Ipfs: IPFS Weekly Updates

Created on 13 Jan 2016  Ā·  31Comments  Ā·  Source: ipfs/ipfs

This is the thread for IPFS Weekly Updates. Please subscribe if you would like to be notified each week about updates regarding IPFS!

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IPFS Weekly #1

Welcome to the first edition of IPFS Weekly!

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we will try to highlight some of the development that happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on github or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

Since this is our first time launching the Weekly, we've included several past weeks. This is partially because we've been refining our process, and wanted to make the first weekly a great one. In the future, they will be released weekly. If you have any feedback about this process in general, let us know here. Thanks!

December 21

Here are some of the highlights for the December 21 Sprint:


Not too much happened during this sprint, because it was the holidays - however, it was also the 32nd CCC. @whyrusleeping, @diasdavid, @lgierth, @Dignifiedquire and more of the team were over there in Hamburg.


For more updates, see the sprint issue.

December 14

Here are some of the highlights for the December 14 Sprint:


  • @whyrusleeping shipped fs-repo-migrations! These are migrations for the filesystem repository of ipfs clients. This tool is written in Go, and developed alongside go-ipfs, but it should work with any repo conforming to the fs-repo specs.
  • @Dignifiedquire did some great work with rust-multiaddr, which is a Rust implementation of @jbenet's multiaddr.


  • (registry-mirror) @diasdavid worked on the npm on IPFS project. This involved some new features, moving the mirror to a different server, and making it work better with larger dirs and with 0.4.0.

  • [(js-ipfs)](//github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs @diasdavid pushed some major updates for js-ipfs, too.

Not much else to report this week; a lot of people are off to enjoy CCC, and the holidays.

December 7th

Here are some highlights of what happened during the December 7 Sprint :


  • @whyrusleeping shipped IPFS version 0.3.10! It contains 74 new commits since the previous version and you can get it here.
  • npm on IPFS! registry-mirror is a new tool that enables distributed discovery of npm modules by fetching and caching the latest state of npm through IPNS. For more info, see this blog post by @diasdavid .
  • @jbenet released a new tool/library called dnslink that makes it easy to resolve dns links (special TXT records in a domain name that can point to paths, like an IPFS path)


  • (infrastructure) On the infrastructure side of things, @lgierth has bootstrapped two new storage, each with 17 TB of disk space!

  • (api) @RichardLitt has [reached a draft 1]((//github.com/ipfs/api/pull/13) of the much needed API documentation.
  • @harlantwood wrote a bit of nodejs code that spins up a fresh IPFS node, sets it to a known ID, and publishes to IPNS using that node.
  • (specs) The new IPFS Linked Data (IPLD) spec is actively being iterated on in the specs repository. Join the discussion here!

    Active stuff

  • @robcat and @fazo96 have done great work integrating IPFS with pacman (the package manager for Arch Linux). They can now install arch packages straight from IPFS! For more details, see this active discussion.

  • @Dignifiedquire has been working on an attractive new distribution page for IPFS, which will be the new landing page to download all things IPFS. You can see the latest screenshots here.


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code since December 7th. (We're autogenerating this list using this tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.) In the future, we will also include people who comment, as they are also super important; bear with us while we develop that technology.

Thanks, and see you next week!

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Send us feedback about the Weekly_

IPFS Weekly #2

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

Here are some of the highlights for the January 5th Sprint:


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code since January 4th. (We're autogenerating this list using this tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.) In the future, we will also include people who comment, as they are also super important; bear with us while we develop that technology.

Thanks, and see you next week! If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop us a line in the next weekly sprint issue!

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

Most helpful comment

IPFS Weekly 11

Welcome back to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

All 31 comments

IPFS Weekly #3

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

This is a double weekly: here are some of the highlights for the January 12th and the January 19th sprints:


  • dist.ipfs.io A distributions page has been shipped! This was largely spearheaded by @dignifiedquire. This is the new one-stop-shop for finding and downloading all official binaries that IPFS produces. Each project has:

    • The distribution name and a short description;
    • The current version number and release date;
    • A download button that detects your platform and automatically suggests the appropriate distribution for you;
    • A grid with download links for all supported platforms (operating system and architectures);
    • A Changelog, a link to a summary of all version changes;
    • An All Versions, a link to view and download previous versions.

    The site is also hosted on IPFS, and is used by ipfs-update to update IPFS. Check it out at http://dist.ipfs.io.

  • go-ipfs 0.3.11 is shipped! Also, we merged 0.4.0 into master. @jbenet, @Dignifiedquire and others fixed appveyor. And finally the latest webui by @Dignifiedquire was pushed in 0.3.11. Check out the changelog.

  • js-ipfs-merkle-dag @diasdavid worked on merkle-dag implementation interoperabolity, by enabling you to successfully read (and write) MerkleDAG nodes that were stored into an IPFS Repo through go-ipfs, in JavaScript.

  • py-ipfs Thanks to @candeira and @ivilata, we now have a much more filled out plan for the Python implementation of IPFS. Join in if you are a pythonista.

  • js-mafmt @whyrusleeping is working on a multiaddr validator in js, after his go work in mafmt

  • infrastructure The public gateway at ipfs.io is now backed by both v0.4.0-dev and v0.3.11 at the same time. Requests are proxied to both, and the first successful response wins. ipfs.io will be backed by v0.4.x alone eventually. What this means is that if you want to target your requests at one specific version, use v04x.ipfs.io or v03x.ipfs.io, respectively. The latter will stop returning DNS records when v03x isn't supported on the public gateway. Also, while we're releasing v0.4.0 and for a while after, the default bootstrap nodes are divided among v03x and v04x. Most can be used by v04x nodes, and a few by v03x nodes. The latter will be phased out over time.

  • ipfs-firefox-addon The Firefox addon that provides transparent access to IPFS resources via local HTTP2IPFS gateway has been updated to release 1.4.2. This is the first time we've mentioned this in this newsletter; go check it out. The addon enables you to load content via IPFS instead of HTTP. For example, if you open a resource from a public gateway (eg. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmW2WQi7j6c7UgJTarActp7tDNikE4B2qXtFCfLPdsgaTQ/cat.jpg) and have addon enabled, the request will not hit public gateway, but data will be loaded from IPFS swarm, in a decentralized and distributed way. It also now supports the IPFS protocol scheme, meaning that can look up a hash by going to fs:/ipfs/<hash> directly.

  • go-multiaddr go-multiaddr now supports the adding of new protocols on the fly. This allows us to build in new protocols without having to force everyone to update the multiaddr library itself.

  • community The labels 'help wanted' and 'difficulty:easy', ':hard', and ':moderate' have been added to every IPFS repository, to help out contributors know what are some low-hanging fruit they can help with. As well, @RichardLitt has created a Docs Styleguide to help standardize how we use English in all of our tools. It'll grow as time goes on.

  • ipfs-dht @whyrusleeping wrote a 'just a dht' binary. This means you can help out the network without running a full ipfs node. It also takes less memory and bandwidth, and having more dht nodes will speed up lookups.

  • js-ipfsd-ctl The Node module able to control an IPFS daemon was updated to 0.3.11.

  • webui The webui no long depends on jQuery, thanks to a lot of work from @luigiplr, @travisperson, and @dignifiedquire.

Work in Progress

  • js-ipfs @diasdavid has merged in the roadmaps for js-ipfs and libp2p, which he'll update as more details become apparent. Take a look.
  • weekly @RichardLitt put a lot of work in getting various sorts of attribution for contributors to IPFS, currently available as name-your-contributors. This is almost done, but there are a few tweaks left to do.

Meetups and Conferences

  • ArcticJS @diasdavid, @whyrusleeping, @RichardLitt, and @noffle were all able to meet up for the first time as a group and hack together at ArcticJS, the first JavaScript conference above the Arctic circle, in Svalbard. Around 15 attended, and there was a lot of hacking, snow, talking about buffers, and swimming in the ocean at midnight underneath the Aurora Borealis (no, really). Most of the work done at the conference was conversations, but included @diasdavid and @RichardLitt working on the API together, @whyrusleeping learning how to javascript, and @diasdavid and @xicombd working on IPFS together. All in all, it was an incredible trip. The videos for the actual talks (given in the most Northernmost church in the world) are here.



Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between January 11th and January 25. (We're autogenerating this list using this tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.)

Thanks, and see you next week! If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop us a line in the next weekly sprint issue!

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly #4

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights for the January 25th sprint:


  • js-ipfs: @diasdavid and @vijayee created js-ipfs-merkle-dag and js-ipfs-blocks, which will help IPFS deal with MerkleDAGs and are extensible enough to allow others to build their own MerkleDAG structures. Also, js-ipfs is now able to import a file into the MerkleDAG, an important milestone. An architecture graph has been spec'ed out here to help newcomers understand how js-ipfs works. Finally, lots of new issues and low-hanging fruit have been tagged for contributors to tackle.
    idb-plus-blob-store: The substack/idb-blob-store had issues regarding emitting the finish event on the createWritableStream result due to internal issues in streams and the way .end is handled. So @dignifiedquire wrote this module that fixes this and now allows us to test all parts of js-ipfs in the browser using IndexedDB as the storage.
  • go-ipfs: Thanks to @Kubuxu, dnslink was extended by dedicated subdomain (_dnslink.). This allows users to alias (using CNAME) their domain to gateway.ipfs.io while still being able to to set the dnslink to content they wish. Also, @whyrusleeping has an open PR to pull libp2p out of go-ipfs and put it into a module on gx, the IPFS native package manager. This is part of a larger effort to whittle go-ipfs down into smaller, extensible modules. Finally, @whyrusleeping did a clean up of the go-ipfs pull requests, closing all pull requests or pinging their authors for updates as needed.
  • notes: @noffle began a discussion about revamping the ipfs mount interface. Join in to voice your thoughts here.
  • community: @diasdavid has written a guide to writing captain.logs, which are short gists written by maintainers about IPFS projects, their status, and how to help. We plan to have more of these in different projects.





Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between January 25th (noon, GMT) and February 1st. We're autogenerating this list using this tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

Thanks, and see you next week! If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop us a line in the next weekly sprint issue!

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly #5

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

This weekly covers the last month. Here are some of the highlights for the February sprints!


Our friends and users at ConsenSys wrote an excellent "Introduction to IPFS", which starts with a less-technical preface, and then dives deep into a full explanation of how the IPFS object model works. It walks through multiple examples, including directory structures, version control systems, and blockchains. This is a great post to familiarize yourself with how the low level IPFS objects work, with graph visualizations and in-depth explanations. It also features a fantastic cover image! Thanks @ChrisLundkvist and @ConsenSysAndrew!



  • @lgierth improved the automated docker image for go-ipfs, which is now named ipfs/go-ipfs. Give it a try: docker run -i --net=host ipfs/go-ipfs. The new image is built automatically for every commit, and has automatic tags for the coming releases. It's also a few MB smaller, and doesn't require mounting a volume for the IPFS repository anymore. Instead, if there's no volume mounted, it'll generate an ephemeral identity and configuration which will be lost when the container exits. This is ideal for testing or just trying something out real quick. Images for go-ipfs 0.3.x are not provided, because the Dockerfile shipped with these version isn't suitable for Docker Hub automatic builds.
  • @noffle, @whyrusleeping and @chriscool have been improving the test suite, fixing flaky tests which used to fail inaccurately. This will let us merge PRs faster, as CI should correctly categorize success and failure.
  • @noffle also made progress toward getting go-ipfs compatible with vanilla go get installation. Hope to have more tangible results to show by end of the month.
  • @RichardLitt made a lot of documentation fixes to the CLI while working on the IPFS HTTP API.
  • @chriscool rewrote the build documentation for Windows, which enabled @slothbag to get Windows builds working again with minimal fuss.
  • @lgierth posted a writeup on the migration from 0.3.x to 0.4.0.
  • @noffle improved FUSE connection termination.


@whyrusleeping shipped a PR that introduces the use of a tool called gx, for vendoring our project dependencies. Previously we used godeps, and saved all of the code required indirectly to build ipfs in the go-ipfs repository itself. This was very difficult to work with for a few different reasons, first off, it made the size of the repository bloat way more than the original size of our codebase, causing clones to take longer, and making CI slower all around. Second, updating these dependencies was a hassle: this was partially the fault of go's poor package management choices and partially that we found godeps UX to be unfriendly. To solve the problem, @whyrusleeping create gx. Gx is a package management tool based on ipfs. Package references are all hashes linked in a merkletree, and resolving all the dependencies of a given project is as easy as an ipfs fetch. Now that we are using gx, the main go-ipfs repo is much smaller, dependencies can be easily fetched and installed (and shared across projects), and we also get to essentially bootstrap ipfs with ipfs.

From the average users perspective, there are a few small changes; go get is no longer a viable way to install ipfs, and users will now need to run make install as is common on other large golang projects (docker and kubernetes among them). You can read more about gx over here at its repo: github.com/whyrusleeping/gx and about gx-go (the subtool of gx specifically for go) here: github.com/whyrusleeping/gx-go.

@RichardLitt improved the gx README document to better explain its goals, and help people get started. Take a look and give us feedback through an issue if you think anything could be improved.


@whyrusleeping wrote a tool called ipns-pub to allow people to publish IPNS entries to the network without actually running a node. You can generate keypairs with ipfs-key and then use those keys to publish any ipfs path you like. Be aware though that entries published with this tool expire every 24 hours, so to keep them alive on the network, the tool has a --daemon option that will republish your entry every twelve hours automatically.


The IPLD spec was merged, after months of thoughtful design. The bulk of the work was achieved by @mildred and @jbenet, with lots of comments and design opinions from many other contributors. The IPLD spec. The "thin-waist" Merkle DAG format, defines merkle-links, -dags, and -paths, as well as the IPLD Data model and formats. In short: JSON documents with named merkle-links that can be traversed. Stay tuned for more information in the future.


@RichardLitt finished logging all existing ipfs commands for the HTTP API Spec. This means that if you have any questions about how the HTTP API should work, you can see them either in master or as open PRs to that issue. If you are interested in how the HTTP API should work, or have any specific questions, please see the current version, and explore the open PRs on that repo.


dist.ipfs.io _almost_ has signed releases thanks to @dignifiedquire. This will be coming soon.


Thanks to @diasdavid, the DAG object manipulation commands now work, with tests and all. As well, thanks to @dignifiedquire's efforts, the js-ipfs API now returns promises if there isn't a specified callback, allowing both major methods used by the Javascript community to work equally well.


@diasdavid improved registry-mirror performance and robustness by removing the dependency on registry-static. The few necessary parts were copied in. This is a huge step in reliability and performance cloning the registry with registry-mirror.


@dignifiedquire fixed drag and drop
file uploading, and some dependency issues. So go ahead and try it


@dignifiedquire rewrote the generation
script and cleaned up the code so that now the data is consistently
reproducible and fully stored on IPFS. This ensures that geoip lookups
over IFPS will work in all future releases.


@chriscool improved important tests for fs-repo-migrations -- tests verify more edge cases when migrating forward and backward, through various sample workloads.


@noffle built ipfs-hyperlog, and ipfs-compatible fork of hyperlog, a DAG that replicates based on scuttlebutt logs and causal linking. ipfs-hyperlog is a drop-in replacement for @mafintosh's hyperlog. Its key difference is that it creates a Merkle DAG that is _binary compatible_ with IPFS objects. This means any node of any DAG built using ipfs-hyperlog can be replicated to and from the IPFS network as well!


@Kubuxu worked on a new IPFS logo. Check it out.


  • If you have any suggestions for conferences, there is a new issue where you can submit your proposals. The IPFS community will see if we can get to that conference and have a presence there.
  • We now have a list of community events for IPFS on the ipfs/community README. Do you have any that you'd like to add? Check out past events, too.
  • @RichardLitt proposed using the new GitHub Templates for IPFS. What do you think about this idea? Chime in here.

IPFS In The Wild

  • Marmot Image Checker: This takes an image, asks the Google Cloud Vision API for three descriptions of the image, and compares those descriptions to a chosen list of words. If there is match, the image is added to the toadserver, a smart contract and IPFS-Backed download server. From Twitter
  • asciienema now allows playback on IPFS. From Twitter


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between February 1st (noon, GMT) and February 29th. We're autogenerating this list using this tool and this other tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

This newsletter is also a community effort. If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop a comment about it in [the weekly repo](//github.com/ipfs/weekly! The more people mention items they want to see in the weekly there, the easier it is to make this and send it out.

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly #6

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights for the first week of March:




The new version of station is ready for developer preview! station is one of the easiest ways to get an IPFS daemon running on your machine. It acts as a service and you get many convenient features, such as the ability to turn an IPFS node on through a GUI and drag and drop to share through IPFS. To try it out, you need Node.js 4 (installation instructions here) and npm 3 (which comes with Node) installed. Then, do the following:

> git clone https://github.com/ipfs/station.git && cd station
> npm install
> npm start


The list of API Commands on the website has been updated. This provides a single place to look through all of the CLI commands for go-ipfs, at once; it is a good reference point if you're not sure exactly which command to use next, and ipfs commands seems sparse.


@Kubuxu has made sure that gx, gx-go, and ipget are available on AUR, the arch-linux user repository. This means that it will be easier to get and install these on some linux platforms.


@dignifiedquire's work on karma-peer means that it now has the ability to dynamically launch browsers, which will help @diasdavid (and hopefully more people!) write better tests for P2P browser applications. See an example of some tests, here. You can also read the discussion that lead to this module and the original tool to test P2P browser applications.


@dignifiedquire has been working on randor, a testing framework that will be able to send huge files and lots of requests into IPFS in order to test how it works for edge cases and how it scales. Randor is now able to rerun tests predictably based on stored data, so it's easy to find and fix bugs. @whyrusleeping is already working on the first bug that randor detected. To contribute, check out the repository.

WebRTC Explorer

WebRTC Explorer 2.0.0 has been alpha released! WebRTC Explorer is a P2P Routing Overlay Network, using WebRTC Data Channels as the transportation layer between nodes. WebRTC Explorer enables communication between browsers without needing mediators (servers), enabling users to route packets between machines, using only Web technologies. WebRTC Explorer is inspired by the Chord DHT, to create a routing scheme with finger tables that are evenly balanced across nodes. @diasdavid wrote up a more extensive blog post here, and has an introductory video here.


