A stripped down version of https://github.com/FluxML/Zygote.jl/issues/54#issuecomment-465378937, which has more description. This IR leads to an internal error in the optimiser when test(1)
is called (the function still runs OK, though some variants of this were causing crashes).
Full reproducer:
using Core.Compiler: GotoNode, SSAValue
xcall(m, f, args...) = Expr(:call, GlobalRef(m, f), args...)
function construct()
ci = @code_lowered identity(1)
ci.code = Any[
xcall(Base, :rand, Bool),
Expr(:gotoifnot, SSAValue(8), 16),
xcall(Base, :rand, Bool),
Expr(:(=), Core.SlotNumber(3), Core.SlotNumber(2)),
Expr(:gotoifnot, SSAValue(12), 22),
Expr(:(=), Core.SlotNumber(4), Core.SlotNumber(2)),
Expr(:(=), Core.SlotNumber(3), Core.SlotNumber(4)),
Expr(:(=), Core.SlotNumber(4), Core.SlotNumber(3)),
xcall(Base, :identity, Core.SlotNumber(3)),
Expr(:return, Core.SSAValue(22))]
ci.slotflags = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
ci.slotnames = [Symbol("#self#"), :x, :a, :b]
ci.codelocs = [Int32(0) for x in ci.code]
ci.ssavaluetypes = length(ci.code)
return ci
@generated function test(x)
return construct()
julia> ci = @code_lowered test(1)
1 โ nothing
โ nothing
โ nothing
โ nothing
โ nothing
โ nothing
โ nothing
โ %8 = Base.rand(Bool)
โโโ goto #5 if not %8
2 โ goto #3
3 โ nothing
โ %12 = Base.rand(Bool)
โ a = x
โโโ goto #8 if not %12
4 โ goto #7
5 โ b = x
โโโ goto #6
6 โ a = b
โโโ goto #8
7 โ b = a
โโโ goto #6
8 โ %22 = Base.identity(a)
โโโ return %22
julia> m = @which test(1);
julia> r = Core.Compiler.code_for_method(m, Tuple{typeof(m), Int}, Core.svec(), typemax(UInt64));
julia> Core.Compiler.Core.Compiler.just_construct_ssa(ci, Base.copy_exprargs(ci.code), 1, Core.Compiler.OptimizationState(r, ci, Core.Compiler.DEFAULT_PARAMS))
1 โ nothing::Any โ
โ nothing::Any โ
โ nothing::Any โ
โ nothing::Any โ
โ nothing::Any โ
โ nothing::Any โ
โ nothing::Any โ
โ %8 = Base.rand(Bool)::Any โ
โโโ goto #7 if not %8 โ
2 โ nothing::Any โ
3 โ nothing::Any โ
โ %12 = Base.rand(Bool)::Any โ
โ %13 = _2::Any โ
โโโ goto #6 if not %12 โ
4 โ nothing::Any โ
5 โ %16 = %13::Any โ
โโโ goto #8 โ
6 โ %18 = Base.identity(%22)::Any โ
โโโ return %18 โ
7 โ %20 = _2::Any โ
โโโ nothing::Any โ
8 โ %24 = ฯ (#5 => %16, #7 => %20)::Any โ
โ %22 = %24::Any
โโโ goto #6 โ
note that I think that last IR is mis-sorted also
This does look like a bug in SSA construction. As for the mis-sorting, that's probably ok since that node is likely pending (if so, it should be color coded as such, not sure if that got lost in all the IR printing changes).
just lost in the copy-to-text. yes, node%24 is pending. bb#6 still seems potentially to be in the wrong place (it post-dominates the function, and thus I'd expect it to remain last)
julia> Core.Compiler.compact!(ans)
1 โ %1 = Base.rand(Bool)::Any โ
โโโ goto #7 if not %1 โ
2 โ nothing::Nothing โ
3 โ %4 = Base.rand(Bool)::Any โ
โโโ goto #6 if not %4 โ
4 โ nothing::Nothing โ
5 โ goto #8 โ
6 โ %8 = Base.identity(%22)::Any โ
โโโ return %8 โ
7 โ nothing::Nothing โ
8 โ nothing::Any โ
โโโ goto #6 โ
Sure, but the phi node is missing before domsorting also.
Looks like an SNCA bug.
using AbstractTrees
using Core.Compiler: DomTree
AbstractTrees.treekind(d::DomTree) = AbstractTrees.IndexedTree()
AbstractTrees.childindices(d::DomTree, i::Int) = d[i].children
AbstractTrees.childindices(::DomTree, ::DomTree) = (1,)
AbstractTrees.parentlinks(::DomTree) = AbstractTrees.StoredParents()
AbstractTrees.printnode(io::IO, i::Int, d::DomTree) = print(io, i)
Base.getindex(d::DomTree, i) = d.nodes[i]
Base.show(io::IO, d::DomTree) = print_tree(io, 1; roottree = d)
we see
julia> cfg = Core.Compiler.compute_basic_blocks(ci.code)
1 => 5, 2
2 => 3
3 => 8, 4
4 => 7
5 => 6
6 => 8
7 => 6
8 =>
julia> Core.Compiler.construct_domtree(cfg)
โโ 2
โ โโ 3
โ โโ 4
โ โ โโ 7
โ โโ 8
โโ 5
โโ 6
julia> Core.eval(Core.Compiler, quote
function construct_domtree_naive(cfg::CFG)
idoms = naive_idoms(cfg)
# Compute children
nblocks = length(cfg.blocks)
domtree = DomTreeNode[DomTreeNode() for _ = 1:nblocks]
for (idx, idom) in Iterators.enumerate(idoms)
(idx == 1 || idom == 0) && continue
push!(domtree[idom].children, idx)
# Recursively set level
update_level!(domtree, 1, 1)
DomTree(idoms, domtree)
construct_domtree_naive (generic function with 1 method)
julia> Core.Compiler.construct_domtree_naive(cfg)
โโ 2
โ โโ 3
โ โโ 4
โ โโ 7
โโ 5
โโ 6
โโ 8
This one was fun. I'll use it as a homework if I ever teach a compiler course.
Most helpful comment
This one was fun. I'll use it as a homework if I ever teach a compiler course.