Machine: Unable to verify the Docker daemon is listening: Maximum number of retries (10) exceeded

Created on 6 Sep 2018  ยท  6Comments  ยท  Source: docker/machine

I'm trying to provision a machine on DO:

$ docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_TOKEN demo
Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(demo) Creating SSH key...
(demo) Creating Digital Ocean droplet...
(demo) Waiting for IP address to be assigned to the Droplet...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Provisioning with ubuntu(systemd)...
Installing Docker...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Error creating machine: Error running provisioning: Unable to verify the Docker daemon is listening: Maximum number of retries (10) exceeded

The service file looks like this:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --storage-driver aufs --tlsverify --tlscacert /etc/docker/ca.pem --tlscert /etc/docker/server.pem --tlskey /etc/docker/server-key.pem --label provider=digitalocean
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --storage-driver aufs --tlsverify --tlscacert /etc/docker/ca.pem --tlscert /etc/docker/server.pem --tlskey /etc/docker/server-key.pem --label provider=digitalocean



Take note of the double '-H' option in 'ExecStart'. This results to:

# systemctl status docker
โ— docker.service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2018-09-06 16:00:41 UTC; 3h 49min ago
  Process: 4906 ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --storage-driver aufs --tlsverify --tlscacert /etc/docker/ca.pem -
 Main PID: 4906 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Sep 06 16:00:41 demo systemd[1]: Started docker.service.
Sep 06 16:00:41 demo docker[4906]: Please specify only one -H
Sep 06 16:00:41 demo systemd[1]: docker.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Sep 06 16:00:41 demo systemd[1]: docker.service: Unit entered failed state.
Sep 06 16:00:41 demo systemd[1]: docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I'll leave this here in case the project gets back to track.

Most helpful comment

I have solved the issue in the following manner:

1- Re-install VB. Download a new version if needed
2- Reboot the system.
4- Start Docker by opening Docker Quickstart Terminal
3- The following error was still appearing:
Unable to verify the Docker daemon is listening: Maximum number of retries (10) exceeded

4- In my git bash I have used the following command to solve it :

docker-machine rm -f default
docker-machine create -d virtualbox default

I hope this can help you.

All 6 comments

Same issue here

I have solved the issue in the following manner:

1- Re-install VB. Download a new version if needed
2- Reboot the system.
4- Start Docker by opening Docker Quickstart Terminal
3- The following error was still appearing:
Unable to verify the Docker daemon is listening: Maximum number of retries (10) exceeded

4- In my git bash I have used the following command to solve it :

docker-machine rm -f default
docker-machine create -d virtualbox default

I hope this can help you.

@MadeoIT is right on point!

@MadeoIT thankU!!


How to change that default value of 10 retries to 20?
Looks like with Parallels Desktop it is always not enough.

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