius},${radius}\
a${radius},${radius} 0 0 1 ${-radius},${radius}\
a${radius},${radius} 0 0 1 ${-radius},${-radius}\
a${radius},${radius} 0 0 1 ${radius},${-radius}`;
* An outline for form control elements which opens to fit a label.
function NotchedOutline(
width: widthProp,
height: heightProp,
notched: notchedProp,
{ muiFormControl },
) {
const { focused, filled, adornedStart, error, disabled, hover } = muiFormControl;
const radius = theme.shape.borderRadius;
const isRtl = theme.direction === 'rtl';
const notched = notchedProp || focused || filled || adornedStart;
const strokeWidth = focused ? 2 : 1;
const inset = strokeWidth / 2;
const width = widthProp - strokeWidth;
const height = heightProp - strokeWidth;
const leadingStroke = getLeadingStroke(radius);
const trailingStroke = getTrailingStroke(width, radius, notchWidth, leadingStroke);
const halfNotchWidth = notchWidth / 2;
// Note: `strokeDashoffset` must be positive. Sign will be
// ignored in most browsers, including Safari
const strokeDashoffset = notched ? halfNotchWidth : 0;
const pathClassName = classNames(classes.path, {
[classes.focused]: focused,
[classes.error]: error,
[classes.disabled]: disabled,
[classes.hover]: hover,
[classes.select]: select,
return (
viewBox={`0 0 ${widthProp} ${heightProp}`}
className={classNames(classes.root, className)}
strokeDasharray={`${leadingStroke + halfNotchWidth} 10000`}
d={getLeadingPath(width, radius, notchWidth, inset, isRtl)}
strokeDasharray={`${trailingStroke + halfNotchWidth} 10000`}
d={getTrailingPath(width, radius, notchWidth, inset, isRtl)}
d={getPathBottom(width, height, radius, inset)}
NotchedOutline.propTypes = {
* Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
* See [CSS API](#css-api) below for more details.
classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
/** @ignore */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** The height of the outline. */
height: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
/** If `true`, the outline is notched to accommodate text. */
notched: PropTypes.bool,
/** The width of the notch, where a label will be placed. */
notchWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
* Render outline for a select component.
select: PropTypes.bool,
* @ignore
theme: PropTypes.object,
/** The width of the outline. */
width: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
NotchedOutline.contextTypes = {
muiFormControl: PropTypes.object,
export default withStyles(styles, { withTheme: true, name: 'MuiNotchedOutline' })(NotchedOutline);
Here is another issue on Edge 17, the glitch disappears as soon as I hover the text field.
Im having this issue as well reguardless of focus/hover state (so closer to https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/13264 but that was recently closed in favor of this issue). Not sure what information would be useful to help track down whats going wrong.
Looks like somewhere between <TextField>
and <WithStyles(OutlinedInput)>
the labelWidth
prop is being swallowed and not properly passed on?
Edit: its happening consistently with the 2 components in the screenshot above but not in another place that I use the component the same way :/
Got them same issue when the text field is not focused and the input label prop came from the theme provider
const theme = createMuiTheme({
props: {
MuiInputLabel: {
shrink: true
It works fine if the TextField receives the InputLabelProps directly
I had a similar issue with the border striking through the label for a select input. The solution I found in the demos uses ReactDOM.findDOMNode(labelRef).offsetWidth
to set labelWidth
as it is a required prop(it's actually the width of the element that hides the outline under the label), but I couldn't get it to work with refs.
I ended up using <TextField select> {...mappedOptions} </TextField>
as shown in the examples here and it works great.
I have same problem on Safari (macbook, ipad).
And no problem on Chrome:
having the same exact issue than @adimshe
issue occurs when you make changes to the borderRadius property. I can only see it on iPad, other devices work fine.
here's my code:
const CustomTextField = withStyles((theme) =>
root: {
"& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
"& fieldset": {
borderRadius: `20px 0 0 20px`,
color: theme.palette.primary.main,
"& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {},
Most helpful comment
I had a similar issue with the border striking through the label for a select input. The solution I found in the demos uses
to setlabelWidth
as it is a required prop(it's actually the width of the element that hides the outline under the label), but I couldn't get it to work with refs.I ended up using
<TextField select> {...mappedOptions} </TextField>
as shown in the examples here and it works great.