That's a warning I have added recently, follow the instruction :).
@oliviertassinari sorry if this is obvious, but I'm new to react and material-ui and am getting the same warnings. I am following the samples in the documentation.
Would you mind providing a hint or a link to the relevant set of instructions? Thanks!
@bradrydzewski do you have a reproduction example?
@oliviertassinari I have it as well on beta 5 on a checkbox:
const renderCheckbox = ({ input }) => {
return <Checkbox value={input.value} onCheck={input.onChange} />
I tried setting a few of the props that are defined in the doc, but nothing seems to work.
Thanks for the help!
@Mytrill What's the full example? Ideally you can create a live example on
Having the same issue. The error is not really clear as to which component is the offending one.
@hassanbazzi Let's see if we can add more information in the warning.
Having the same issue. I was following the instructions and they led me here. Material UI v1 beta 4
Do you have updated instructions?
@kilianc Do you have a reproduction example?
Why is this closed? I'm still experiencing it in beta 6.
@dobryanskyy It was closed because the warning was improved. It should be easier to spot the origin of the issue.
@oliviertassinari but how? I just get exact text from images above(and stack trace gives nothing useful). Or will the improvement go to next version?
@dobryanskyy Until we release beta.7 you can replace the warning with a throw. Then you will know exactly where is the issue. Basically, it's coming from a <Button component={Link}
where Link
is a functional component that can't accept a reference. Use a class instead to implement fix it. One quick hack is to wrap your Link with a withStyles({})(Link)
so you expose a class component.
Huh, indeed. I get this when trying to create list with links. Thanks a lot!
Hi @oliviertassinari, I recently upgraded a project from 1.0.0-alpha.22
to 1.0.0-beta.8
and I started seeing this same error in every Jest snapshot test where I have a button. I didn't change anything about the buttons, and I use them in a fairly simple way (without ever setting component):
<IconButton onClick={onPreviewClick} >
<EyeIcon data-tip="Show Preview" />
The docs say that there will be a reasonable default (button), so I am surprised to see this warning. I don't entirely understand what the suggested fix is. I assume we don't need to add component
properties to every button. FWIW, I don't get the warnings in the browser console.
Also, I'm not sure the improved error is working. ButtonBase has code for a more detailed error message, but the entirety of the error I ever see is.
Warning: Material-UI: please provide a class to the component property.
The keyboard focus logic needs a reference to work correctly.
It works for me to suppress the warnings in Jest for now, but I thought I'd speak up about seeing these errors.
I don't get the warnings in the browser console
@mcagnew You are right, the warning is still confusion. We should rather say that if user provide a component property, it should be a class component and not a functional component in order to get a ref.
You have most likely written a test that match this case.
@oliviertassinari, yea, I think that would help a lot in making it clearer to people what to do about the error.
To be clear though, I am seeing the warning for all buttons, even ones that do not have a component property explicitly set.
Maybe this is a dumb question but if stateless functional components need to be wrapped in a class component couldn't you do that transparently behind the scenes so the user doesn't have to worry about this?
@pelotom I guess we could try 馃憤
Actually it turns out I _am_ passing a class component to the component
property, not a functional component, and still getting this warning. But only in Jest snapshot tests, not in the browser... looks like I'm experiencing the same problem as @mcagnew.
Here's a minimum repro for the Jest snapshot case; it looks specific to react-test-renderer
. The warning occurs even with a simple Button
with no component
property passed:
import * as React from 'react'
import { Button } from 'material-ui'
import * as renderer from 'react-test-renderer'
it('renders correctly', () => {
This is relevant:
With snapshot renderer, this.input will be null because there is no DOM. React 15.4.0 lets us avoid such crashes by passing a custom createNodeMock function to the snapshot renderer in an options argument:
import React from 'react';
import MyInput from './MyInput';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
function createNodeMock(element) {
if (element.type === 'input') {
return {
focus() {},
return null;
it('renders correctly', () => {
const options = {createNodeMock};
const tree = renderer.create(<MyInput />, options);
It looks like it's necessary to mock refs
for snapshot testing with jest. (@pelotom's other suggestion, automatically wrapping non-class components, is still a great idea though)
And here's the fix:
import initStoryshots, { snapshotWithOptions } from '@storybook/addon-storyshots'
test: snapshotWithOptions({
createNodeMock: () => ({}),
So the interaction with jest snapshot testing isn't a bug within material-ui. I'll go bother them to more prominently document this quirk and solution.
(And automatic wrapping of non-class components would still be really handy. :)
Thanks @tvald, that at least explains why the behavior is different in Jest. And gives a more reasonable way to suppress those things in Jest runs.
Already 10 participants to this issue. We need to improve the current situation. I'm gonna try @pelotom proposition that @dobryanskyy started.
The warning is gone. Stateless components are supported out of the box.
I am still getting this Warning. I have a NextJS app and I followed the example for that in this repo. There are two ways I can get rid of the warning.
Note: It does not seem to matter if the component is stateless or not.
I pulled the example repo and found it does not provide the same warning so I am at a loss at where to look. For now I can comment out the html and body in @global styles and insert that as raw CSS in the _document file but that seems kind of lame.
Any tips on where to look would be awesome. Thanks!
Most helpful comment
The warning is gone. Stateless components are supported out of the box.