Class name using "&" will include all parent selectors. Only current parent selector should be included.
It's so confusing. If it's an expected behavior, how to write less to output the expected css below?
Less Version: 3.9.0
.wrapper {
.prefix {
&-a &-b {
color: #333;
.wrapper .prefix-a .wrapper .prefix-b {
color: #333;
.wrapper .prefix-a .prefix-b {
color: #333;
Only current parent selector should be included.
Something that is decided a decade ago and well documented can't be changed just because "it does not fit my particular use-case" (See for more details).
There're purposes like #1075 that are meant to meant to target a wider range of selector shuffling incl ..your use-case.
Closing in favour of #1075 (and potentially #3053).
If it's an expected behavior, how to write less to output the expected css below?
Currently it's something like:
.wrapper {
@-: ~'.prefix';
@{-}-a @{-}-b {
color: #333;