@diasdavid released versions of two modules for stream multiplexing: libp2p-spdy and libp2p-multiplex. As well, libp2p-swarm has a new API, more tests, less magic, and more flexibility. There is an open PR to track these changes; if you'd like to get involved, follow it.


Some of you have been asking about ways to contribute to the JavaScript implementation of IPFS: well, wait no more! Now you can read the latest captain.log entry and learn about the state of the project and have a list of issues of things that you can contribute. We appreciate all your help.


We want to build an Etherpad-like product on top of IPFS. There's a lot of
technical ground to cover to do this: how do we know how to sort edits? How do
we deal with high latencies (days/weeks), or with simultaneous edits? How is the
data transported? @noffle has been spearheading the process behind building
this, and this week made a host of modules to resolve some of its dependencies:

  • bisecting-numbers -
    Integer-like number system where any number can be bisected to form infinite
    integer subsystems.
  • bisecting-between - Produces a
    unique value that sorts between two other given values.
  • hyperswarm - Create a p2p webrtc swarm
    around a hyperlog.

(He also wrote a little README
to help him out with his
JS module READMEs.)


@noffle also published a couple of early mad science modules that enable a
peer-to-peer overlay network for gossip-based message exchange. These aren't
strictly built for IPFS, but are an experimental shim to enable projects like
@haad's orbit-db to operate without a
central server for message exchange between peers.

  • secure-gossip - Secure, transport
    agnostic, message gossip protocol. Any peer in the network can publish
    messages, which will eventually propagate to the entire network via rounds of
    gossip between each node's peers.
  • pubsub-swarm - Form a p2p swarm of
    nodes around a topic and exchange messages, with a traditional pubsub API.


@whyrusleeping set up Teamcity. This cuts down on the long waits for Travis to run, and hopefully will mean faster CI tests. Teamcity also gives us awesome metrics on our tests and nice statistics on failures and failure rates. Teamcity has nice integration with a large array of test runners, from go tests to karma and sharness. It will give us more detailed feedback about our test runs, even when successful.


lgierth in Paris

@lgierth spent a productive week in Paris, and chatted with @cjdelisle and @ansuz at @xwiki about the state and future of cjdns/fc00, layed out ideas for routing improvements, and drafted spec documents for the switch and cryptoauth layers. You can find those specs here (they'll be updated soon). Work will continue on these for the rest of March. The switch and routing layers of fc00 might be the foundation of a smarter swarm for IPFS/libp2p, so this is all very exciting.



@RichardLitt gave a talk at BostonJS on Thursday to around fifty people, about how the name-your-contributors module is used in this newsletter. The theme of the meetup was community building; if you have any ideas for improving the Contributor list below, check out this repository and let us know. Since the talk, @RichardLitt also added get-pr-creators to the module, so that everyone who opens a PR (even if it isn't merged) gets added to the contributors list. Has your name been included?

dignifed hacks

@dignifiedquire launched a live-stream of him coding, which he is calling "dignified hacks". Last Monday he recorded himself doing a new feature for the WebUI in the first episode. He'll do another one this week. One of the viewers, @nginnever, said it "was helpful for a quick view of our components and data flow in the webui." He will announce regular showtimes on Twitter and you can subscribe to IPFS on YouTube where future episodes will be hosted.

Lisbon Blockchain Workshop

@diasdavid participated on the last Lisbon Blockchain Workshop on March 5, hosted by Kwamecorp. The workshop gathered many Blockchain, IPFS, ethereum and zerocash enthusiasts that were organized in working groups to build solutions with these distributed technologies.

IPFS Dead drop

cbase deadrop

Some members of c-base have written a dead drop-like system that automatically uploads files from a USB memory stick to IPFS. When you plug a USB memory into the device, it will automatically access the memory stick and publish all the files on the web. Thanks to IPFS the files are instantly available to the whole world. Check out deaddrops.com for more information about dead drops.

They also have an installation available: the node is run in the above device. When you plug it in, you get to see this, too. If you're in Berlin or visiting soon, make sure to drop by.

Interplanetary Wayback (IPWB)

At Archives Unleashed, a Web Archive Hackathon in Toronto, Mat Kelly (@machawk1) and Sawood Alam (@ibnesayeed) from ODU WSDL Research Group developed an IPFS based distributed and persistent archive replay system called Interplanetary Wayback .

Science Data

@jbenet visited the Janelia Research Campus to learn about scientific data tools and use cases. He gave a talk about IPFS, data versioning, package management, and more (video forthcoming). He learned about DVID, and the requirements of the amazing FlyEM brain imaging effort. He got to see many fantastic open source research tools made by the FlyEM Team (github), the Freeman Lab (github), and other groups. Go check out their GitHub repos, and help them improve brain research!


Jeff Smith of Sitepoint released a great article on IPFS: "HTTP vs IPFS: is Peer-to-Peer Sharing the Future of the Web?".


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between February 29th (noon, GMT) and March 7th. We're autogenerating this list using this tool and this other tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

This newsletter is also a community effort. If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop a comment about it in the weekly repo! The more people mention items they want to see in the weekly there, the easier it is to make this and send it out.

Thanks, and see you next week!

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly #7

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights for the second week of March:



Orbit, a distributed, peer-to-peer chat application built on IPFS, is back in active development and going through a major code base overhaul. It now uses orbit-db as it's database layer. orbit-db is a KV-store and Event Log on top of IPFS which allows developers to use IPFS as a database. Last week orbit-db got big performance and stability improvements and is now using CRDTs for eventual consistency.


A nasty bug in our networking code was fixed this week. An issue in yamux (our primary stream multiplexer) would cause code to hang when opening a new stream if there were too many in flight stream opens. As a result of this, large file transfers (ipfs refs -r, ipfs get, and so on) would hang.

IPFS 0.4.0 is now very close to shipping, we ran @dignifiedquire's randor tool quite extensively and are more confident in the repo operations that have changed since 0.3.11. The release now has a somewhat short checklist of things that are blocking the official release.

As a small side project, @whyrusleeping started benchmarking each of our possible datastore implementations with ds-bench. The results will help us improve the performance of our storage moving forward. On that same topic, he started an experiment in new and exciting datastores and wrote a datastore implementation that can be backed by a sql database. @whyrusleeping then spun up a postgresql database (from docker) and ran the benchmarks against it, without any sort of tuning the initial performance metrics showed that it was around three time as fast as our current on-disk datastore. (Note: the metrics are simply testing the performance of writing random 256k binary blobs to each datastore).


The js-multiaddr implementation was upgraded, now that it now matches go-ipfs features. What this means is that js-multiaddr now supports protocols that need to be encoded with varints. A varint is a integer that uses only the number of bytes it needs to be described by using a continuation bit (more details). Before this addition, we were not able to declare http, websockets or even IPFS multiaddrs because these protocol have a code that doesn't fit in a byte - now we can. You can check the encoding table here.


mafmt, a module that @whyrusleeping wrote and which stands for _multiaddr format_, filters out different formats to use with certain transports. Thanks to @daviddias, this now does uTP and WebSockets validation, as well.


The new libp2p-swarm has been released; to reiterate last week, the module has been overauled to have a new API, to be agnostic about which transport an application has to use, and also to have more tests. This also exposes more internal processes, which makes error checking and logging more useful. Libp2p will eventually help users traverse IPFS for any node which allows their desired transport, meaning that we can have a more connected and less brittle web.


@jbenet was in Boston this week for consensus research discussions. While in Boston, @jbenet visited the Digital Currency Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, where he spoke about IPFS and its implications for blockchains, for digital publishing, and for access to information.

c-base/ipfs-ringpin is a new set of tools for setting up an IPFS "file pinning ring" between multiple parties. This can be used, for example, for hackerspaces to provide redundancy by pinning each other's files. pipermerriam/ipfs-persistence-consortium and VictorBjelkholm/pincoop do similar things.

the-gred/jsjob-ethereum is an experiment at creating a computational market on top of Ethereum. Computational jobs are run in a JavaScript sandbox, and both input data, the algorithm to run, and the produced results are shared over IPFS.

@jbenet gave a talk titled Datastructures In and On IPFS at last year's QCon SF. The video was released this week, so now you can all see it! The talk includes a typical introduction (skip if you know IPFS well), and then dives into datastructures, including Merkle Links, Mazieres links, how IPNS works, IPRS records, versioning, Keychain (PKI on IPFS), Persona (identity), and more.


The IPFS powered USB deaddrop at c-base was demonstrated at the LoganCIJ 2016 Symposium, in the Investigative Journalism conference. More pictures here. If you want to build your own IPFS USB deaddrops, check out the c-base project here: c-base/ipfs-deaddrop.


The IPFS Copenhagen Meetup organized by @NeoTeo had another meeting a few days ago. If you're in the area, sign up at the Meetup.com page so you don't miss the next one!

Several core IPFS developers will be in NYC from March 28th to April 8. We will be organizing an IPFS Meetup within that time frame. If you would like to come, please follow this github issue for the final details. If you would like to present, post in that issue.


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between March 7th (noon, GMT) and March 14th. We're autogenerating this list using this tool and this other tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

This newsletter is also a community effort. If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop a comment about it in the weekly sprint issue! The more people mention items they want to see in the weekly there, the easier it is to make this and send it out.

Thanks, and see you next week!

