Js-beautify: Where is the jsbeautifyrc file

Created on 20 Jun 2018  路  1Comment  路  Source: beautify-web/js-beautify

I have a very basic question. Where is the .jsbeautifyrc. I'm trying to find it for long but can't.

I'd like to give preserve_newlines somewhere, but I don't know where I should place it. I tried finding the .jsbeautifyrc on my whole mac, but was not able to find a global file.

Really stuck.

"css": {
"preserve_newlines": true

Most helpful comment

You probably don't want to edit the config built into the package.
Add a .jsbeautifyrc file to your project directory or any containing folder.

>All comments

You probably don't want to edit the config built into the package.
Add a .jsbeautifyrc file to your project directory or any containing folder.

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