Julia: broadcasting over arrays of small unions

Created on 15 May 2018  路  6Comments  路  Source: JuliaLang/julia

@KristofferC noticed when the number of elements in the union goes over two, inference falls back to Any.

julia> Base._return_type(square, Tuple{Union{Missing, Float64}})
Union{Missing, Float64}
julia> Base._return_type(square, Tuple{Union{Missing, Float64, Float64a}})

Working with vectors, matrices and arrays of elements typed as a Union of 2, 3, or 4 leaf types has become very fast thanks to much work. The fact that, at the moment, broadcasting fails to autogenerate arrays that match the source's type (array of 3 or 4 unioned leaf types) leaves a lot of low hanging fruit on the vine.
For example, a data vectors designed to handle Float64 and Int64 values (perhaps with sort of source) which support missing values requires Union{Missing, Int64, Float64}. All the machinery seems present.

broadcast inference missing data

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But indeed the result of combine_eltypes now seems to be used also when it isn't concrete, which I wouldn't have expected.

Where do you see or observe this? We only use the return type if it _is_ concrete or if the result is empty. We are still doing it poorly in the sparse broadcast code, but that's the only place I'm aware broadcast does this incorrectly.


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This mixes two different issues:

  • what's the element type of the result of broadcast
  • what's the inferred type of broadcasted functions

The former is chosen using Base.promote_typejoin, which special-cases Missing and Nothing (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/25553). We have discussed using a more general system (see links in that PR), but it's hard to decide when a Union should be preserved and when it contains so many different types that typejoin should be used instead: should we stop at 3, 4, 5 types? You should be able to override promote_typejoin for very specific types, but it's not really recommended in general.

Whether inference should be more precise is a completely different question, which fortunately can be changed at any point without breaking code: it's just a matter of finding the best threshold for performance.



determining the element type of the result?

Edit: Oh, that's only when the returnt ype is concrete?

AFAIK inference is supposed to be used only when the result is empty. But indeed the result of combine_eltypes now seems to be used also when it isn't concrete, which I wouldn't have expected. I guess @mbauman can clarify.

@nalimilan is absolutely right! This is a perfect example of the problem with return_type. Inference needs to be able to widen unions at some point, or the compiler will be too slow.

But indeed the result of combine_eltypes now seems to be used also when it isn't concrete, which I wouldn't have expected.

Where do you see or observe this? We only use the return type if it _is_ concrete or if the result is empty. We are still doing it poorly in the sparse broadcast code, but that's the only place I'm aware broadcast does this incorrectly.


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