  • Richard Littauer and Andrew Chin

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly #8

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights for the March 14 sprint:




@dignifiedquire has been working hard on the new webui, which will be coming soon. You'll be able to preview images, watch videos, create folders, drag and drop, and more. Here's a pretty gif. To help out, check out the help wanted labels on the repo.


There are some active discussions on PubSub, following a good video chat last week during the hangouts. PubSub is the name we're using to talk about a simple protocol which will help facilitate easy publishing and subscribing on top of IPFS. Our requirements are that it must be easy to implement, well-layered, and mesh well with the rest of the IPFS abstractions. To join the conversation about the PubSub API, check out this issue. For more discussions, check out all of the PubSub issues in the notes repo.


@haadcode has been working on and released ipfs-log, a partially ordered linked list of IPFS hashes. Each entry in the log points to all known heads or leaf nodes. It can be used as a building block for applications that need to track "dynamic content", eg. track a version of a file, create a feed of IPFS hashes, messaging or as a transport for CRDTs. THis was originally created for, and is currently used in, orbit-db, a KV-store and Event Log on IPFS.

ipfs init

ipfs init for js-ipfs is almost complete, thanks to @noffle. This will have go-ipfs compatibility, but run using only JavaScript. If you like building tests and sharpening your semicolons, there's plenty of opportunities to contribute in js-ipfs land.


This week in go-ipfs, we prepped for shipping version 0.4.0. This included lots of testing, writing of information, and verification of different aspects of IPFS. @whyrusleeping wrote a stress test for the fs-repo-migrations that adds a very large number of objects (over 200,000) and pins a couple thousand of them, runs the migration, verifies ā€‹everythingā€‹, runs a gc, and then verifies everything again. Once that got working, he kicked off a test run of that with the numbers bumped by a factor of 10 (over two million objects!) and everything completed just fine. This robustness means that 0.4.0 will be ready to ship very, very soon.


There were some changes in ipfs-firefox-addon since it was mentioned in Weekly No.3 (v1.4.2).

The Firefox addon that provides transparent access to IPFS resources via local HTTP2IPFS gateway has been fully reviewed by Mozilla and updated to v1.5.6. On average it has over 350 daily users.

The 1.5.x series brings various UX improvements such as Realtime Status and Diagnostics, along with experimental features that can be enabled on the Preferences screen. Check the full list at Github. Feature requests and bug reports are welcome!



Our friends at Mine recently released
L-SPACE, the Mediachain server. they
have also been writing great updates to their blog:
How Mediachain works,
Dev Update V,
Dev Update VI,
and more. The press took notice and Mediachain has been featured in
Bitcoin Magazine,
and more! Congratulations, and thanks for the IPFS shoutouts there!


@diasdavid organized a research and development meeting for IPFS in Lisbon. If you're in the area, join this meetup group.


Bitcoin Magazine had a guest post by Zach Ramsay, from Eris Industries, about How Blockchains Can Further Public Science. Zach also published part two on the Eris blog: Public Science: A Slightly More Practical Guide. Both are well worth the read, especially if you're in academia.


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between March 14th (noon, GMT) and March 21st. We're autogenerating this list using this tool and this other tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

This newsletter is also a community effort. If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop a comment about it in the next weekly sprint issue! The more people mention items they want to see in the weekly there, the easier it is to make this and send it out.

Thanks, and see you next week!

  • Richard Littauer

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly 9

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights for the March 21st through March 28th sprint:


Package Managers

Package managers have been a large topic of discussion recently. Mostly, this is because of an issue with an author of some heavily used npm packages unpublishing all of his modules simultaneously. One of these was left-pad, which was used by thousands of builds globally, all of which broke when the package was removed. A great writeup of what happened is on the npm.js blog here; they took this very seriously, and shortly after changed their unpublish policy as a direct result.

Many people jumped to IPFS as a possible solution to this problem. With a permanent filesystem, unpublishing wouldn't be possible. Here's one post titled How to use IPFS to fix npm; here's an issue on a new GitHub organization, ipmjs, trying to find consensus on how to fix npm using a permanent storage system; here's an npm module, cowpen that publishes modules directly to IPFS; here's another decentralized package manager that sprung up using IPFS and Ethereum.

The IPFS community has been thinking about immutable package managers for a long time. IPFS itself began as an immutable package manager, and it is built to make writing them much easier. @diasdavid has a project called registry-mirror, which allows you to run an npm registry locally that is backed by packages retrieved from IPFS instead of NPM directly. He's written about a presentation he gave for it, here; the source code is here.

On a similar note, gx, a package manager for Go made by @whyrusleeping, was also mentioned in a lot of the discussions about npm and package managers, especially on Hacker News. In the past two weeks, the project went from 50 to 1000 stars, so people are clearly interested in this now.

The discussion about how to best use IPFS as a package manager is ongoing. Jump on GitHub if you have something to say; we're listening in the FAQ and in the notes repo.

DNS outage

We're using DigitalOcean to provide ipfs.io DNS. On Tuesday, March 24th, DigitalOcean DNS was hit by a severe outage lasting hours, which took the public gateway at ipfs.io down. We switched to DNSimple in an ad-hoc fashion and brought ipfs.io back while DigitalOcean was still down, but this incident obviously hit us on the wrong foot a bit. We'll be working to never get taken down this way again. It's HARD not to depend on any single points of failure. Here's a few things we'll do:

  • codify DNS zones, and tools to upload them to DNS providers
  • keep one or two backup DNS providers
  • update our monitoring and failover procedures

We'll post a more detailed post-mortem on our blog in the next few days.


Aye, you might want to check the new js-ipfs Captain.log entry, matey!

Following js-ipfs roadmap, weā€™re closeā„¢ to having a workable js-ipfs version that can be used in the browser and in Node.js. This will mark a very important milestone on the IPFS project and enable a whole set of new distributed web applications to be possible. If you want to be part of this effort, check out our Captain.log entry to get a full update and a list of tasks you can contribute to.



@haadcode has been working on improvements to orbit-db, ipfs-log and Orbit. The message history fetching is now more stable and the UI feedback for loading messages is fixed. All this work will improve the user experience of Orbit.


js-ipfs init works! @noffle finished the remaining pieces this week, including CLI usage. This included a handful of auxiliary PRs that cascaded out of that work. This makes the js-ipfs init process produce IPFS repos that are compatible with go-ipfs'.

Dictionary support for the zlib JavaScript Implementation, pako

One of the significant contributions made this week was the addition of 'dictionary' support for zlib JavaScript implementation, pako. With this contribution, we are able to have a complete implementation of SPDY 3.1's framing layer running in the browser, the default stream muxing library used in IPFS. You can find more about this contribution in the following issue and PR discussions:

  • https://github.com/nodeca/pako/issues/69
  • https://github.com/diasdavid/js-libp2p-spdy/pull/6
  • https://github.com/nodeca/pako/pull/77


@whyrusleeping wrote a tool to move content from 0.4.0 to 0.3.11 (see levart-emit). He also discovered a file descriptor leak bug in utp causing connectivity issues, and began work on datastore performance improvements.

jsipfs object cli and http-api endpoints are complete

Now you can use jsipfs object in the same way you would use ipfs object. Big thanks to Francisco Dias for leading the last miles of this goal. The complete track of the development can be found at github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/58.

Nginx metrics

The infrastructure metrics dashboard didn't previously have HTTP request/response metrics from nginx's point of view, but only from IPFS's and multireq's point of view. (Multireq is our v04x/v03x multiplexing proxy). Nginx itself provides finegrained metrics only through their commercial subscriptions. We're now using mtail to parse metrics from nginx access logs and expose them to Prometheus. @lgierth will also contribute the nginx.mtail program upstream with mtail.


Upcoming talks

On April 20th, IPFS will host a joint meetup with ConsenSys at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sign up here!

First IPFS Meeting in NYC

We had our first IPFS meetup in New York! It went fantastically; expect an upcoming post on the Blog soon.

Meeting with NYC Mesh

@jbenet and @lgierth met with the fine folks of nycmesh.net. For the past two years they've been building a community Wifi network in New York City. We had lots of great conversation about wireless mesh networking and IPFS. If you live in NYC, you should come attend their meetups!

NYC Blockchain

Last Monday members of the IPFS comminuty attended a blockchain workshop event held by COALA, "a collaboration between academics, lawyers, technologists and entrepreneurs who have been driving research, policy and infrastructure-building in the blockchain ecosystem for the past three years" at the New York University School of Business. @diasdavid @haad @noffle and @nginnever were in attendance as @jbenet was a part of a protocols panel, speaking on scalability and the future of blockchain technology. A recording of the event should be available on youtube in the future here.

Lisbon Research and Development Meetup


The IPFS Lisbon community had their second "Research & Development Meetup", hosted by Uniplaces (https://www.uniplaces.com). The focus was "The Distributed Web" (Slides) and "Machine Learning + Artificial Intelligence for Recommender Algorithms", with talks by David Dias and JoĆ£o AscensĆ£o, respectively. If you are around Lisbon, make sure to join http://www.meetup.com/ipfs-lisbon-meetup to get notified about the next one. Resources for this talk can be found here.


@whyrusleeping gave a talk introducing IPFS at ta3m seattle - Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays. Video links to come when they are posted.

