Material-ui: How do I set the global text color

Created on 10 Apr 2018  路  6Comments  路  Source: mui-org/material-ui

I have a dark theme that is currently rendering all the text in all the components as black on a black background. The only one that is white is the menu which has been set through an override

I have tried several different things as you can see below. I am not sure but the docs reference a palette.text but that does not seem to work.

How do I set the global font color

import { createMuiTheme } from "material-ui/styles";

const dark = createMuiTheme({
    shadows: ["none"],
    type: 'dark',
    typography: {
      color: 'white',
    palette: {
        background: {
            paper: '#000',
            default: '#000',
        text: {
          default: '#fff',
        textColor: '#fff',
        primary: {
          main: '#ff0000',

    root: {
      textDecoration: 'none',

    overrides: {
    MuiPaper: {
      root: {
        boxShadow: 'none',
    MuiBackdrop: {
      root: {
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)',
    MuiAppBar: {
      root: {
        background: 'white',
        boxShadow: 'none',
      colorPrimary: {
        backgroundColor: 'transparent'
    MuiIconButton: {
      root: {
        marginLeft: -12,
        marginRight: 20,
        color: 'white',

export default dark;

  • [ x] I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.


Your Environment

| Tech | Version |
| Material-UI | 1.00beta.40 |
| React | 16.3.0 |
| browser | chrome |
| etc | |


Most helpful comment

))) Spend a couple of hours trying to figure it out... SO:

palette:  { 
      text: {
          primary: "#ffffff",
          secondary: "#00000"


Thank you, Sleazer!

All 6 comments

It's all documented here :

How do I set the global font color

@afridley There is no global font color. Most of the color you are looking for comes from the typography part. You need to read the documentation more closely:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
- type: "dark",
  palette: {
+   type: "dark",

@oliviertassinari Ahh thanks for the quick reply I cant believe I missed that. I was thinking the note about how

palette: {
+   type: "dark",

changes palette.text meant I would be able to manually change the default font color with that if I knew what to put in it.

like how palette.background has paper and default in it. I thought maybe palette.text may have similar values. But I couldn't find documentation on where paper and default came from to be included in palette.background

So I'm wondering if there is documentation on these values because I can only seem to find it on issue tickets.


ex This works
palette: {
        background: {
            paper: '#000',
            default: '#000',

But what values can I change in
palette: {
        text: {
            ?: '#000',
            ?: '#000',

Based on the documentation here

@afridley The values you can change are primary, secondary, disabled and hint. Looking through the default theme objects might help you grasp what can be changed and how.

Here is a link

))) Spend a couple of hours trying to figure it out... SO:

palette:  { 
      text: {
          primary: "#ffffff",
          secondary: "#00000"


Thank you, Sleazer!

The situation should have improved in v4. The CssBasline component applies theme.palette.text.primary to the body element.

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