Ipfs: Java/CPP-ipfs implementations?

Created on 28 May 2015  路  10Comments  路  Source: ipfs/ipfs

These conventional languages have a plethora of libraries available, and have a large programmer base. As go-ipfs reaches alpha, we can start with alternative implementations in other languages (similar to py-ipfs). Java/CPP are battle tested and can catch up quickly too.

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C-IPFS is now functional, pre-release of v1.0 is online, API and IPNS is working, just doing all the testing and fixing and testing and fixing now... Getting it to play nice with the Go version.. priceless ;)
Peace, Love, and Agorism,

All 10 comments

Or Rust that is low-level and should provide memory safety

if go-ipfs can be ported to android and iOS, i guess we dont require the CPP version of it. I am not too sure though as I'm not familiar with golang.
@jbenet @whyrusleeping, can you please comment?

go-ipfs can be ported to android and iOS, but some work will need to be done on limiting resource consumption, and also making some sort of UI for the app.

the point is, does this issue still make sense? do we actually require cpp/java implementations?

@PayasR yes, some people may want to use an ipfs library in those languages. it's not a priority for the core team though.

https://github.com/ipfs/java-ipfs-api for anyone stumbling on this later

I'm interested in a Java/Kotlin IPFS implementation (not just API). Is there currently a project underway? @diasdavid seemed to have a plan for how to get started with IPLD, which seems pretty important.

C-IPFS is now functional, pre-release of v1.0 is online, API and IPNS is working, just doing all the testing and fixing and testing and fixing now... Getting it to play nice with the Go version.. priceless ;)
Peace, Love, and Agorism,

@whyrusleeping Have you successfully ported go-ipfs to iOS? Can you share your project?

Hello, any progress on having a Java implementation of the IPFS node?

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