When completion is done, the window is automatically split and the pydoc description is shown above the code buffer. This really confuses me while editing code, because the position of the line is changing all the time. Could you please add an option to disable the pydoc buffer or tell me, how to disable it?
I'm really not sure what you mean.
Are you talking about the preview window of the completions (which changes by navigating the completion list). Or are you talking about the pydoc window that you can enable/disable with K
I meant the preview window. I just found out that it can be disabled with putting the following line to .vimrc:
set completeopt-=preview
Great! I'll close this! If you ever have problems again, let me know!
Yep. Thank you! :-)
I'm having a strange problem with this. I have put set completeopt-=preview in my ~/.vimrc. But every time I open Vim and edit a python file the PyDoc split window is displayed. If I open the .vimrc file, and type :so %, only then does it stop.
I have to do this every time I open Vim. Can you please recommend a solution?
OK I have solved the issue by putting this in my .vimrc file:
autocmd FileType python set completeopt-=preview
Previously I was just putting set completeopt-=preview. That doesn't work.
@jonas-maj Yes I think you're right, we restructured that.
You could theoretically set g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration = 0
. That option is causing the preview to be set.
That's the recommended path in .vimrc
let g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration = 0
set completeopt=menuone,longest
Otherwise Jedi does some auto configuration.
Most helpful comment
I meant the preview window. I just found out that it can be disabled with putting the following line to .vimrc:
set completeopt-=preview