Kibana: Global timezone support

Created on 9 Oct 2014  Â·  116Comments  Â·  Source: elastic/kibana

Timezones should be supported for all displayed date fields and all inputs that would produce a date object.

Updated this to be only a request for global timezone support. Since we use moment everywhere now this really shouldn't be too bad.

PR sent enhancement v4.3.0

Most helpful comment

go to settings/advanced/dateFormat:tz

All 116 comments

I would love to analyze my data with kibana, however, my dates are all formated as basic-date-time like:

"importDate": {
"norms" : { "enabled" : false },
"type": "date",
"format": "basic_date_time",
"index": "analyzed"

This gives an error when selecting the field as the time field name, can not be read in Discover and results in failure when querying.

Can I configure the format to use?

Hi there, I'd just like it to be all UTC, really, and not just assume that I want to use my browser's timezone. It's mostly the datepicker that's the problem.

+1 here, Timezone support is highly appreciated. Any progress on this?

+1 here, this is a must for us!

Actually it is possible to display your own time zone at your timestamp in your table. On the left side of the table in Kibana, the field stated in my field list is Date with a capital D. So basically i go to configure on my table,go to panel tab, tick on local time and then change the time field to Date.

So i conclude that u will need to change your time field according to what is stated in ur field list. I hope this is the same problem some people is facing as me. :)


Very appreciated.
We still need date histogram aggregating by localtime.






Having just run in to this issue myself, a HUGE +1 on this.

My thinking is that this should be an option in settings - you can either let it stay as it is by leaving it alone, or you could go in and manually pick the timezone you want the data to be represented in (likely with a quick "use UTC" button).

For reference, my data set had no time, just dates, so it gets saved in ES as midnight UTC. When viewing it in Kibana (from MST timezone), all my data was offset by -7 hours, so the dates were all off by 1 day.

+1 Is there a work around out there?

+1 Also need to adjust timezones. please advice if there is a workaround

Not completely sure, but I think this is the same problem that I am facing with daylight savings on the data. Doing monthly date_histogram and get strange aggregations for the months around daylight savings. Would be nice to be able to switch it off.


+1 here as well; this would be a killer feature.

+1 here as well. This is absolutely critical for team that share the same Kibana but reside in different timezones.

+1. We do everything in UTC and have ops staff across different geographic regions, a necessity to set a UTC flag on all of the graphs.


Is anyone working this as opposed to +1'ing it? I took a look (and I'm about the farthest thing from a front end/node/angular guru). Seems this is what moment-timezone is for. Probably should update it to 0.3.0. Add a setting. Then call somewhere (I'm not sure where, but when I was testing locally, I put it in discover.js but I'm sure that's the wrong place (I was only playing w/ the Discover tab).

I mean am I anywhere close here?

+1 ^_^

+1 is a must!

+1 ! having a timestamp to choose in the timepicker a time different from the real time I'm searching in the dataset (in UTC) is a real pain. My cheap workaround (tested on chromium and firefox) is change the TZ env variable to UTC and the open the browser from the same terminal.
export TZ=UTC; firefox


This is really crazy - All that's really needed is a setting somewhere to not look at the browser timezone and just use UTC, like all our other views of our data.


+1 could really use this right now! :)



+1, it would be awesome.




I see a lot of closed issues for this, is there a solution to it here cause I'm not seein it

Working on it #3588 Just haven't had enough dedicated time to get it to done (and my front end dev skills are pretty weak..). Welcome to any help.


The elastic blog on Kibana 4.1 last week mentions "Added a “select" type to the advanced settings screen to support a community pull to add timezone support." But I don't see where that is - does anyone else (I am running the latest snapshot)? Screenshots would be helpful. Thanks!

I'm not sure if that's in an official release yet; might just be on master at this point in time.




+1 a generic setting of using UTC in the settings section would be helpful.
As I understand it, the (local) timezone is currently auto added when defining the aggregations over time. It can be seen in the generated request detail. What helped me as a workaround was adding {"time_zone":0} as a json fragment into the 'advanced' box of the aggregation. That sets the timezone back to UTC and needs to be done for every visualization separately.

Hi +1
A workaround is to convert data when saving then to elasticsearch using the Date filter.


+1 Much needed!




+1 It will be a good feature to prioritise this as we have Analysts sitting in different timezones and we dont have to push dates in different timezones. Also I like to know how to use moment everywhere as a workaround for the time being and see if it resolves our current problem .

+1. And special thanks to ThomasKunkel for providing workaround.

In our observatory we share the data with people across the world. So the only meaningful time zone is UTC.

I encounter this problem with the search query. the time field did not show correctly!
















Please fix this 'yo!


+1, can I vote twice?

You can even vote 50 times – I'm not seeing votes having any impact, the feature keeps being bumped away. First birthday soon!




+1, the issue is very important!

During using kibana, we found that the whole time forwards eight hours in China!!!

No love for this issue. The original issue has been open since May 20, 2013.


Not having this it's the only reason why we can't use ELK in production.

Please fix this bug. Or give me a way to avoid this.


+1 pleeeeaseee this would be really really helpful, my logstash works in one timezone and my kibana in another one, I am seeing all the information 15 hours behind!


+1 from all of us





+1. Specifically, I am looking to have searches executed in the correct time-based index name (it is currently searching date based on UTC instead of desired timezone). I believe this is related.



Something that I would like to add here.... It would be really helpful to provide some way to support "birthday dates" or "calendar dates". Some way to prevent kibana from modifying a date based on the time zone cause my birthday or independence day is the same day anywhere and should not be modified for the timezone



Hi everybody, I am seeing some unexpected behavior when I configure my kibana to work in UTC:

I think datepicker is not using moment js. I am -04:00 timezone, and notice that when I specify an hour from 0-4 am in the "from textbox" date-picker place the selected date one day before, like if it were still working with browser's timezone. Does anybody could check if this is a real bug? I would really appreciate any help. Something pretty similar happens in the other way (updating "from textbox" by modifying datepicker )

Note that the above issue is being tracked in #5370. Thanks @MirkoTV




+1, I should not have to be forced to adjust my OS time zone setting to adjust what time zone I want to view my data in. Need a knob in the config.


I have users who are permanently confused by the times not matching up with the UTC server times. This feature would save this headache.


Please don't '+1'. You can use the 'reaction' emoji on the original post, and you can hit the "subscribe" button. Spamming the ~100 participants for no legit reason is just a selfish act.




found a fix... try changing the default.js file. In that change dateFormat:tz value to UTC .. Try this and see if it works..

edit: file is located in src/ui/settings/defaults.js

go to settings/advanced/dateFormat:tz

found this just today... forgot to post here.. anyway thanks!!

any update?

Confirming the new management setting works, thanks devs!

On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 8:29 PM, xycloud wrote:

any update?

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Jonathan Nikkel
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@jordan-thoms - << This is really crazy - All that's really needed is a setting somewhere to not look at the browser timezone and just use UTC, like all our other views of our data. >> That exists today. Go to Management, Advanced Settings, type "tz" in the search box, and change the entry to "UTC".


Wish this was a per-user setting, we have multiple users of Kibana who have different preferences.

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