Hi everyone, first of all - ECharts are awesome, the next big thing in dataviz, you guys rock!
Now the issue - I've been trying to change the "color" option and use the .setOption() method. This doesn't update the chart nor calling the .refresh() method. The only method which works is setTheme() // empty param throws an error but does the job..
Anyway, thanks for your hard work!
In fact, your color is already in force, but has not been applied to the echarts series, because the current option.color not corresponding to each series.In this regard, I also expect echarts to change —— color sequential decision color of series .
Just because the legend keep the color-series Map after render. Try this option and change the color as your description, it work.
option = {
color: ['red','green'],
series : [
{name:1, value:10},
{name:2, value:20}
But, when legend has been used, you can use legend's api: setColor, see http://echarts.baidu.com/doc/doc-en.html#LegendInterface , set the series to a new color or false for clear the series' color map in legend.
Or, maybe the setTheme is the best way, check this http://echarts.baidu.com/doc/example/line1.html#-en
and in the Console, try this
you will find what your need.
Thx for your appreciate.
Yeah, myChart.setTheme({color:['red','green']}); works great, thanks for that!
Most helpful comment
Just because the legend keep the color-series Map after render. Try this option and change the color as your description, it work.
But, when legend has been used, you can use legend's api: setColor, see http://echarts.baidu.com/doc/doc-en.html#LegendInterface , set the series to a new color or false for clear the series' color map in legend.
Or, maybe the setTheme is the best way, check this http://echarts.baidu.com/doc/example/line1.html#-en
and in the Console, try this
you will find what your need.
Thx for your appreciate.