Ionic-framework: Building errors after upgrade to Ionic 3.9.2

Created on 10 Nov 2017  ·  28Comments  ·  Source: ionic-team/ionic-framework

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Current behavior:
After upgrading to Ionic 3.9.2 I get a bunch of errors when building my app:

Typescript Error
Module '"F:/Users/morit/Documents/Projects/ionic/foodji/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'.
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { ModuleWithProviders, OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core';
import { Auth as _Auth, FacebookAuth as _FacebookAuth, GoogleAuth as _GoogleAuth, Client as _Client, CloudSettings, Config as _Config, Database as _Database, Deploy as _Deploy, DIContainer as _DIContainer, IEventEmitter, IAuth, IClient, IConfig, IDeploy, IFacebookAuth, IGoogleAuth, IPush as _IPush, IPushMessage, IUser, Insights as _Insights, Push as _Push, User as _User } from '@ionic/cloud';
Typescript Error
Class 'Subject<T>' incorrectly extends base class 'Observable<T>'. Types of property 'lift' are incompatible. Type '<R>(operator: Operator<T, R>) => Observable<T>' is not assignable to type '<R>(operator: Operator<T, R>) => Observable<R>'. Type 'Observable<T>' is not assignable to type 'Observable<R>'. Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'R'.
export declare class Subject<T> extends Observable<T> implements ISubscription {
    observers: Observer<T>[];


Typescript Error
Class 'WebSocketSubject<T>' incorrectly extends base class 'AnonymousSubject<T>'. Types of property 'lift' are incompatible. Type '<R>(operator: Operator<T, R>) => WebSocketSubject<R>' is not assignable to type '<R>(operator: Operator<T, R>) => Observable<T>'. Type 'WebSocketSubject<R>' is not assignable to type 'Observable<T>'. Types of property 'operator' are incompatible. Type 'Operator<any, R>' is not assignable to type 'Operator<any, T>'. Type 'R' is not assignable to type 'T'.
export declare class WebSocketSubject<T> extends AnonymousSubject<T> {
    url: string;


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    "platforms": [


cli packages: (C:\Users\morit\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v6.9.5\node_modules)

    @ionic/cli-utils  : 1.18.0
    ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.18.0

global packages:

    cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0

local packages:

    @ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.0
    Cordova Platforms  : android 6.3.0 browser 5.0.1 ios 4.5.2
    Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.2


    Node : v6.9.5
    npm  : 4.3.0
    OS   : Windows 10

Environment Variables:

    ANDROID_HOME : not set


    backend : legacy

Most helpful comment

Upgrading ionic storage to 2.1.3 worked for me..

All 28 comments

Same issue here.

OpaqueToken deprecated in Angular 5 and ionic-cloud-angular use it

open issue on @ionic-team/ionic-cloud-angular

OpaqueToken is only one issue that would go wrong with your Ionic3,8/Angular 4.x code accidentally upgraded to 3.9x/Angular5.x there is much more. I strongly advice not to upgrade to Ionic3.9.x on your production sites/apps unless you have a spare week or so. There are hundreds boobytraps like totaly new i18n system, new rxjs, new form behavior, etc.
CLI MUST NOT offer upgrades that requires major overhaul of the whole project codebase!!!!

Downgrade Typescript to 2.4.0, worked for me

Same issues here

Seconding this, typescript 2.4.0 works for me.

Looks like the issue is with ReactiveX and typescript default changes. See here

I tried typescript 2.4 before posting and it didn’t resolve the issues for me. It’s possible I didn’t clear out my node_modules before reverting so I’ll try again and report back.

I added typescript 2.4.0 as a devDependency and installed it (maybe you installed it globally?).

Also explicitly install 2.4.0 as 2.4.1 already introduced that config change that causes this specific error.

Am 28. Nov. 2017, 15:36, um 15:36, aspoonemore schrieb:

I tried typescript 2.4 before posting and it didn’t resolve the issues
for me. It’s possible I didn’t clear out my node_modules before
reverting so I’ll try again and report back.

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Same issue, downgrading to typescript 4.2.0 didn't help

downgrading has other issues

npm WARN @angular/[email protected] requires a peer of typescript@>=2.4.2 <2.5 but none was installed.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of [email protected] but none was installed.

I downgraded typescript to 2.4 and 2 of the errors are gone but I'm still seeing this one

Typescript Error
Module '"C:/dev/ionic/s2s/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'.

I tried downgrading typescript to 2.4.0 and it did not worked. I am still having the issue with OpaqueToken and cloud-angular.


I am also getting "Cannot find module 'ionic-native'."

I have "@ionic-native/core": "^4.4.2", in my package.json

What am I missing? Ty

Same issue here... how has the ionic team not addressed or replied to this yet?? The 3.9.2 release is totally busted because of this.

Same issue here, Opaque Token are deprecated and cand deploy in my android device, only in ionic server. Dont update to ionic 3.9.x if u use a i18n to translate... lets do it in angular 4 for now

Is there a solution to this. I am still getting the opaquetoken error

same issue here

cloud-angular is deprecated so I assume the ionic team will not fix this. That being said removing cloud-angular fixes the issue.

How can you remove the cloud-angular?

I had to update the ngx-translate/core to the latest version to get around an issue with the opaqueToken module.

@patelya22 First remove cloud angular from your code. I had to remove references and code from both my app.module.ts and my app.component.ts and then remove it from your package.json or run npm remove @ionic/cloud-angular --save (maybe save-dev)

On angular 5.1.1, ionic 4.5.2 and ionic cloud angular 0.12.0 and am having this error.

Only fully removing, as suggested by @jgerstle, worked.

As @selected-pixel-jameson mentioned I had to update ngx-translate as well to the latest version(currently to 9.1.1), in the package.json:

        "@ngx-translate/core": "9.1.1",
        "@ngx-translate/http-loader": "2.0.1",

and update the translate loader from:

export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: http) {
  return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, './assets/i18n/', '.json');


export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: **HttpClient**) {
  return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, './assets/i18n/', '.json');


import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import {HttpClientModule, HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';

and imports module section:

imports: [
      loader: {
        provide: TranslateLoader,
        useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
        deps: [HttpClient]

any advance on this matter?

Upgrading ionic storage to 2.1.3 worked for me..

Upgrading ionic storage to 2.1.3 worked for me too.

This issue has been automatically identified as an Ionic 3 issue. We recently moved Ionic 3 to its own repository. I am moving this issue to the repository for Ionic 3. Please track this issue over there.

If I've made a mistake, and if this issue is still relevant to Ionic 4, please let the Ionic Framework team know!

Thank you for using Ionic!

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