BitCoin News

BitCoin news had a discussion on using IPFS and Bitcoin for Decentralised Citizen Journalism. Check it out!


Christian Lundkvist gave a talk on IPFS at BitDevsNYC. Christian works closely with IPFS at ConsenSys.

IPFS Meme of the Week

Hee hee

From https://twitter.com/jplur_/status/712670265919086594. Thanks, jplur_!

Content-Type of the Week

Now that we're using mtail to make better sense of nginx serving the
IPFS-to-HTTP gateway, we can graph the frequency of content types served.
We'll showcase interesting content types served from the gateway in the coming

The first Content-Type of the week is: application/x-chdr, which signifies a C source header file.


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between March 21st (noon, GMT) and March 28th. We're autogenerating this list using this tool and this other tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

This newsletter is also a community effort. If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop a comment about it in the next weekly sprint issue! The more people mention items they want to see in the weekly there, the easier it is to make this and send it out.

Thanks, and see you next week!

  • Richard Littauer

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

IPFS Weekly #10

IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities, aiming to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In these posts, we highlight some of the development that has happened in the past week. For anyone looking to get involved, follow the embedded hyperlinks, search the wealth of information on GitHub or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

If you would like to get this update as an email, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights for the time period from April 6th through April 25th.



go-ipfs 0.4.0 has been released! Among the many changes are a revamped implementation of the IPFS communication protocols, increased performance, improvements to IPNS (the Interplanetary Naming System), many bugfixes, and lots of new features to make IPFS even more powerful.

See the blog for more details.


@haadcode upgraded all of his projects to use 0.4.0, got orbit-db and ipfs-log working in the browser, and improved Orbit's UX. As a result, Orbit is much faster and more stable than it was under 0.3! We now have working distributables for orbit-db and ipfs-log in the browser. They still require a local daemon to run to work but this will change when js-ipfs ships. @haadcode added some new features to Orbit: preview files directly in the chat with code highlighting, players for audio and video, and improved the files browsing functionality in general. You can now also copy the hash of a file to clipboard. It looks like this:


Finally, @haadcode also created a simple JavaScript logging module called logplease, which works in Node.js and browsers. logplease does two simple things: output log messages to the console and/or to a file (Node.js only) and display the log messages with nice colors. It was inspired by log4js and debug.


AEgir has been officially released. Formerly called dignified.js, this is our toolset for JavaScript modules, which cuts down on development time immensely by standardizing the process of testing, building, linting, releasing, and generally scaffolding out JS modules. It is now deployed over nearly all active JavaScript projects on IPFS. Check out the npm package or the github repo.

We've also overhauled the community JavaScript guidelines to reflect this change, and to make them more accessible to new developers.

go-libp2p and go-ipfs refactoring

We're modularizing go-libp2p, aiming at module parity with js-ipfs. This makes the codebase less daunting to newcomers, and makes maintenance and testing of everything much easier.

As part of this, @whyrusleeping removed over 9000 (yes, over 9000) lines of unused godeps dependencies from the go-ipfs repo. Its a good deal more manageable now, and we are getting ever closer to having a purely gx managed package.



@dignifiedquire shipped an updated version of js-ipld which now conforms to the latest spec of IPLD. In addition js-ipfs-ipld was created, which implements the building blocks to use IPLD in js-ipfs. The third package that was published is js-ipfs-cli which gives you a cli tool to interact and experiment with IPLD.

ipfs-blob-store v1.0.0 released

One of the benefits that comes from the new Files API in 0.4.0, is that we can emulate any kind of file system expectations on top of IPFS, and by doing so, enable applications that use a file system, to use IPFS without any modification. One perfect example of that are all the applications that use a module that implements the abstract-blob-store interface, now with ipfs-blob-store, with a simple npm install, you can swap out your current blob-store implementation by the IPFS one.

js-ipfs-api now supports the Files API

On the same lines, js-ipfs-api now offers all the Files API calls through a convenient and easy to use library. You can find all of the function declarations on the js-ipfs-api docs

Making js-ipfs and js-libp2p modules awesome

@JGAntunes, @dignifiedquire, @nginnever, @diasdavid, and @noffle have been working hard to bring the pantheon of js-ipfs modules up to snuff: detailed READMEs with examples and full API docs, as well as 100% test coverage. We made significant inroads last sprint on js-peer-id, js-multiaddr, js-peer-info, js-ipfs-blocks and more! There are a lot more modules that still need good READMEs and docs, so dive in and give us a hand!

go-ipfs and the Prometheus monitoring system

We've had Prometheus integrated with go-ipfs for some time already. In case you're unfamiliar, Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. It allows you to monitor diverse services, visualize the collected metrics in dashboards, and define rules for alerting. Together with the Grafana dashboard UI, it's the perfect monitoring system.

The scraping endpoint of go-ipfs is exposed at :5001/debug/metrics/prometheus by your go-ipfs daemon. Check Prometheus' Getting Started guide to try it out.

go-ipfs and restricting dialing

go-ipfs has support for restricting peer connections to certain IP address ranges, by using the Swarm.AddrFilters config setting. The following config example illustrates how to exclude all IPv4 peers, and all IPv6 link-local peers.

// .ipfs/config
"Swarm": {
  "AddrFilters": [


Berkman Center

@jbenet and @nicola spoke about IPFS with fellows at the Berkman Center. They discussed the core motivations of the IPFS Project, how it works, the state of the implementations, and a wide array of issues IPFS tackles. The discussion was excellent, starting with important ethical problems present in the web today, going through critical features our web should exhibit to solve them, and ending with how to get there. We look forward to tighter collaboration between our communities. Thank you very much for having us!

MIT Meetup

IPFS Meeting in Cambridge

We had the first ever IPFS meetup in Cambridge, at MIT. It was sponsored by Consensys, and hosted by the MIT Bitcoin Club. @jbenet, @nicola, and @CReckhow each gave talks. A full writeup will appear on the blog as soon as we have edited the videos and posted them on the IPFS YouTube channel. We'll let you know when that happens, here.

_Photo by @nicocesar_._


Work on Peergos, a decentralised, secure file storage, sharing and social network using IPFS, is progressing well; @ianopolous is close to getting a FUSE binding working. Throughput hasn't been as bad as he was expecting with all the encryption and erasure coding, and it's looking likely that it will end up being network IO bound, instead of CPU bound for non trivial writes.

SpaceX Landing

Things are awesome and getting awesomer. Specifically, SpaceX landed a reusable Falcon 9 booster, which puts us that much closer to having a human colony on Mars. When that happens, we're betting they'll be using IPFS.

Content-Type of The Week

This week's Content-Type is the non-standard chemical/x-chemdraw. ChemDraw is a molecule editor first released in 1985, and still maintained as of today. We don't know which molecules were added to IPFS, but will do our best for IPFS to be around in 30 years just like ChemDraw is still around.

Every week we highlight a Content-Type that we've seen on the public HTTP-to-IPFS gateway at https://ipfs.io. If you're waiting to see one particularly interesting Content-Type in one of the next Weeklies, propose it by ipfs add -w'ing a file of that type, and requesting it from the public gateway: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/<hash>.


Across the entire IPFS GitHub organization, the following people have committed code, created issues, or made a comment on GitHub between April 6th (noon, GMT) and April 25th. We're autogenerating this list using this tool and this other tool, so please let us know if your name isn't here.

This newsletter is also a community effort. If you have cool things to share for the next weekly, drop a comment about it in the next weekly sprint issue! The more people mention items they want to see in the weekly there, the easier it is to make this and send it out.

Thanks, and see you next week!

  • Richard Littauer

_Submit feedback about this issue here, or send us feedback about the IPFS Weekly in general._

Q4 Roadmap Notice

_This is not an update from the newsletter; however, I am posting it here so that it can get more eyes on it._

Our next weekly call will be focused on roadmaps. We will be planning our roadmaps for the rest of 2016. _You're invited to join in!_ We want to make sure the community is heard and involved as much as possible.

If you're interested in seeing the progress we've made with IPFS over the last few months or if you have something you want to see done in Q4, tune into these calls and chime in on IRC.

You are welcome to dial into these calls as a participant if any of the following are true:

  • You maintain software that relies directly on IPFS
  • You have done work on js-ipfs, go-ipfs, libp2p, orbit, etc.
  • You plan to do work on the these projects in the coming months

To prepare for these calls, take a look at the video calls from last week, where we reviewed the third quarter roadmaps.

This is a diversion from our usual weekly schedule. As you may know, every Monday we have a series of calls to align work on IPFS for the following week. We announce the calls each week in an issue in ipfs/pm and on the #ipfs IRC channel. Next week, instead of following our usual routine, we're going to look at roadmaps. We will cover some of the work we plan to do in the next few months. In mid-October all of the project leads will be meeting in person to lay out our finalized roadmap for the rest of 2016.

If you'd like to weigh in on the process for the next two weeks, check out this issue and let us know! If you have never participated in the calls before and you plan to dial in as a participant on these roadmapping calls, please let us know you're coming by leaving a comment on that github issue.

IPFS Weekly 11

Welcome back to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC (#ipfs on the Freenode network).

