In which table should I fix emails ? I have email Null values with the following request
SELECT * FROM `sales_order_address` where email is NULL
SELECT * FROM `sales_order_address` where email is null
SELECT * FROM `quote_address` where email is null ORDER BY `created_at` DESC
It was related to null entry email in sales_order_address.
resolved by
update `sales_order_address` SET email = '[email protected]' where email is null;
But why do we have this issue while upgrading to 2.2.4.
In my case all rows in sales_order_address
table have null
value in email
column. Is the email
column newly added in the upgrade?
Setting dummy email to the record doesn't seem correct.
What is the correct way?
I was affected by this issue too.
Solution from gtlt resolved this issue. But I also agree with @webspeaks, setting a dummy email address should not be the correct solution.
I am also affected by this issue:
Module 'Magento_Sales':
Upgrading data.. We can't save the address:
Email has a wrong format
Updating sales_order_address and quote_address with a fake email has not worked for me. Anyone else have another solution to get passed this? Other tables that might need to be checked/email faked as well?
Any update on that i am facing same issue
Module 'Magento_Sales':
Upgrading data.. We can't save the address:
Address type doesn't match required options
@kabadabra have you find any solution ??
I was affected by this issue too. Solution from gtlt resolved this issue. But I also agree that setting a dummy email address should not be the correct solution.
Based on gtlt solution, still not perfect but this query works too:
update sales_order_address a left join customer_entity b on a.customer_id = b.entity_id set = where is null
@gtlt solution worked for me too. Just make sure you
rm -rf var/cache/*
rm -rf var/page_cache/*
rm -rf generated/code/*
Before running the magento setup:upgrade again
After I fix the emails I get this error- Missing required argument $options of Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Config. It happens on the exact same step. Anyone else getting this?
The solution from @gtlt worked for me, but it did not work at first. We are running Magento 2 Commerce and got their support to help me with a solution. Here is what I ended up doing:
SELECT * FROM `sales_order_address` WHERE `email` NOT REGEXP '^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]{2,}$';
SELECT * FROM `quote_address` WHERE `email` NOT REGEXP '^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]{2,}$';
and 2. above I had a handful of emails that were not email addresses at all and fixed these up. Having already done @gtlt solution on NULL values, I had already replaced my NULL emails with [email protected]. It should work with a NULL value if all rows are correct, but I can't be 100% sure. For me having a dummy email is ok.
I ran the following sql to make sure all my NULL values had dummy emails
UPDATE `sales_order_address` SET `email` = '[email protected]' WHERE `email` IS NULL
@engcom-backlog-nazar I also spot that scenario. In database migrated from M1 we had:
Also, we had many invalid entries in these fields eg.:
I think this issue may be related to issue described in
In general, upgrade script uses very expensive logic to update one field in the order address records instead of just running one MySQL query. It fetches all addresses from the database, the loops trough them - loading order and quote objects for each and then saving the address. The side effect of this is that it runs order and quote address validations, what causes issue reported above.
@wojtekn , problems with data migration from 1.x must be reported in repository.
@wojtekn -> -> Please follow these guidelines for proper tracking of your issue. You can report Commerce-related issues in one of two ways:
You can use the Support portal associated with your account
If you are a Partner reporting on behalf of a merchant, use the Partner portal.
GitHub is intended for Magento Open Source users to report on issues related to Open Source only. There are no account management services associated with GitHub.
@engcom-backlog-nazar what I said above is not really data migration problem, it's Magento 2 setup upgrade problem. Please review referenced issue.
Also, I'm not a bug reporter here, I just wanted to help as I felt you are trying to close the ticket with "we cannot reproduce" status.
@wojtekn In described scenario i have no error ,i try many times but have no errors
It appears to happen to people who have migrated from Magento 1. If you open it up as a ticket on the data migration tool repository he will say everything migrated correctly and it is a problem with the upgrade script.
