This is Global page message. please help, thank you!
file-uploader.min.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Base64 is not defined
at UiClass.processFile (file-uploader.min.js:1)
at (<anonymous>)
at UiClass.setInitialValue (file-uploader.min.js:1)
at UiClass.initialize (abstract.min.js:1)
at UiClass.initialize (wrapper.min.js:3)
at new UiClass (class.min.js:3)
at Object.initComponent (layout.min.js:8)
at fire (jquery.min.js:212)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:218)
at Object.deferred.(/index.php/admin/theme/design_config/edit/scope/default/key/3d098cdba6b78b5b34afeb20d3e1f3d052972a2b3b29bc3d63761/anonymous function) (
Hi @andy17612. Thank you for your report.
To help us process this issue please make sure that you provided the following information:
Please make sure that the issue is reproducible on the vanilla Magento instance following Steps to reproduce. To deploy vanilla Magento instance on our environment, please, add a comment to the issue:
@magento-engcom-team give me $VERSION instance
where $VERSION
is version tags (starting from 2.2.0+) or develop branches (for example: 2.3-develop).
For more details, please, review the Magento Contributor Assistant documentation.
@andy17612 do you confirm that you was able to reproduce the issue on vanilla Magento instance following steps to reproduce?
@magento-engcom-team from 2.2.6 upgrade to 2.3 after getting this problem, is not a new 2.3.
Hi @engcom-backlog-nazar. Thank you for working on this issue.
In order to make sure that issue has enough information and ready for development, please read and check the following instruction: :point_down:
Issue: Format is valid
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label to the issue by yourself.
[ ] 3. Add Component: XXXXX
label(s) to the ticket, indicating the components it may be related to.
[ ] 4. Verify that the issue is reproducible on 2.3-develop
- Add the comment @magento-engcom-team give me 2.3-develop instance
to deploy test instance on Magento infrastructure.
- If the issue is reproducible on 2.3-develop
branch, please, add the label Reproduced on 2.3.x
- If the issue is not reproducible, add your comment that issue is not reproducible and close the issue and _stop verification process here_!
[ ] 5. Verify that the issue is reproducible on 2.2-develop
branch. Details
- Add the comment @magento-engcom-team give me 2.2-develop instance
to deploy test instance on Magento infrastructure.
- If the issue is reproducible on 2.2-develop
branch, please add the label Reproduced on 2.2.x
[ ] 6. Add label Issue: Confirmed
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[ ] 7. Make sure that automatic system confirms that report has been added to the backlog.
@magento-engcom-team Main Website and Main Website Store are working, just Global are not working
Hi @andy17612 thank you for you report, this issue has already fixed in 2.3-develop branch and will be available on 2.3.1 release.
@engcom-backlog-nazar how to fix? we need change logo from developer theme logo to my own logo. Meanwhile, my web still use dev logo. Is there any change file? Where I will find the fix?
Having same problem here, any solution please
@SoCix file in there,but i'm testing too #18851
@engcom-backlog-nazar #18851 I tried this file but when you Transactional email >upload logo > not showing.
Same problem here. Tried c96b8af#diff-5a423cde3ac7f2aed85a0994b5597827L54
After that i've also tried to select logo from gallery. It appears in the uploader block, but anyway cause an error "header_logo_src does not contain field 'file'" after i tried to save it
same issue
how to fix this?
Same issue here. No fix for this yet?
Just upgraded to 2.3 and Design Configuration - Global or View page do keep loading infinitively. Website Page does work properly.
Is there a patch to quickly resolve this issue???
Look at andy17612 solution
Open those files
> /vendor/magento/module-email/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
> /vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
> /vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
> /vendor/magento/module-swatches/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
> /vendor/magento/module-theme/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
search for
replace with
in all files
clear cache and reload.
Actually now I can't access the Design Configuration - Global View page as well just like @afavata. It sits there spinning that icon like something's loading but it's just stuck.
@SoCix didn't try your suggestion as it seems the issue is different, page just doesn't load^
@michelecanal same, seems I have a different issue really.
I can't find something relating to this.
Having exactly the same issue on 2.3.0, so can't change the theme. Spinner never goes away. Base64 is not defined - file-uploader.js
@engcom-backlog-nazar seems this issue is trending.
@mikeguy this will be available on 2.3.1 release. and already fixed in 2.3-dev.
@engcom-backlog-nazar thank you for super fast response.
I take it no workaround until then?
@andy17612 this bug not fixed yet ( ->
@mikeguy seems like no :(
@mikeguy I had the same problem and this was the right solution
Once you make those changes you鈥檒l be able to access the page again
Sent with GitHawk
@SoCix is correct, but you might find and need to update 3 instances of fileUploader in the 2nd file and 2 instances of fileUploader in the 5th file.
