I am using html2canvas in a react Project. I found that html2canvas not work when the html contains a canvas element. The canvas area will show empty.
this is the html picture
this is the convert to canvas picture
in the canvas area , I use 'echarts-for-react' to draw a Radar map。But when I clcik Generate pictures Button , the dowload picture is not complete
I have the same problem.
Could you share an example on jsfiddle?
same problem. i have chartjs graphs on page, they are no longer rendering. used to render in previous version
I have created a fiddle to show the problem
This is not working on chrome :( , I can confirm on safari it working :)
problem is in removing container form DOM before rendering
I have the same problem. marker...
Maybe html2canvas can not work with gridstack.js
Had the same problem with using chart.js with vue(vue-chart.js) and it only happens in Chrome
I have the same problem, html2canvas can not work with gridstack.js, when i use html2canvans with gridstack, all elements get stacked at the top.
@Nemo0915 I build a jsfiddle with gridstack.js, but it's work fine.So maybe that is not gridstack.js's problem,but i am not very sure.
same problem,Firefox is ok but Chorme can not work
@bigfacewo thanks for your reply,it's the screenshot of your jsfiddle, the button has been stacked to the top too, and the result is same whether in FF or Chrome.
@Nemo0915 I found the 0.5.0-beta4 version work normal,jsfiddle. the screenshot is:
The 1.0.0-alpha4 version,jsfiddle,it's can not work on chrome, But i didn't find the problem that the elements were stacked on the top. this is the screenshot on Firefox:
Chrome version:63.0.3239.108
Firefox version:57.0.2
you can add option: removeContainer: false to fixed this problem temporarily....
Thanks @IxAres, it solves my problem.
i've tried adding removeContainer: false, but the problem still exists on mobile Chrome
@niklasvh it doesn't work at all. I am using version 1.0.0-rc.5 of this application.
hey,what solution?
2020 the problem is still here.
+1 I'm also seeing this behaviour.
Problem still exists
Problem still exists with Chart.js and Firefox 76.0 (64-bit) browser
Hey there I am getting the same issue with Mapbox inside the element can you please help here.
I have also tried removeContainer: false but it didn't work for me.
@Rajeshgtstpl I had a similar issue with mapbox. I solved it by setting preserveDrawingBuffer: true
in the mapbox options.
I'm not using Chart.js, but had the same problem with canvases where i used drawImage. Solved the issue by putting image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous' on the image element before passing it to drawImage, like this:
image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'
Hope it can help someone :)
Hi guys, I am having similar canvas export issue but with a threejs scene, any recommendations? I have tried with the v1.0.0-rc.7 but it exports everything but the threejs canvas.
EDIT: I tried to add in the threejs canvas like this:
But got this error:
@AchoArnold preserveDrawingBuffer: true
worked for me for Mapbox, thanks.
Question: have you noticed a performance impact?
I'm not using Chart.js, but had the same problem with canvases where i used drawImage. Solved the issue by putting image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous' on the image element before passing it to drawImage, like this:
image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'
Hope it can help someone :)
it saved my life thanks
Most helpful comment
i've tried adding removeContainer: false, but the problem still exists on mobile Chrome