Julia: Support catching specific exception types

Created on 24 Aug 2017  路  12Comments  路  Source: JuliaLang/julia

A la

catch e::ArgumentError
    # hey, I know how to recover from an ArgumentError!
catch e::AssertionError
    # I also know how to recover from an AssertionError!
catch e
    # hmmm, anything else is probably fatal

I know there have been (hotly debated) grand visions of error-handling laid out in #7026 and #15514, but as far as julia 1.0, I think we should at least support catching specific errors. My latest methodology for error-handling goes something like:

  • Be aware of all possible exceptions thrown by your code and which methods throw them
  • For each method that might throw, and for each different exception type

    • Decide if there's some kind of recoverable action due to that specific exception type (retry, clean something up & try plan B, etc.)

    • If there's no possibility to recover, we need to rethrow, but possibly as a new exception type with additional context info from where I'm try-catching

  • Clearly document the types of exceptions that can be thrown from my own methods; what and why each is thrown

The only issue w/ this approach is I end up w/ code like:

catch e
    typeof(e) <: ArgumentError &&  recover_from_argumenterror() # hey, I know how to recover from an ArgumentError!
    typeof(e) <: AssertionError && recover_from_assertionerror() # I also know how to recover from an AssertionError!
    # hmmm, anything else is probably fatal

which is decidedly less pleasant. I feel like having just a little extra syntax could go a long way to making error-handling feel a little more grown up in julia.

Any idea on how hard this would be? Where to start looking to implement?

error handling

Most helpful comment

Yeah, this is crazy that such a feature is not already supported...

All 12 comments

Duplicate of #1075.

If we do this, it could be implemented entirely in the front end. First the parser would have to be modified to accept multiple catch blocks, then these would be lowered into if statements and rethrow.

What if instead of catch e::type we have catch f(e) -> ::Bool or catch e if Bool expr

catch e -> e isa NetworkError
catch e -> e isa HTTPError && e.code == 404
catch e if e isa NetworkError
catch e if e isa HTTPError && e.code == 404

Catching on a Bool function (or expression) is more flexible than catching on types, and not very much more verbose for cases where the expression is just e isa FooType

Also can we have a retry keyword too? :)
See https://github.com/samoconnor/Retry.jl

_[updated: changed :> to isa, thanks @quinnj]_

The problem in your example @samoconnor is you're missing e as a value and a type: i.e. e <: NetworkError suggests e is a type, whereas e.code == 404 assumes it's the object itself. I say we keep this as simple as possible to make catching specific exception types cleaner. e::SpecificExceptionType is nice because it matches current behavior (and indeed, it looks like it's currently an error on master, which means it's not changing existing behavior). After you catch e::HTTPError, it seems reasonable to then do your own "business logic" within that specific catch block. I'm not aware of any other language that allows full on boolean expressions when catching.

@quinnj thanks for spotting e <:, my intention was e isa, I'll update the examples above...

@JeffBezanson, @StefanKarpinski Here's another possibility with a smaller change and the same intention of reducing unintended over-catching....

What if rethrow(::Exception) was removed and replaced with its opposite delete!(::Exception).
i.e. catch would no longer consume exceptions by default, it would rethrow them unless deleted.

julia> try
       catch e
           println("Whoops foo() said: $e")
Whoops foo() said: UndefVarError(:foo)
ERROR: UndefVarError: foo not defined


julia> try
       catch e
           println("Whoops foo() said: $e")
Whoops foo() said: UndefVarError(:foo)

The example above would become:

catch e
    if e isa NetworkError
    elseif e isa HTTPError && e.code == 404

With this feature you might change #15906 to be "Undeleteable exceptions"...

catch e
ERROR: OutOfMemoryError is not deletable. 

(Maybe delete(e, force=true) could be supported too.)

@quinnj I feel pretty strongly that catch-by-type is a half-way solution, and that we should be able to do better than what Java did 20 years ago.
As an example, with AWS stuff I end up with lots of non-type filtering like this:

if e.code in ["404", "NoSuchKey", "AccessDenied"]

But I feel like you're just hijacking this feature request, which was intended to be minimal and hopefully easily accepted. You're basically just reproposing #15906, which you can and should discuss on those threads.

I'd rather we at least do the simple thing first, which, again, should hopefully be easily accepted by everyone before we try re-inventing error-handling. Don't get me wrong, grand visions and creative functionality have their place, but I'm just trying to push for a basic language feature that most other languages support.

Sorry @quinnj, I didn't mean to make you feel like your request was hijacked.

No worries. I understand you're passionate about error-handling and that's great. I'm just worried about a simple feature request turning into #7026 or #15514, which were much more hotly debated. I'm hoping for a "quick win" here.

How is progress on this subject?

Yeah, this is crazy that such a feature is not already supported...

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