Jackett: Forgot my Password... ???

Created on 28 Dec 2017  路  8Comments  路  Source: Jackett/Jackett

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Jackett version:
Mono version (if not using Windows):

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I don't have a macos either, but a quick google came up with some basic instructions for you to try out:

  1. open a terminal (see https://superuser.com/questions/178735/how-do-you-get-a-shell-on-a-mac#178736 as an example)
  2. paste the following at the command prompt to set yourself up with admin authority
    sudo -i
    and supply the admin password when prompted. ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31700746/how-to-run-terminal-as-administrator-on-mac-pro)
  3. paste the following at the prompt
    launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.user.Jackett.plist
    to shutdown the jackett service (https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett#install-as-service)
  4. edit the jackett config by pasting the following at the prompt:
    open -e ~/.config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json
  5. scroll down till you find the AdminPassword line and replace it with "AdminPassword": null,
  6. save your changes.
  7. start the jackett service
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.user.Jackett.plist

Good luck.

All 8 comments

Help please... Mac OS High Sierra ver 10.13.2, Mono 4.6.1, Jackett_Install_Macos
My Problem: I either need an admin password to override a corrupt/lost password or a clean uninstall method to remove an incorrectly logged password as I'm unable to access UI/Dashboard. Thanks.

stop jackett, edit the ~/.config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json file and change the AdminPassword line to this:
"AdminPassword": null,
Start jackett again and there should be no password.

Thanks Kaso17, forgive me but... How do I stop Jackett, it autoruns at start up and... Where might I find said file, also what program might I use to edit it... I am no more than an enthusiastic end user who auto installed and have no programming/terminal knowledge?

is this what I'm looking for?
screen shot 2017-12-28 at 17 09 49

No idea about mac os.
Try doing a rm -f ~/.config/Jackett/ to reset the jackett config.

What ? Where ? How ? Apologies for my apparent incompetence !

I don't have a macos either, but a quick google came up with some basic instructions for you to try out:

  1. open a terminal (see https://superuser.com/questions/178735/how-do-you-get-a-shell-on-a-mac#178736 as an example)
  2. paste the following at the command prompt to set yourself up with admin authority
    sudo -i
    and supply the admin password when prompted. ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31700746/how-to-run-terminal-as-administrator-on-mac-pro)
  3. paste the following at the prompt
    launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.user.Jackett.plist
    to shutdown the jackett service (https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett#install-as-service)
  4. edit the jackett config by pasting the following at the prompt:
    open -e ~/.config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json
  5. scroll down till you find the AdminPassword line and replace it with "AdminPassword": null,
  6. save your changes.
  7. start the jackett service
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.user.Jackett.plist

Good luck.

Thanks Garfield, your copy and paste instructions for terminal worked great for me, you're a star !

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