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 12

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

  • Meet folks from Protocol Labs next Thursday at our IPFS Social in Glasgow. Register for the event here.
  • See IPFS in action in the first episode of Around the block, a docu-series of interviews featuring some of the most intriguing characters & stories ā€œin crypto-landā€ by Paratii Video. The best part? Their content is streamed via a p2p app called the Lab. The Lab is a repository for high-quality crypto content that doesnā€™t spy on you and relies on IPFS. Itā€™s also is open source and you can distribute the series yourself through embedding.
  • Introducing IpfsCloud: A Decentralised Cloud Storage Platform ā€“ A decentralised cloud storage platform, or the IPFS alternative to Google Drive
  • Check out the recent Filecoin demos with Chinese subtitles. Many thanks to Neo Ge, of IPFS Main, for the translation.

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

  • ipld-explorer-cli 0.14 - IPLD (Inter Planetary Linked Data) is the underlying data structure used by IPFS that allows it to store, retrieve and traverse through any type of content-addressed data.
  • ipfs-cluster 0.6.0 ā€“ Increased the minor release number to signal changes to the Go APIs after upgrading to the new cid package, but, other than that, this release does not include any major changes.
  • js-ipfs 0.32.3 ā€“ Some bug fixes for the JavaScript implementation of the IPFS protocol.
  • qri-io 0.5.4 - A very minor release that cleans up a few issues with the API to make the frontend editor work šŸ˜„
  • Announcing the launch of 0x protocol v2.0!

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 13

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

  • Introducing Decentralized Campā€™s second yearly hackathon Nov 9-11 https://medium.com/buildyourthing/introducing-decentralized-camps-second-yearly-hackathon-9de20516a321
  • Sign up to be notified for IPFS Conf 2019, in Lisbon.
  • Introducing AraCon, the first Aragon Conference, will take place in Berlin, Germany on January 29-30, 2019.
  • Git Merge 2019 ā€“ This yearā€™s event takes place in Brussels, Belgium, and features a full-day offering technical content and user case studies, plus a day of workshops for Git users of all levels.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 14

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

  • Discover your next favorite decentralized application on app.co.
  • Video: CURIOSITY, see Richard Feynman doing what he does best - sharing his contagious fascination with the world.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 15

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

  • Dark Crystal ā€“ Back up your secrets using the trust in your social network
  • Aldous Huxley on decentralization (1946, Foreword to Brave New World)
  • Brave announced first release of redesigned Chromium-based desktop version that replaces previous Muon-based browser and delivers 22% faster load time. It supports IPFS Companion as well. Give it a try!
  • TEMPORAL is an enterprise-grade storage solution featuring an easy to consume API that can be easily integrated into your existing application stack, providing all the benefits of the distributed web, without any of the overhead that comes with running distributed storage nodes.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 16

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

  • go-ipfs 0.4.18-rc1 - First Release Candidate of largest go-ipfs release to date, 3 months in the making. If you are okay with living on the bleeding edge, please install and test! šŸ˜Ž

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 17

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

  • Releases abound! js-ipfs 0.33.0 was released and features a lot of massive changes, including a total UI revamp, API updates and a new command line tool. Check it out!
  • ipfs-cluster 0.7.0 was also released to issue some bugfixes and some improvements youā€™ll enjoy.
  • Microsoft launched an IPFS template on Azure during devcon4.
  • See go-ipfs as a codebase visualisation at GoCity. Like the Sims, but better!

Meet David Dahl šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø

Last week, during the IPFS All Hands meeting, viewers were treated to an introduction to establishing identities on IPFS by David Dahl. David is a Software Engineering Researcher at IBM, self-proclaimed Decentralized Enthusiast and frequent contributor to IPFS. Check out his work on creating a Keybase-like social proof and Identity for people and organizations via IPFS. And be sure to say hi to David on Twitter.

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

  • Redecentralize.org is creating a community and platform to support a fair, empowering internet.
  • MetaMask mobile was launched last week. Both the mobile and the browser extension now integrate IPFS natively, resolving websites with ENS domains (.eth) from IPFS.
  • Topaz tells the truth.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 18

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

Meet NicolƔs Pace

NicolĆ”s Pace is a member of AlterMundi A.C., a grassroots organization supporting rural underserved communities in their pursue for creating their own telecommunications infrastructure, their own piece of internet. He also happens to be an IPFS contributor, and spoke at the last IPFS All Hands On Call about ā€œHearing the Communities, Learning Through Grassroots.ā€ See the video from his talk here.

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

  • IPFS Companion v2.6.0 shipped with the new Web UI, revamped context menus and new languages!
  • qri 0.6.0 ā€“ AKA the Rifle Green Harrier release is a big ā€™ol release! Check out the release notes for the full details.
  • spdy-transport 3.0.0 ā€“ Many thanks to Jacob Heun for making node-spdy v4.0.0 and spdy-transport v3.0.0 ready for Node.js LTS! Check it out. šŸ˜Ž

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

  • Aegeus, A New Era of Data Management ā€“ Building a completely distributed and secure means of sharing and storing data using IPFS.
  • Measurement Lab is a partnership between New Americaā€™s Open Technology Institute, Google Open Source Research, Princeton Universityā€™s PlanetLab, and others with the goal of measuring the Internet, saving the data and making it universally accessible and useful!

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 19

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

Meet Irakli Gozala šŸŽ‰

Weā€™re in awe of the work IPFS contributor Irakli Gozala is doing. Currently, heā€™s spearheading the effort to implement experimental APIs for Firefox WebExtensions with the goal of enabling dweb protocols in Firefox through browser add-ons. Check out his libweb repo if youā€™re interested in contributing or see him chat more about it at the latest IPFS All Hands call.

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

  • js-libp2p 0.24.0 was released! The best part? They added support for custom routers, turned relay on by default and threw in some extra goodies and improvements. Check it out!

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 20

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

  • Did you know thereā€™s an IPFS Weekly Call? Mondays at 5pm, UTC join IPFS contributors around the globe for a face to face meeting that also features one or more short talks from guest presenters! Next week, December 3, presenter Jacob Heun will talk about the recent JS-Libp2p release, and the week after that Sander Pick will share about Textile photos. Check out the IPFS Community Calendar for more dates and info!
  • If you are newer to tech but passionate about decentralization you should apply for the IT Engineer role at Protocol Labs. Itā€™s a remote position helping empower the team working on IPFS, Filecoin, libp2p, and more!

Meet Mikeal Rogers šŸ˜Ž

Mikeal Rogers, or @mikeal everywhere online, is a creator of NodeConf and the popular npm package request. Among his many other achievements, he is a founding member of the Node.js Foundation and currently is the head of community at Protocol Labs. Follow Mikeal on Twitter for insights into open source, IPFS, and even occasionally, fine dining!

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 21

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

  • The HTTP client libraries are being renamed! The important news is that the HTTP client libraries are changing from ipfs-api to ipfs-http-client. True, itā€™s longer but way better at describing what the module is! Read the blog for more info.
  • Look at these amazing cookies from @momack28ā€™s holiday baking adventures. šŸ˜‹
  • Donā€™t forget Sander Pick is presenting Textile photos at next weekā€™s IPFS Weekly Call, Monday at 5pm UTC.

Meet Yurko šŸ‘¾

Last week, we mentioned live-streaming over IPFS, and as it just so happens, at last weekā€™s IPFS Weekly Call, Yurko was on hand to share it with us. Yurko is an IT native with two decades of experience and an active IPFS contributor. They are also a member of Toronto Mesh, a group of folks building a mesh network for, you guessed it, Toronto! To learn more about live-streaming over IPFS, check out the video from last weekā€™s meeting to see Yurko explain it.

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 22

Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. šŸ‘‹

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 23

Welcome to the last IPFS Weekly of 2018! šŸŽ‰

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since thatā€™s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what weā€™re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly, and remember, weā€™ll be back with more news on January 8th!šŸ‘‹

The latest

IPFS in the wild

Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

Updates and new releases

See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

In progress

Whatā€™s coming up next for the IPFS community and ecosystem.

Tools and projects we <3

Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

Coming up in the Community

Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next weekā€™s edition.

IPFS Weekly 24

Welcome to the first IPFS Weekly of 2019! šŸŽ‰

For this first week back, weā€™ve put together a very special issue looking back on all that you, the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) community, accomplished in the last year.

2018 was a year of significant milestones

January: Mozilla adds support for Decentralization Protocols in popular web browser, Firefox.

February: The world was introduced to libp2p, a peer-to-peer networking stack built modularly, with IPFS.

March: js-ipfs v0.28.0 was released, Juan Benet presented Redecentralizing the Web to MITā€™s largest research lab, the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, and go-ipfs released version 0.4.14.

April: We introduced IPFS Companion 2.2.0 and gave folks a look at go-ipfs on Windows.

May: We announced the first ever IPFSConf, Textile introduced a personal IPFS that runs on your mobile device for true decentralized storage. js-ipfs 0.29.0 was released and we closed out the month by getting the IPFS Cluster 0.4.0 release candidates out with a newly launched IPFS Cluster website to boot.

July: The Awesome IPFS list on GitHub was relaunched as a website. Released js-ipfs v0.30.0 and v0.31.0 back to back. js-libp2p had its first _official_ release, and lastly, go-ipfs v0.4.17 was released.

