Kibana: Translation to other languages

Created on 15 Nov 2013  ·  100Comments  ·  Source: elastic/kibana

Hi, is there any config or i18n file to change the language or provide additional languages? I have seen only english kibana.

i18n Core enhancement

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Chinese +1

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English is currently the only supported language

Any hint what could be done? Where to start to build in i18n? Like loading the files in the controllers and changing the HTML panels to use different language. Or build language specific folders for the HTML files? Any other places where language specific messages are hidden? We have an interest to contribute regarding this if we get some guidance. Thx.


I think I can also help to translate in french.
Are you open to contributions about i18n implementation in this project?

A first step will be text only, no dates or numbers format mappings...

Any progress on this suggest ? I'm french also and open for contributions to... ;-)

:+1: I'd really like this to. I need an elasticsearch dashboard for non-English speakers, and Kibana otherwise fits the bill. For what it's worth, angular-gettext makes i18n dead simple. You just mark strings with a translate directive and you're done.

is this on the roadmap?

If this is not on your roadmap, would you accept PR with this done using angular-gettext?

Internationalization is on the roadmap for a future version. Once we have the framework in place we'd love to reach out to the community to help us with translations!

We are looking forward for this. We can help with spanish translations

A suggestion on how to implement css-driven internationalization:

I would recommend the wonderful library angular-translate for use when translating Kibana. ( CSS based i18n doesn't seem robust enough for real usage. With angular-translate, each panel could have a dictionary loaded from elasticsearch, and the app could have a global dictionary as a fallback.

We are using angular-translate for our Kibana fork as we add custom panels.

I suggest implementation of l20n mozilla plugin, and would be happy to help with Persian and Turkish translations when needed!!

Hi there, is there any news about this ?

should we fill some PR or can we contribute to i18n files ?




If there is a plan to support I18N, our team is ready to provide and maintain Korean, Chinese and Japanese translations.

We can start with providing just UI translation excluding the manual/documentation.

do you have some estimates when the feature are going to be released?

This feature will make kibana more attractive to Asian users.

I am really looking forward to I18N feature.
Thanks in advance.


+1 :+1:

good feature, we need this feature






Russian + 1

Russian ++++

Chinese +1

Fraçais ++ .
Kibana and ES are increasingly used with a large French community (particularly in France), so we need a IHM Kibana for users who speak only French. Are there a good news for the French language in the new version of Kibana 4? Can we help you to accomplish this project?

German ++.

We are ready to provide language files and/or translation support, too.


Would be great to have a chance to translate. Ready to provide german and russian.

Chinese ++

German ++


+1 ... When it will be released with the possibility of translation? I need to PT-BR

+1 angular-translate
+1 polish :D

+1 russian

So what's the plan of translation?

+1 Italian

Hi elastic types,
Are you able to share whether this is something you guys are working on? It would greatly help us decide whether or not to roll our own solution.
Best, Dan.

In kibana 3 there was an option to use angular-translate and translate all the things ourselves. What is the option for kibana 4?

A proposal for localization #5138

+1 for angular translate support,
would likte to contribute to german translations

+1 Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR). I'm brazilian and open for contributions to... ;-)



German +1


Happy to do Polish translation if anyone would want it.

Sent from Gmail Mobile

+1 Japanese!

I could help with translation to Russian and Spanish.

I could help with Italian translation

@DTownSMR, @shikhasriva, and I have been working on a proposal for Kibana globalization. … (_edit_) I've opened ticket #6515 for it. Please comment there.

This proposal has multiple phases to it, starting with a very simple proof of concept to get things rolling.

+1 French ! ELK is Amazing !

Hi! I really want this to evolve, Kibana is a amazing! I present myself to make a portuguese Internationalization when the framework to do so is implemented. thank you

I can propose myself to translate in french also !

+1 I can also help with PT-BR

chinese ++

  • spanish


Chinese ++++

Chinese ++++

For those of you interested in contributing translation, you might be interested in including the proposed translation guide

Chinese ++

+1 Portuguese

+1 to Portuguese. If Brazilian, I can help

Chinese ++

+1 to use the french traduction
+1 to help to do it :)

+1 to Portuguese-Brazil

+1 to use Japanese

+1 French

Kibana globalization is in progress Phase 1 of 3 is merged.

+99 Chinese

how about the I18N support now? what's your plan for this feature?

@hzruandd I am not part of the Kibana team, so I don't have any plans. Considering the current progress, the I18N support may lend into Kibana 5.2. At our company we are still on 4.5.2. We might upgrade during next year, no exact plans though. Perhaps after the upgrade we may think about Korean, Chinese and Japanese translations.

@hickeyma I think it would be great to create separate issues for each language and let people subscribe to the one(s) they are interested such that they get every comment and commit updates. That way we can also group users by language and have an opportunity to ask proper people for help when necessary like translation review or even the translation itself.

@kadishmal, re, I think this is something that could be done as we near the end of Globalization phase. For the moment, trying to get enablemenet in place.

+1 French

+1 French 👍

Chinese +1

4 years have passed , When will support Chinese :pensive::pensive::pensive:

Portugues +1


+1 French

Chinese ++

Its great to see so much support here. Here is the link to the overall design
Phase 1 is integrated in Kibana. We would definitely like to move this forward.

  • 1 Russian


Russian +1

Portuguese Brazil +1

Chinese +1

Chinese ++

Persian +1

+1 Hebrew

For folks interested in the technical details for rolling out the ability to translate Kibana, I urge you to follow along on

I'll keep this particular issue open to help track specific language requests for both Elastic and community developers.

Russian +1

chinese + 1

Arabic + 1

Russian +100500

Spanish please!

This feature request has been implemented in the upcoming stack releases for 6.7.0 and 7.0.0. We will be offering a supported Chinese translation in 6.7 with additional translations on the roadmap. If there is a particular language you'd like to be supported, please open a new issue for tracking purposes. If you'd like to read up on the implementation and guidelines for translating Kibana, please feel free to review our README and GUIDELINE documentation in the i18n directory.

cc: @jinmu03

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