@SoCix worked for me. Thanks mate!
this worked for me - but setup:di:compile no longer returns cleanly
Invalid ExtensionInterface for nonexistent class Interface in file /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/app/code/Magento/TestModuleExtensionAttributes/Api/Data/FakeExtensibleTwoInterface.php
delete these directories
then di compile
Same :(
[magento2@server var]$ rm -rf cache page_cache view_preprocessed
[magento2@server var]$ cd ..
[magento2@server DOMAIN]$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
Compilation was started.
Interception cache generation... 6/7 [========================>---] 85% 46 secs 405.0 MiBErrors during configuration scanning:
Invalid ExtensionInterface for nonexistent class Interface in file /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/app/code/Magento/TestModuleExtensionAttributes/Api/Data/FakeExtensibleTwoInterface.php
Total Errors Count: 1
In Log.php line 92:
Error during compilation
there has been some Unit test Php codes that are generated in your app/code/Magento in
get rid of all of them safly
backup the directory before that
compile again after removal
Thanks that enabled me to run a successful compile, and put it back to production mode, but sadly the issue i was having is back again, which this appeared to fix (adding products to basket with a custom picture is back again - in both production and developer mode), it just seems to refresh the screen when you click add to cart and nothing gets added :(
I may have to just wait till 2.3.1 is released and see how that goes :(
there has been no problem of such there seems to be some other issues you may facing
please test your website Client side errors by pressing Shift + CTRL + I and see if there are any errors
Im seeing this in the console after the add to cart refreshs screen?
jquery.js:10208 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
then it is a client side issue that does not has any thing to do with magento 2.3.0
you should fix your JS issue
Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
the latest version of chrome, no updates available - so how would one look into fixing something to do with a browser?
@SoCix i did as suggested... i get the following JS error:
file-uploader.js:173 Uncaught ReferenceError: Base64 is not defined
at UiClass.processFile (file-uploader.js:173)
at (
at UiClass.setInitialValue (file-uploader.js:78)
at UiClass.initialize (abstract.js:77)
at UiClass.initialize (wrapper.js:109)
at new UiClass (class.js:49)
at Object.initComponent (layout.js:137)
at fire (jquery.js:3232)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3362)
at Object.deferred.(/admin/theme/design_config/edit/scope/stores/scope_id/1/key/28725cf24260870dc3061e4cdc1c1b3b34f5405c043832ee44fa9fbc5cace383/anonymous function) (
@simonmaass this will fix your issue.
Link to solution? Need a workaround right now.
@Zyles try this ->
@Nazar65 there is no folder /app/code/Magento... ?!
@oliverf72 if you have a composer installation they must be like that vendor/magento/module-theme/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
@Nazar65 perfect, solved my issue...thanks a lot...
I am having the same error in my development magento. Cant upload the logo. If anyone knows how to fix it, please help me.
solution not work for me :(
magento version 2.3.0
this is fixed in 2.3.1...
this is fixed in 2.3.1...
but we need to work on 2.3 cant upgrade to 2.3.1
this is the patch we applied for 2.3.0
I'm not sure if changing input type from fileUploader to imageUploader solves the basic issue. When I look at the error message and the code, the problem is, that "Base64"-Method from lib/web/mage/adminhtml/tools.js is not available in global scope.
I can reproduce this issue, when I activate 'dev/js/enable_js_bundling' and 'dev/js/minify_files' and then compile the static content. Tools.js is somehow compiled into a bundle.js but the "Base64" function is not available in global scope anymore (and any other function from tools.js is also missing in global scope)
Open those files
> /vendor/magento/module-email/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml > /vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml > /vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml > /vendor/magento/module-swatches/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml > /vendor/magento/module-theme/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
search for
replace with
in all filesclear cache and reload.
you have to change this file.
there has been some Unit test Php codes that are generated in your app/code/Magento in
get rid of all of them safly
backup the directory before that
compile again after removal
What does "get rid of them safely" mean? Removing the entire directory causes a whole load of errors.
So I ran this as mentioned above on a Magento 2.3.0 (that was upgraded from a prior one somehow) appears to fix it.
sed -i 's/formElement="fileUploader"/formElement="imageUploader"/g' vendor/magento/module-email/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
sed -i 's/formElement="fileUploader"/formElement="imageUploader"/g' vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
sed -i 's/formElement="fileUploader"/formElement="imageUploader"/g' vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
sed -i 's/formElement="fileUploader"/formElement="imageUploader"/g' vendor/magento/module-swatches/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
sed -i 's/formElement="fileUploader"/formElement="imageUploader"/g' vendor/magento/module-theme/view/adminhtml/ui_component/design_config_form.xml
bin/magento cache:flush
Most helpful comment
Open those files
search for
replace with
in all files
clear cache and reload.