August: We celebrated Lab Day 2018 in San Francisco, California (see the talks from Lab Day here) and released both the InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD) explorer site and the official site for js-ipfs: js.ipfs.io. We closed out the summer with the release of IPFS Cluster 0.5.0.

September: Cloudflare announced their IPFS gateway and the IPFS Weekly Newsletter returned. js-ipfs 0.32.0 was released and so was ipld-explorer-cli 0.14.

October: IPFS Pinbot emerged on Twitter.

November: A big month for releases! js-ipfs 0.33 and go-ipfs 0.4.18 and js-libp2p v0.24.0 were all released.

December: We ended the year with a bit of organization, by renaming the HTTP client libraries.

Some cool news

Some of our milestones were covered by major publications, so hereā€™s a look back at some of the news we made.

August: Mozilla Hacks, Dweb: Building Cooperation and Trust into the Web with IPFS

September: The Guardian, Decentralisation: the next big step for the world wide web

October: MIT Technology Review, A big tech company is working to free the internet from big tech companies

November: Forbes Magazine, Can Decentralization Impact And Enhance Geo-Location Data Privacy?, Nasdaq, Thailand Uses Blockchain-Supported Electronic Voting System in Primaries, and Hackernoon, Breaking The Ice: A Crash Course In IPFS, Ethereum And Fat Protocols Of The Future.

Community events around the globe

Throughout the year people were excited to meet and chat about IPFS. Here are some of the events we saw each other at, and if you missed these, thereā€™s always 2019!

January: Lisbon IPFS, 2018 is the year of the Distributed Web šŸ™ŒšŸ½ šŸŒ (see talks here and IoT Dev Fest in Tempe, Arizona.

February: The workshop WebVR/AR III: Mixed Reality Networks in Portland, Oregon.

May: Baltimore/DC IPFS held a meet-up.

August: The IPFS community descended upon Decentralized Web Summit 2018 in San Francisco, California.

October: The first IPFS Berlin meetup and IPFS Show & Tell in London took place (see the talks from London here).

2018 by the names and numbers

All told 261 contributors produced 8417 commits across 167 repositories in the IPFS project this year. Thanks to the following folks for helping make this such an amazing year for IPFS.

  • 0xflotus
  • abitrolly
  • achingbrain
  • acruikshank
  • adamgall
  • Admin-DataRoads
  • ahazrat
  • akrych
  • alanshaw
  • aleph2012
  • aleybovich
  • alexander255
  • AliabbasMerchant
  • amar-laksh
  • anacrolix
  • andreasolund
  • andrewxhill
  • aphelionz
  • b5
  • bartcoelus
  • bastiao
  • bigs
  • bjzhang
  • bmuller
  • bvand
  • camelmasa
  • carsonfarmer
  • cboddy
  • chenminjian
  • chriscool
  • chrismatthieu
  • Coderlane
  • contrun
  • da2x
  • daftaupe
  • daijiale
  • daviddahl
  • daviddias
  • davideicardi
  • davidgilbertson
  • DavidHuie
  • DBLouis
  • demmojo
  • dignifiedquire
  • dirkmc
  • djdv
  • dheatovwil
  • dongtianyi
  • dordille
  • dorstu
  • dreadhello
  • drgrisham
  • drozdziak1
  • dryajov
  • dsemenovsky
  • dustmop
  • ebastos
  • ebpa
  • edsgerlin
  • eefahy
  • eingenito
  • Elexy
  • eordano
  • erciccione
  • fazo96
  • fbaiodias
  • ffrist
  • fiatjaf
  • flipflopsimsommer
  • flokli
  • flyingzumwalt
  • fluency03
  • FrankPetrilli
  • fsdiogo
  • garrensmith
  • germeuser
  • gjeanmart
  • gpestana
  • grokcoder
  • groksrc
  • hacdias
  • hannahhoward
  • hinshun
  • hsanjuan
  • hugomrdias
  • ianopolous
  • ibnesayeed
  • ivan386
  • IvanLuLyf
  • j-cr
  • jacobheun
  • jackloughran
  • jamiejn
  • jamiew
  • jbenet
  • JGAntunes
  • jfranciscosousa
  • jonafato
  • jonahweissman
  • JonKrone
  • jonnycrunch
  • justinmchase
  • kamaci
  • Kcchouette
  • keks
  • kevina
  • kevinsimper
  • kishansagathiya
  • kjzz
  • klueq
  • koalalorenzo
  • Kubuxu
  • kyledrake
  • Laevos
  • lanzafame
  • laser
  • leekt216
  • leerspace
  • leo6104
  • LEonGAo1991
  • lexrus
  • lidel
  • LinusU
  • litzenberger
  • lgierth
  • luizirber
  • machawk1
  • magik6k
  • maksimyugai
  • manandbytes
  • marcooliveira
  • marpett
  • marten-seeman
  • matrushka
  • mburns
  • mcollina
  • meiqimichelle
  • mhchia
  • mishmosh
  • michaelavila
  • michaelmcandrew
  • MichaelMure
  • MidnightLightning
  • mikeal
  • miyazono
  • mgoelzer
  • mkg20001
  • momack2
  • Mr0grog
  • My9Bot
  • ncocchiaro
  • negamaxi
  • NeoTeo
  • nGoline
  • nicola
  • Nipol
  • nstrelow
  • oed
  • olebedev
  • olizilla
  • OR13
  • Otto-AA
  • overbool
  • parkan
  • PascalPrecht
  • passerby888
  • PedroMiguelSS
  • petethomas
  • pgte
  • phritz
  • pkafei
  • PlayerWithoutName
  • pmthomps
  • pors
  • postables
  • Powersource
  • preetsinojiya
  • prettymuchbryce
  • PunkChameleon
  • qpakzk
  • racin
  • raoulmillais
  • raulk
  • renrutnnej
  • requilence
  • RichardLitt
  • richardschneider
  • ridewindx
  • rjharmon
  • rjrbt
  • rob-deutsch
  • robbsolter
  • robotamer
  • rodolfo-r
  • Rokko11
  • romaric-juniet
  • rwv
  • s1na
  • sahib
  • sameer
  • samli88
  • satazor
  • satoru
  • sbani
  • schomatis
  • seungwon-kang
  • shunkino
  • skylarnorris
  • slandau3
  • soupdiver
  • Stebalien
  • steefmin
  • steveruckdashel
  • sublimino
  • suzaku
  • taigrr
  • tarekbadrshalaan
  • taylormike
  • terichadbourne
  • tdiesler
  • the-owl
  • thiagodelgardo111
  • thomasbeta
  • Tirz
  • travisperson
  • TroyWilson1
  • TUSF
  • ult-yole
  • Varunram
  • vasco-santos
  • victorb
  • vmx
  • vukovinski
  • vutsalsinghal
  • vyzo
  • wanderingstan
  • warpfork
  • waynewyong
  • webmaniak
  • wei-1
  • whereswaldon
  • whilei
  • whyrusleeping
  • wraithgar
  • ya7ya
  • zbigniewzolnierowicz
  • zcstarr
  • ZenGround0

Huge thanks to all of you for your time, your expertise, and your contributions. We couldnā€™t do it without each and every one of you. ā¤ļø

Building the web with Awesome IPFS

These are just a few of the new apps and tools that were submitted to the new Awesome IPFS site, showing that people are excited about building things with IPFS.

  • brig - File synchronization with git like interface and FUSE filesystem.

  • IPFSStore - Pinning paid with Steem

  • Autonomica ā€œIPFS Social Proofā€ - Autonomica is a Keybase-like Dapp for creating an identity and proving this identity via published social media and web proofs.

  • TallyLab - Local-first, end-to-end encrypted diary app for capturing, analyzing, and sharing data about any and everything.

  • Pinata - Build and manage your dapp through Pinataā€™s REST API and IPFS toolkit.

  • enzypt.io - A website to buy and sell files through Ethereum and IPFS.

  • qri - Dataset creation, collaboration, and discovery on the distributed web.

  • Peer Bandwidth Demo - An demo app that uses window.ipfs, provided by the IPFS Companion web extension to get and graph bandwidth info for your IPFS node

  • killcord - A censorship resistant deadmanā€™s switch

  • Philes - A simple browser-based IPFS notepad app.

  • Arpadyne - The New Internet - DNS powered by OrbitDB. Content delivered via IPFS.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this special edition of the IPFS Weekly. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! Next week weā€™ll return with all the news thatā€™s happened across the ecosystem since the last Weekly of 2018.

If this is your first time reading the IPFS Weekly, you can learn more or get involved by checking out the project on GitHub, or joining us on IRC.

See you next week! šŸ‘‹

this issue is becoming really long and its time to long and scroll has increased significantly. Should we consider stopping posting the Weekly here and resort only to the one on the blog?

Hi everyone,

Here is an interview I did about IPFS and some of its potential uses. I love to know you all think of it.


On Jan 10, 2019, at 5:02 AM, David Dias notifications@github.com wrote:

this issue is becoming really long and its time to long and scroll has increased significantly. Should we consider stopping posting the Weekly here and resourt only to the one on the blog?

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@daviddias That works for me! I'll start making that change this week.

@georgeslandry Thank you for the video!

Thank you for replying, @renrutnnej. Closing the issue here then :)

Here is another video mainly about more interesting applications of IPFS.


On Jan 15, 2019, at 12:18 PM, David Dias notifications@github.com wrote:

Closed #151.

