Lightgallery: Append more items and keep slide

Created on 10 Feb 2017  路  4Comments  路  Source: sachinchoolur/lightGallery

Before the the last slide, I have an ajax calls for more items. I am tried using destroy() and re-initial the gallery (found here #129) but I does not work like expected. The slide is closed due to the event destroy. Is there any trick to solve this problem?

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I need that option too

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Hi @lyhongpon ,
It is not possible at the moment. if you call the destroy method, it will completely close the gallery. You can't append images when the gallery is opened. I'll let you know if I include this feature.

Thanks. Can't wait to have this feature.

I need that option too

when gallery is playing before it destory. how to repaly the gallery after re-initial the gallery.

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