@niners52 馃憤 馃槃
@niners52 seems like problem not in upgrade script, when you run upgrade script, its already have email is null, in my case when i upgrade magento to 2.2.4 i have no email is null. so have no error
Did you migrate a full Magento 1 database before you did that? I have opened several tickets on the data migration tool and the responses are never speedy, but if you want me to write this up and put it on the repository I can. The other option is that maybe you reach out to Victor since you work for the same company.
@niners52 No ->
Steps to reproduce
composer update 2.2.3 to 2.2.4
upgrade Magento_Sales data: current version - 2.0.7, required version - 2.0.9
That is great for you guys, but we don't live in a world with empty databases. The people on this thread have data. I had a ticket in with the Magento support that has my db if you want to talk to them.
@niners52 I have installed sample data with 45 customer and others data e.g 'orders,products'
I am sure your sample data wasn't migrated though. For me I have been working on my m2 site for about 6 months. I had 2.2.2 and migrated to 2.2.3 with no problems. It was the migration from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 that this error happened. Look at what was changed in 2.2.4. There had to have been something that looks at addresses. Once you isolate that talk to Victor and see if he has any idea on why migrated data only would cause that error.
@gtlt Can you provide more information ?
I would recommend using this query instead of dummy or wrong email addresses to keep the sales data accurate. I just resolved the issue on mine right now
update sales_order_address a left join sales_order_address b on a.parent_id = b.parent_id set = where is null
@gtlt @maderlock @kabadabra @hanego @niners52
now this issue is most probably because the shipping address rows do not require an email address in the email column and only billing address row does
but the upgrade is asking for it as a mandatory now, I guess?
and to replicate the issue you have to place orders in 2.2.2 and then try to upgrade
@magento-engcom-team @engcom-backlog-nazar @gtlt
The problem persists in magento 2.2.5, issue appears to be inconsistent code:
In \Magento\Sales\Setup\UpgradeData::upgrade
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '2.0.8', '<')) {
[$this, 'fillQuoteAddressIdInSalesOrderAddress'],
method \Magento\Sales\Setup\UpgradeData::fillQuoteAddressIdInSalesOrderAddress
sets the
in sales_order_address
; the code saves to the database the entity \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Address
which in turn relies on \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Address\Validator::validate
to apply validation by the resource model.
It's \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Address\Validator
that enforces the valid email check.
However \Magento\Sales\Setup\UpgradeSchema
does NOT change the sales_order_address.quote_address_id
column, it IS STILL nullable.
So why is \Magento\Sales\Setup\UpgradeData::fillQuoteAddressIdInSalesOrderAddress
necessary when the column it affects is still nullable?
Is the column not supposed to be nullable under any condition?
Magento team please clarify.
Thank you.
@engcom-backlog-nazar I don't have much more info, the last null entry creation date I spotted is in february 2017, so from an order made under M2 2.1.x (I migrated my data from M1 in late 2016 to ~2.1.3 I think).
Since it is a one query fix, I don't have time to dig into but IMO, like @rparsi said if the correct behavior is the upgrade's one, then we should have :
Hi @gtlt HI @rparsi I'm tested with-> update sales_order_address set email=null parent_id=null address_id=null; update quote_address set email=null Then run setup upgrade-> debug point on
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '2.0.8', '<')) {
[$this, 'fillQuoteAddressIdInSalesOrderAddress'],
I'm not have an error, filed not updated if i only delete the adress_id,
the method fillQuoteAddressIdInSalesOrderAddress saves ids.
@gtlt thank you for you report. The fix for this issue will be available in 2.2.7 release
To check all email fields on special characters or other symbols, i did this.
Because I got 'Invalid email format' and searched my ass off when i treid to setup:upgrade
I used the update query to update rows with multiple the same issues
SELECT * FROM quote_address WHERE
emailNOT REGEXP '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$';
emailNOT REGEXP '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$';
email= REPLACE(
email, '', '');
email= REPLACE(
email, '', '');
Can happens on updates to 2.2.6, too.
Most helpful comment
It was related to null entry email in sales_order_address.
resolved by