Consider the following two codes
using Polyhedra
h = HyperPlane([0, 1], 1) โฉ HyperPlane([0, 1], -1)
hh = hyperplanes(h)
i = 0
for a in hh
i += 1
using Polyhedra
h = HyperPlane([0, 1], 1) โฉ HyperPlane([0, 1], -1)
i = 0
for a in hyperplanes(h)
i += 1
They re equivalent however the first one prints 2 while the second one prints 0.
Note that when the first one is wrapped inside a function, it also prints 2.
I have tried to debug the second code with gdb and it seems that the error is in typeinf_ext
The input of typeinf_ext
is the following MethodInstance:
Main.<toplevel thunk> -> Core.CodeInfo(code=Array{Any, (17,)}[
Core.SlotNumber(id=1) = 0,
Expr(:call, Main.hyperplanes, Main.h),
Core.SlotNumber(id=2) = Expr(:call, Base.iterate, SSAValue(2)),
Expr(:call, Core.:(===), Core.SlotNumber(id=2), nothing),
Expr(:call, Base.not_int, SSAValue(4)),
Expr(:gotoifnot, SSAValue(5), 16),
Core.SlotNumber(id=3) = Expr(:call, Core.getfield, SSAValue(7), 1),
Expr(:call, Core.getfield, SSAValue(7), 2),
Core.SlotNumber(id=1) = Expr(:call, Main.:(+), Core.SlotNumber(id=1), 1),
Core.SlotNumber(id=2) = Expr(:call, Base.iterate, SSAValue(2), SSAValue(9)),
Expr(:call, Core.:(===), Core.SlotNumber(id=2), nothing),
Expr(:call, Base.not_int, SSAValue(12)),
Expr(:gotoifnot, SSAValue(13), 16),
goto 7,
Expr(:call, Main.println, Core.SlotNumber(id=1)),
Expr(:return, SSAValue(16))], codelocs=Array{Int32, (17,)}[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4], method_for_inference_limit_heuristics=nothing, ssavaluetypes=17, linetable=Array{Any, (4,)}[
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=4, inlined_at=0),
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=5, inlined_at=0),
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=6, inlined_at=0),
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=8, inlined_at=0)], ssaflags=Array{UInt8, (0,)}[], slotflags=Array{UInt8, (3,)}[0x00, 0x00, 0x10], slotnames=Array{Any, (3,)}[
:a], inferred=false, inlineable=false, propagate_inbounds=false, pure=false)
and the output is the following MethodInstance
Main.<toplevel thunk> -> Core.CodeInfo(code=Array{Any, (5,)}[
Expr(:call, Main.hyperplanes, Main.h),
Expr(:call, Base.iterate, SSAValue(1)),
Core.PiNode(val=0, typ=Int64),
Expr(:invoke, println(Int64), Main.println, SSAValue(3)),
Expr(:return, SSAValue(4))], codelocs=Array{Int32, (5,)}[2, 2, 4, 4, 4], method_for_inference_limit_heuristics=nothing, ssavaluetypes=Array{Any, (5,)}[
Polyhedra.RepIterator{_, _, _} where _ where _ where _,
Any], linetable=Array{Core.LineInfoNode, (4,)}[
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=4, inlined_at=0),
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=5, inlined_at=0),
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=6, inlined_at=0),
Core.LineInfoNode(mod=Main, method=Symbol("top-level scope"), file=Symbol("/home/blegat/.julia/dev/Polyhedra/ko.jl"), line=8, inlined_at=0)], ssaflags=Array{UInt8, (5,)}[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], slotflags=Array{UInt8, (0,)}[], slotnames=Array{Any, (0,)}[], inferred=true, inlineable=false, propagate_inbounds=false, pure=false)
What seems to happen is that the return type inferred for Expr(:call, Base.iterate, SSAValue(1))
is Nothing
and then all the for the for loop is optimized out.
However, the inference is wrong, it does not always return nothing (otherwise, the first code wouldn't print 2).
I have tried debugging typeinf_ext
as follows but the bug does not occur even if the input I give to typeinf_ext
seems to be exactly the same.
Any idea ?
