Hub: How to add a PR description to a `hub pull-request` ?

Created on 19 Nov 2015  路  5Comments  路  Source: github/hub


I'm loving this command line tool. We use it a lot in our CI scripts to automate workflows between git submodules and repositories. So thanks a lot!

I'm trying to add a description to the PR I'm creating using hub pull-request without much success. The use case is we update a submodule, and we construct the URL of the Github comparison between the old and new submodule hashes to add it as a description to the PR.

I've tried giving a multine HEREDOC input to -m, but it breaks hub internally. I've also tried not setting any message at all, but the tool opens $EDITOR and expects a human to write a message manually, which is a no-go for our CI tool (instead of using the last commit's message and extended description as in Github's web interface, as I was expecting)

Is there any other way I could do this?

Thanks again!

Most helpful comment

The subject and the body need to be separated by a blank line.

hub pull-request -F- <<<"THIS IS THE SUBJECT

This is the body.
This is the second line of body.

This will all be body."

All 5 comments

You could use the -F flag on hub pull-request similar to git-commit and pass a generated file. See for an example.

Thank you very much @hkdobrev! That did it!

This doesn't work. The entire string is put into PR's headline and description is empty.

At least when I try to do it like that:

            export MESSAGE="
              Github diff $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL
              Github PR $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST
              User $CIRCLE_USERNAME
              Workflow ID $CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID"

            hub pull-request -F- <<< "$MESSAGE"

The subject and the body need to be separated by a blank line.

hub pull-request -F- <<<"THIS IS THE SUBJECT

This is the body.
This is the second line of body.

This will all be body."

Yup, it works. Thank you very much @mislav !

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