In the ExpectedException class there is this import:
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
which cannot be resolved if you use hamcrest-all simply because the containsString method is in org.hamcrest.Matchers.
Ah, false report. It turned out the mockito-all 1.9.5 has hamcrest integrated in which caused the problem. Sorry.
@apreg , how did you solve this issue?
sorry, I cannot remember
You should always avoid to use hamcrest-all together with JUnit because hamcrest-all contains classes of hamcrest-core. Please use hamcrest-library if you need more than the core matchers.
Most helpful comment
You should always avoid to use hamcrest-all together with JUnit because hamcrest-all contains classes of hamcrest-core. Please use hamcrest-library if you need more than the core matchers.