I have extracted a minimal failing example from the bug in Polyhedra. It does not require any packages:
abstract type A{T} end
abstract type B{T} end
const C{T} = Union{B{T}, A{T}}
struct MyVec <: B{Int}
function startindex(elements::Vector)
if isempty(elements)
return nothing
return 1
struct Iterator{PT<:Tuple{C}}
function Iterator(ps::PT) where {PT}
element_and_index(it, idx::Nothing) = nothing
element_and_index(it::Iterator, idx::Int) =[1].elements[idx], idx
function Base.iterate(it::Iterator{Tuple{T}}) where {T}
idx = startindex([1].elements)
return element_and_index(it, idx)
h = MyVec([1])
i = 0
for a in Iterator((h,))
i += 1 # never gets executed
println(i) # Prints 0 instead of 1
It seems that every element is important in this example. Whenever I try to simplify it, the bug disappears :-P
Thank you, @blegat, for reducing the example. That's tremendously helpful!
Further reduction:
julia> struct Foo end
julia> struct Bar{PT<:Tuple{Foo}}
function Bar(ps::PT) where {PT}
julia> baz(it::Bar) = "baz called"
baz (generic function with 1 method)
julia> bork1(it::Bar{Tuple{T}}) where {T} = return baz(it)
bork1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> bork2(it::Bar{Tuple{T}}) where {T<:Foo} = return baz(it)
bork2 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> h = Foo()
julia> bar = Bar((h,))
julia> # this is OK:
code_warntype(bork1, Tuple{typeof(bar)})
1 1 โ return "baz called" โ
julia> # but if h could not be inferred in Bar((h,)), bar is inferred as
T_bar = Core.Compiler.return_type(Bar, Tuple{Tuple{Any}})
Bar{_1} where _1
julia> bar isa T_bar
julia> # and this is not OK:
code_warntype(bork1, Tuple{T_bar})
1 1 โ (Main.baz)(it) โ
โโโ $(Expr(:unreachable)) โ
julia> # although
code_warntype(baz, Tuple{T_bar})
1 1 โ return "baz called" โ
julia> # OTOH, this is OK:
code_warntype(bork2, Tuple{T_bar})
1 1 โ return "baz called"
As an aside, inference of apply_type
julia> code_warntype(Bar, Tuple{Tuple{Any}})
Body::Bar{_1} where _1
3 1 โ %1 = (Core.apply_type)(Main.Bar, $(Expr(:static_parameter, 1)))::Type{Bar{_1}} where _1 โ
โ %2 = %new(%1)::Bar{_1} where _1 โ
โโโ return %2
could probably be improved to Type{Bar{T}} where T<:Tuple{Foo}
, which would presumable also solve this particular example, but not the underlying issue.
Hm, I have a branch where Bar(::Tuple{Any})
is inferred as Bar{_1} where _1<:Tuple{Foo}
which looks good to me. But I noticed (and this is the case on master, too):
julia> methods(bork1, Tuple{Bar{_1} where _1<:Tuple{Foo}})
# 0 methods for generic function "bork1":
julia> methods(bork1, Tuple{Bar{_1} where _1<:Tuple{Any}})
# 1 method for generic function "bork1":
[1] bork1(it::Bar{Tuple{T}}) where T in Main at REPL[5]:1
This is consistent with
julia> typeintersect(Bar{Tuple{T}} where T, Bar{_1} where _1<:Tuple{Foo})
julia> typeintersect(Bar{Tuple{T}} where T, Bar{_1} where _1<:Tuple{Any})
Bar{Tuple{T}} where T
where I'd expect the former to yield Bar{Tuple{T}} where T<:Foo
I've dug a bit into the type intersection bug (which I suspect to be at least related to the underlying cause here) and when calling typeintersect(Bar{Tuple{T}} where T, Bar{_1} where _1<:Tuple{Foo})
, after peeling off the outer stuff, we end up in intersect_invariant(Tuple{T}, _1<:Tuple{Foo})
. Here, the recursive intersection correctly yields Tuple{Foo}
, but only updates the environment to fix _1
at Tuple{Foo}
, while T
is left at Union{} <: T <: Any
. Then the check that Tuple{T}
is a subtype of Tuple{Foo}
in the environment fails, and the intersection is assumed to be empty. Can you take a look at this, @JeffBezanson?
Verified that when looking up matching methods during inference, the intersection between Tuple{typeof(baz), Bar{Tuple{T}} where T}
and Tuple{typeof(baz), Bar{PT} where PT<:Tuple{Foo}}
is wrongly computed as Union{}
, making inference miss the method.
Should be fixed by #31747, but please confirm with the original example if possible.
Most helpful comment
I have extracted a minimal failing example from the bug in Polyhedra. It does not require any packages:
It seems that every element is important in this example. Whenever I try to simplify it, the bug disappears :-P