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Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

Here is another interview I did about competing decentralized networks including IPFS.


On Jan 15, 2019, at 12:18 PM, David Dias notifications@github.com wrote:

Closed #151.

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Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

Hi Everyone,

Not sure why we stopped getting these weekly updates.

Please take a look at my request for proposal for something that I am building on IPFS.

https://youtu.be/muje_AMkIFg https://youtu.be/muje_AMkIFg

On Jan 8, 2019, at 3:18 PM, Jenn Turner <[email protected] notifications@github.com> wrote:

IPFS Weekly 24

Welcome to the first IPFS Weekly of 2019! šŸŽ‰

For this first week back, weā€™ve put together a very special issue looking back on all that you, the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) https://ipfs.io/ community, accomplished in the last year.

2018 was a year of significant milestones

January: Mozilla adds support for Decentralization Protocols https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2018/01/26/extensions-firefox-59/ in popular web browser, Firefox.

February: The world was introduced to libp2p https://blog.keep.network/introduction-to-libp2p-57ce6527babe, a peer-to-peer networking stack built modularly, with IPFS.

March: js-ipfs v0.28.0 https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1228 was released, Juan Benet presented Redecentralizing the Web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeN_d4MpnNI to MITā€™s largest research lab, the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, and go-ipfs released version 0.4.14 https://blog.ipfs.io/34-go-ipfs-0.4.14.

April: We introduced IPFS Companion 2.2.0 https://blog.ipfs.io/35-ipfs-companion-2-2-0/ and gave folks a look at go-ipfs on Windows https://blog.ipfs.io/36-a-look-at-windows/.

May: We announced the first ever IPFSConf https://twitter.com/IPFSbot/status/998964366077816832, Textile introduced a personal IPFS https://medium.com/textileio/your-photos-decentralized-and-encrypted-a-first-look-at-the-tech-inside-textile-photos-9b0155c25f15 that runs on your mobile device for true decentralized storage. js-ipfs 0.29.0 was released https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1320 and we closed out the month by getting the IPFS Cluster 0.4.0 release candidates https://twitter.com/hecturchi/status/1001074944481120256 out with a newly launched IPFS Cluster website https://cluster.ipfs.io/ to boot.

July: The Awesome IPFS list https://github.com/ipfs/awesome-ipfs on GitHub was relaunched as a website https://twitter.com/daviddias/status/1024281949416771584. Released js-ipfs v0.30.0 https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1375 and v0.31.0 https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1458 back to back. js-libp2p had its first official release https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p/issues/226, and lastly, go-ipfs v0.4.17 https://twitter.com/Whyrusleeping/status/1023116433113247746 was released.

August: We celebrated Lab Day 2018 https://lab-day.com/aug-03-2018/ in San Francisco, California (see the talks from Lab Day here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhuBigpl7lqvIymGaM7A_VT4CYZW3R_4Q) and released both the InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD) https://explore.ipld.io/ explorer site and the official site for js-ipfs: js.ipfs.io https://js.ipfs.io/. We closed out the summer with the release of IPFS Cluster 0.5.0 https://cluster.ipfs.io/news/20180824_0.5.0_release/.

September: Cloudflare announced their IPFS gateway https://blog.cloudflare.com/distributed-web-gateway/ and the IPFS Weekly Newsletter returned https://blog.ipfs.io/45-ipfs-weekly-11/. js-ipfs 0.32.0 https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1497 was released and so was ipld-explorer-cli 0.14 https://blog.ipfs.io/44-ipld-explorer-cli-0-14/.

October: IPFS Pinbot https://twitter.com/ipfspin/status/1053376847596187648 emerged on Twitter.

November: A big month for releases! js-ipfs 0.33 https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1635 and go-ipfs 0.4.18 https://blog.ipfs.io/53-go-ipfs-0-4-18/ and js-libp2p v0.24.0 https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p/issues/249 were all released.

December: We ended the year with a bit of organization, by renaming the HTTP client libraries https://blog.ipfs.io/58-http-client-rename/.

Some cool news

Some of our milestones were covered by major publications, so hereā€™s a look back at some of the news we made.

August: Mozilla Hacks, Dweb: Building Cooperation and Trust into the Web with IPFS https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/08/dweb-building-cooperation-and-trust-into-the-web-with-ipfs/
September: The Guardian, Decentralisation: the next big step for the world wide web https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/sep/08/decentralisation-next-big-step-for-the-world-wide-web-dweb-data-internet-censorship-brewster-kahle
October: MIT Technology Review, A big tech company is working to free the internet from big tech companies https://www.technologyreview.com/s/612240/a-big-tech-company-is-working-to-free-the-internet-from-big-tech-companies/
November: Forbes Magazine, Can Decentralization Impact And Enhance Geo-Location Data Privacy? https://www.forbes.com/sites/yoavvilner/2018/11/10/can-decentralization-impact-and-enhance-geo-location-data-privacy/#60f6619863f8, Nasdaq, Thailand Uses Blockchain-Supported Electronic Voting System in Primaries https://www.nasdaq.com/article/thailand-uses-blockchain-supported-electronic-voting-system-in-primaries-cm1055512, and Hackernoon, Breaking The Ice: A Crash Course In IPFS, Ethereum And Fat Protocols Of The Future https://hackernoon.com/breaking-the-ice-a-crash-course-in-ipfs-ethereum-and-fat-protocols-of-the-future-eb9bd15eb96e.

Community events around the globe

Throughout the year people were excited to meet and chat about IPFS. Here are some of the events we saw each other at, and if you missed these, thereā€™s always 2019!

January: Lisbon IPFS https://www.meetup.com/lisbon-ipfs/events/246513999/, 2018 is the year of the Distributed Web šŸ™ŒšŸ½ šŸŒ (see talks here https://twitter.com/daviddias/status/953388140785418240 and IoT Dev Fest https://twitter.com/chrismatthieu/status/957350700303794176 in Tempe, Arizona.

February: The workshop WebVR/AR III: Mixed Reality Networks https://www.eventbrite.com/e/webvrar-iii-mixed-reality-networks-cc360-tickets-40763651178# in Portland, Oregon.

May: Baltimore/DC IPFS https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmccuDo37eDmmWBRjJcpLJXiADnmRy7f59RWkkJQU7Jm97/ held a meet-up.

August: The IPFS community https://twitter.com/IPFSbot/status/1024724255043280896 descended upon Decentralized Web Summit 2018 in San Francisco, California.

October: The first IPFS Berlin meetup https://www.meetup.com/IPFS-Berlin/events/254816369/ and IPFS Show & Tell in London https://www.meetup.com/london-ipfs/events/255386386/ took place (see the talks from London here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuhRWgmPaHtRdiy0HKNy4UZ4dKVUVL_KG).

2018 by the names and numbers

All told 261 contributors produced 8417 commits across 167 repositories in the IPFS project this year. Thanks to the following folks for helping make this such an amazing year for IPFS.

Huge thanks to all of you for your time, your expertise, and your contributions. We couldnā€™t do it without each and every one of you. ā¤ļø

Building the web with Awesome IPFS

These are just a few of the new apps and tools that were submitted to the new Awesome IPFS https://awesome.ipfs.io/ site, showing that people are excited about building things with IPFS.

brig https://brig.readthedocs.io/en/latest - File synchronization with git like interface and FUSE filesystem.

IPFSStore https://ipfsstore.it/ - Pinning paid with Steem

Autonomica ā€œIPFS Social Proofā€ https://github.com/IBM/ipfs-social-proof - Autonomica is a Keybase-like Dapp for creating an identity and proving this identity via published social media and web proofs.

TallyLab https://tallylab.com/ - Local-first, end-to-end encrypted diary app for capturing, analyzing, and sharing data about any and everything.

Pinata https://pinata.cloud/ - Build and manage your dapp through Pinataā€™s REST API and IPFS toolkit.

enzypt.io https://enzypt.io/ - A website to buy and sell files through Ethereum and IPFS.

qri https://qri.io/ - Dataset creation, collaboration, and discovery on the distributed web.

Peer Bandwidth Demo https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVaVXbLdw4R5NqAiiQoTWtitxo5g7FS31PQmCLbH9p8Fu/ - An demo app that uses window.ipfs, provided by the IPFS Companion web extension to get and graph bandwidth info for your IPFS node

killcord https://killcord.io/ - A censorship resistant deadmanā€™s switch

Philes https://github.com/chrismatthieu/philes - A simple browser-based IPFS notepad app.

Arpadyne https://arpadyne.computes.com/ - The New Internet - DNS powered by OrbitDB. Content delivered via IPFS.

Thanks for reading ā˜ŗļø

Thatā€™s it for this special edition of the IPFS Weekly. If we missed something, reply to this email newsletter@ipfs.io and let us know! Next week weā€™ll return with all the news thatā€™s happened across the ecosystem since the last Weekly of 2018.

If this is your first time reading the IPFS Weekly, you can learn more or get involved by checking out the project on GitHub https://github.com/ipfs, or joining us on IRC https://riot.im/app/#/room/#ipfs:matrix.org.

See you next week! šŸ‘‹

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@georgeslandry please see the comments above about receiving the weekly update via email newsletter or the IPFS blog. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

The best place to submit content ideas is by following the newsletter repo and commenting on the PRs each week.

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