Navigate to Simple Product creation page through Magento Admin Panel.
Page displays Simple Product attributes to be set and saved.
Error message appears:
"Method 'getExtensionAttributes' must be overridden in the interfaces which extend 'Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensibleDataInterface'. Concrete return type must be specified. Please fix :\Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface."
This is a fresh install with no extensions added and no modifications. Grouped Products will display the attribute assignment page, but will not save with the same error.
I had the same problem, I notice that the price attributes does not appear among the product attributes.. The save button does not work for me so I don麓t get any error msg.
Well, now I feel stupid. If you are running OPCache on your server, please be sure to set the opcache.save_comments to 1 in your opcache.ini file, otherwise (if you were keen to optimize when installing and set it to 0) comments are stripped that Magento 2 requires, as shown in the generated ExtensionAttributesFactory file (checks against getDocComment()).
I hope that points anyone else in the right direction regarding this initially mind boggling issue.
That is all.
set the opcache.save_comments to 1 in your opcache.ini
It works! Thanks.
Most helpful comment
Well, now I feel stupid. If you are running OPCache on your server, please be sure to set the opcache.save_comments to 1 in your opcache.ini file, otherwise (if you were keen to optimize when installing and set it to 0) comments are stripped that Magento 2 requires, as shown in the generated ExtensionAttributesFactory file (checks against getDocComment()).
I hope that points anyone else in the right direction regarding this initially mind boggling issue.
That is all.