OS: Windows 8.1, x64
gdxVersion: 1.2.0
Targetting: Desktop only (not tested on other platforms)
When I click a SelectBox to bring up the dropdown list; a TextField in the adjacent table cell should lose focus, but it doesn't. These components share a table, and a stage. The mutual stage processes the input.
This does not really break anything, however it is undesired behaviour and can make a game look unprofessional, just the same.
Relevant code to reproduce:
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.*;
final Label titleLabel = new Label(
"Title: ", skin, "heading");
final Label typeLabel = new Label(
"Type: ", skin, "heading");
final TextField textField = new TextField("", skin);
final SelectBox<String> contextSelector = new SelectBox<String>(skin);
contextSelector.setItems("Weapon", "Tool", "Crop", "Machine", "World Rule");
table.add(textField).fill().prefWidth(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 5.0f).space(1.0f);
table.add(contextSelector).fill().prefWidth(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 5.0f).space(1.0f);
table.row().height(15.0f); table.add().fill();
I'm not sure you always want the TextField to lose focus when clicking on another actor. You can customize the behavior yourself easily:
stage.getRoot().addCaptureListener(new InputListener() {
public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
if (!(event.getTarget() instanceof TextField)) stage.setKeyboardFocus(null);
return false;
Well, that certainly solves the issue. Cheers. :-)
Once again I found an elegant solution for my problem. scene2d is awesome :)
Most helpful comment
I'm not sure you always want the TextField to lose focus when clicking on another actor. You can customize the behavior yourself easily: