Jsdom: SVGGElement is not defined

Created on 3 Dec 2019  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: jsdom/jsdom

I guess SVGGElement (MDN documentation) is not supported in jsdom ?

Basic info:

  • Node.js version: 10.150.
  • jsdom version: 11.5.1

Minimal reproduction case

const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");

const options = {
  ... your options here ...
const dom = new JSDOM(`
    <g id="g"> 
`, options);

const g = dom.window.document.querySelector("#g");

if (g instanceof SVGGElement) { // throws "SVGGElement is not defined"

How does similar code behave in browsers?


(check in the console and look for ok)


I have to say that I noticed the bug when I tested my code using Jest, that is using jsdom internally. Here is the error I got:

● should throw an Error if g element is not found


    Expected message: "group element not found"
    Received message: "SVGGElement is not defined"

          46 |         if (!(svgElement instanceof SVGSVGElement))
          47 |             throw new Error("svg element not found");
        > 48 |         if (!(groupElement instanceof SVGGElement))
             |                                       ^
          49 |             throw new Error("g element not found");
          50 |         this.groupElement = groupElement;
          51 |         this.groupBBoxWidth = 0;

          at new Lib (lib/js/index.js:48:39)
          at test/MyLib/constructor.test.js:86:15
          at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/expect/build/toThrowMatchers.js:81:11)
          at Object.toThrowError (node_modules/expect/build/index.js:342:33)
          at Object.<anonymous> (test/MyLib/constructor.test.js:87:7)

      85 |     expect(
      86 |         () => new Lib({ svgIdentifier: "svg", groupIdentifier: "g" })
    > 87 |     ).toThrowError(new TypeError("group element not found"));
         |       ^
      88 | });
      89 | 

      at Object.<anonymous> (test/MyLib/constructor.test.js:87:7)

Most helpful comment

Indeed, looks like this is just because we don't support the SVG g element. Our SVG support isn't too great at the moment.

All 3 comments

SVGElement is supported. However your code is looking up SVGElement in the Node.js global. You need to use dom.window.SVGElement.

Yep. This is indeed a bug. The specification does not seem to be correctly implemented for SVG groups.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <svg id="svg">
            <g id="group"></g>
            "use strict";

            window.addEventListener("load", function() {
                const svg = document.getElementById("svg");
                const group = document.getElementById("group");

                console.dir(svg.constructor);   // ƒ SVGSVGElement()
                console.dir(group.constructor); // ƒ SVGGElement()
"use strict";

const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");

const dom = new JSDOM(`
    <svg id="svg">
        <g id="group"></g>

const svg = dom.window.document.getElementById("svg");
const group = dom.window.document.getElementById("group");

console.log(svg.constructor);   // [Function: SVGSVGElement]
console.log(group.constructor); // [Function: SVGElement]

GitHub reproduction repository.

Indeed, looks like this is just because we don't support the SVG g element. Our SVG support isn't too great at the moment.

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