Lego: Debian package is really old (0.3.1)

Created on 22 Mar 2018  路  12Comments  路  Source: go-acme/lego

I noticed that the Debian package is quite old, even unstable only has 0.3.1. Can we maybe convince the maintainers to upload a new version? What's the matter there, is it maybe that lego added many more new dependencies which need to be added to Debian first?


All 12 comments

Yes, dependencies need to be packaged. This may be easy or not. We are missing the following packages:

And we need to update azure-sdk-for-go. @toddy15, I see you are working on the update of Lego. Is it still in progress on your side?

Actually, I'm not working on lego, but on rclone. They share some dependencies. However, I can take a look to azure-sdk-for-go now.

Well, for the new upstream version of azure-sdk-for-go (14.6.0) there are some dependencies missing as well:

So it'll take a while, I'm afraid.

Ok, thanks for the explanation! I hope that the situation will improve when versioning is added to go (vgo is merged), sigh.

Thanks for your work!

There have been major improvements in go versioning the 18 months.

Also referring #991 to link these two tickets.

Do we know who the maintainer of that lego Debian package is? I am trying to get in touch.

According to the tracker the uploaders are onlyjob@ and zlatan@, but the maintainer is the Debian Go Packaging Team, so I suppose everybody in that group could upload.

I wasn't sure if the uploaders are the right people to contact, but I guess it's better than nothing, and might even be the right people in this case. Thanks!

The correct way to contact maintainers is to open a bug report against the package. I just did that (947062). But the list of dependencies to package separately is big and Debian still requires each dependency to be packaged separately. This cannot be automated as there is a manual screening needed, notably for license checking. I think there is very little hope someone will be able to upgrade Lego.

I have upgraded the package to v2.7.2. Upgrading further requires to update _golang-github-cenkalti-backoff-dev_ which have 11 depending packages and I have little capacity and incentive to spend more time...
I've made some improvements to the package (mostly in regards to disabling unsatisfyable dependencies) that should make further package maintenance easier so hopefully someone else will contribute.

I had to touch few dependency packages but in the end it was not as much effort as I expected so I've managed to upload latest release 3.2.0.

I think this issue can be closed now.

Thank you! That is a great Christmas gift :)

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