It would be nice to set the IPython profile with an environment variable, i.e. something like
$ IPYTHON_PROFILE=testing ipython
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49)
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IPython 7.7.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
IPython profile: testing
In [1]:
My particular use case is to use the conda {de,}activate.d/ hooks to change profiles based on which conda environment is active. At the moment, an easy hack is to alias ipython
to ipython --profile={profile}
and then unalias in deactivate, but environment variables would be cleaner.
Have you tried setting $IPYTHONDIR?
$IPYTHONDIR allows you to redefine $HOME/.ipython
(where the profiles are located) to somewhere else, rather than which profile is selected.
You could have a hack where each profile sits in its own .ipython directory, but this is worse than the alias trick.
It would be nice to have this feature. Many applications let use IPython instead of standard shell, but we cannot specify profile when it invokes.
Most helpful comment
It would be nice to have this feature. Many applications let use IPython instead of standard shell, but we cannot specify profile when it invokes.