Html2canvas: Such a rubbish library

Created on 4 May 2017  路  3Comments  路  Source: niklasvh/html2canvas

It does not support:-
Strike tags
Div dashed or dotted borders
Css line through.

Like are you serious?
We work for hours and then we get to know such limitations
Useless you are

Most helpful comment

@kunal886496 next time start by reading the readme so you and your rubbish won't have to waste anyone's time.

All 3 comments

instead of giving thumbs down be a man and give a solution

@kunal886496 you are welcome to work toward a solution to the problems you mentioned. This is a big repository with a lot of challenging pieces, it always helps to have more people contributing. As it is, your comments aren't very helpful.

@kunal886496 next time start by reading the readme so you and your rubbish won't have to waste anyone's time.

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